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Top 6 Underrated Ways of Losing Belly Fat

It doesn't have to be hectic losing belly fat

By Meel ImmuPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Top 6 Underrated Ways of Losing Belly Fat
Photo by Pars Sahin on Unsplash

Keeping your midsection in shape can lengthen your life. Heart disease, diabetes, and possibly cancer are all associated with larger waistlines. Additionally, losing weight, particularly belly fat, enhances blood vessel performance and sleep efficiency.

When dieting, it is difficult to focus on belly fat specifically. However, losing weight generally will help you slim down; more critically, it will help you get rid of the unhealthy layer of fat that you can't see but that increases your risk of health problems.

1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber

The gel that is created when soluble fiber collects water aids in slowing down the passage of food through your digestive tract.

According to studies, this sort of fiber aids in weight loss by making you feel full, which causes you to eat less naturally. Your body may absorb fewer calories from food as a result.

Try to include high-fiber foods in your daily diet. The following are great sources of soluble fiber:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Avocados
  • Legumes
  • Berries

2. Don’t drink too much alcohol

Alcohol can be beneficial to your health in moderation, but excessive consumption can be very dangerous.

According to research, drinking too much alcohol may also contribute to belly fat accumulation.

Observational studies have found a strong association between heavy alcohol use and a much higher risk of central obesity or excess fat accumulation around the waist. While you don't have to stop entirely, cutting back on how much you consume each day can be beneficial.

Well over 2,000 people participated in one experiment on alcohol use.

According to the findings, people who drank alcohol on a regular basis but consumed only about one drink each day had less abdominal fat than those who consumed less frequently but had more drinks on the days they consumed.

3. Eat a high-protein diet

A crucial nutrient for controlling weight is protein.

High protein consumption boosts the release of the hormone that promotes fullness and suppresses hunger. Additionally, protein increases metabolism and aids in maintaining muscle mass when dieting.

Numerous observational studies reveal that those with less belly fat than those with more have higher protein diets.

At each meal, be sure to incorporate a quality protein source, such as:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy

4. Eat probiotic foods or take a probiotic supplement

Bacteria known as probiotics are present in several foods and supplements. They aid to strengthen the immune system and enhance digestive health, among other health advantages.

Researchers have discovered that several bacterial species play a part in controlling weight and that achieving the appropriate balance can aid in weight loss, including the reduction of belly fat.

Make sure the probiotic supplement you choose has any or all of these strains of bacteria because probiotic supplements generally contain several different types of bacteria.

5. Reduce your stress levels

By causing the adrenal glands to generate cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone, stress might cause you to put on belly fat.

According to research, excessive cortisol levels cause the storage of belly fat and increase appetite. Additionally, women with big waists tend to respond to stress by producing more cortisol. Increased cortisol contributes further to belly fat growth.

Participate in enjoyable stress-relieving hobbies to aid in abdominal fat reduction. Yoga and meditation are both useful techniques.

6. Track your food intake and exercise

There are several ways to reduce your weight and belly fat, but the most important is to eat fewer calories than your body requires to maintain your weight.

You can keep track of your calorie consumption by keeping a food journal or by utilizing an app or online meal tracker. It has been demonstrated that this tactic helps people lose weight.

Additionally, food-tracking apps enable you to know how much protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and micronutrients you are consuming. Many also let you keep track of your physical activities and workouts.

You can track your calorie and nutrient consumption with free apps and websites.


There are no simple solutions for getting rid of tummy fat.

It always takes work, dedication, and persistence on your part to lose weight.

You will undoubtedly reduce the extra weight around your waist if you are successful in implementing some or all of the lifestyle objectives and tactics outlined in this article.

weight loss

About the Creator

Meel Immu

A writer who teaches, informs and of course entertains readers with educational and 'how to' posts which will help readers discover their own paths and also get information on their personal needs

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