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Use the Power of the Mind to Heal and Transform

Actionable advice.

By Jessica AngryskyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Use the Power of the Mind to Heal and Transform
Photo by Katerina Jerabkova on Unsplash

In recent decades, there has been a revolution in the way we perceive our bodies. What appears to be an object, a three-dimensional anatomical structure, is actually a process, a constant flow of energy and information.

Let's keep in mind that right now, transformations are taking place in your body based on the exchange of atoms and molecules with the rest of the universe, and this happens faster than changing your clothes.

In fact, the body you have right now when you read this article is not the same body you woke up with this morning or the same body you had a few minutes ago.

The power of the mind

The fifty trillion cells in your body constantly communicate with each other as your heart continues to beat, food is digested, toxins are eliminated, it protects you from infections and disease, and it performs countless other functions that keep you alive.

While these processes may seem out of your conscious control, hundreds of studies have shown that nothing has more power over the body than the mind.

The act of thinking is based on the chemistry of the brain. Every thought, sensation, and emotion creates a molecule known as a neuropeptide. Neuropeptides travel throughout the body and cling to the receptor on cells and neurons.

The brain takes the information, converts it into chemicals, and lets the body know if there is a disaster in the world or a reason to celebrate. Your body is directly influenced by these molecules, of course, through the bloodstream, providing the energy effect no matter what your brain thinks and feels.

When you say "I have a sad heart," then you literally have a sad heart. If we could look inside the heart, we would find it affected by molecules that cause stress and damage, such as excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol.

If you say, "I'm full of joy," a scientist might analyze your skin and find it full of neuropeptides that may have antidepressant effects and strengthen your immune system. If you say, "I feel happy and full of life," and you have blood tests, you will find high levels of interleukin and interferon, which are powerful remedies for cancer.

Expansion of consciousness

One of the keys to capitalizing on this unlimited potential power of the mind is to expand consciousness. When your consciousness is contracted, the flow of energy and information in the body is hindered. You tend to get stuck in toxic emotions, such as regret, resentment, and self-pity.

Harmful habits, such as overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, are thus easily acquired. The feedback loop between the mind and the body becomes negative, and stress can also intervene.

On the other hand, when you expand your consciousness, the energy flows freely. You are more flexible, balanced, and creative. See the world with more compassion and understanding.

You have more energy and are open to new possibilities. At this level of consciousness, you have all the power you could need to create a new reality - a reality of vibrant health and well-being.

There are several practical tools that can help you expand your awareness, including meditation and the state of mind.

In addition, a self-conscious approach to life would include the following suggestions, developed by Deepak Chopra with Dr. Rudy Tanzi in the book Super Brain:

  • Live life with passion.
  • Stay open to life for as long as you can.
  • Do not create boundaries through rigid beliefs and prejudices.
  • Do not reject by denying what comes to you.
  • Analyze other points of view, as if they were your own.
  • Take responsibility for making conscious choices.
  • It works on psychological blockages, such as shame and guilt - they falsely color reality.
  • Release yourself emotionally - being emotionally resilient is the best defense against rigidity.
  • Don't keep secrets - they create dark areas in the psyche.
  • Be willing to rediscover yourself every day.
  • Do not regret the past and do not be afraid of the future. That brings unhappiness.

Awareness is not passive. This leads directly to action (or inaction). As you expand your consciousness, you will naturally find the infinite power of the mind to create better health, happiness, and love in your life.

self care

About the Creator

Jessica Angrysky

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