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Tips to A Positive Mental Attitude

Keeping The Faith

By NikkiDeeFit | Nicole DeFelice OliverPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Tips to A Positive Mental Attitude
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

PMA: Positive Mental Attitude⠀

PMA is the philosophy of finding greater joy in small joys, to live without hesitation or holding back our most cherished, held in high esteem, and highest personal virtues and values! ⠀

⠀Here are a few reminders to help cultivate that PMA for yourself:

✨You are powerful, you are the only you that will ever exist…one of a kind ⠀

✨Embrace life - the ups the downs and the in between are all a part of the journey ⠀

✨Realize and accept that you are in control of your reactions and responses ⠀

✨Know that we’re all just figuring it out, no one is smarter or more qualified. ⠀

✨We can’t be compared as we’re all so unique⠀

✨Believe in yourself, love yourself⠀

✨Keep your chill, spend your energy wisely⠀

✨There is no rule book or one way to live or do anything...be creative & do it your way ⠀

✨Presence and mindfulness enriches the journey⠀

Knowing this, it makes it less daunting to shift from being so aware of what can go wrong, worrying, and, staying fixated on this. To allowing ourselves to live in joy, knowing that all feelings are temporary, so why not fixate on the good instead? Live in the good…⠀

Because maybe we fear it’s not going to last? I know I have. But, truly nothing lasts. That's the beauty of the moment. That’s the beauty of letting go of our control, and trusting in the Universe/God/Mother Earth.⠀

When we accept all of our emotions without labeling good or bad, we can ride the wave called life, with acceptance and a sunnier, lighter outlook. ⠀

Side note: Toxic positivity can be very real when we are ignoring our truth, not allowing space for the less than fun feelings that come up, and, forcing an unnatural response to something difficult we go through. ⠀

PMA is about choosing to find the silver lining and knowing that all feelings are temporary, valid. This can allow us to shift to a consistent positive, rather than living in the negative! I don't know about you, but I know how easy it is to fall into cycles of negative thinking, constantly catching yourself saying “why does this always happen to me” or “just my luck." I think many can relate. However, it’s up to ourselves to decide to make that shift, work on a new dialogue we say to ourselves, and, to continue to work towards it, each season of our journey! ⠀

Positivity isn’t being happy all the time. It’s knowing that even on the hard ones, better days are ahead. So keep your chin up. Allow yourself some space, some grace, to observe all emotions you feel without judgement. ⠀

Feeling emotional, or crappy is not bad or make you weak. It makes you normal and is a part of the human experience that no one is immune to. Even the humorous, light, joyful people in your life. ⠀

Especially when you’re working on your personal growth and healing yourself to live into your best self, it’s going to get uncomfortable, hard moments will come. When you acknowledge and learn from the feelings, you grow, so ride it out. The bumpy paths always lead to the best places.⠀

If you’re having one of those days, here are a few reminders for us:

💛 I see you ⠀

💛 Feelings are temporary⠀

💛 It’s a bad day not a bad life⠀

💛 It happens to everyone, you are not alone...⠀

You are human. You are alive, and what beautiful thing that is.⠀

Tips to Cultivate a PMA

1. Expressing gratitude for ourselves and those around us feels GOOD! It gives ourselves a shift in perspective that works for us. Which in turn, gives you the leverage!

2. Let yourself be bored before picking up your phone/screen time again for the umpteenth time to scroll or binge TV during your free time. (You checked in already a min ago girl!!) When we sit with our boredom, our brain figures out what we actually want to be doing with our precious time — hobbies, passions, etc. to mix in. Learn to listen, laugh at, and, love yourself for really living, making it fun.

3. Don’t hold back your service in this world because you fear x,y,z about it. It’s time to shine. There are plenty of people less qualified going for it. You can too and you should just start now. Everyone is focused on their own lives anyway — it’s not that serious & it's safe to test the waters.

4. Action creates change. No matter what your thoughts tell you, replace it with the action that aligns with your most joyful/best self. Prove it wrong. Soon enough that voice will become quieter and you will simply be a reflection of your own positive actions.

5. Free yourself to be yourself. Let go of who you thought you were, to become who you really are. This is part of why it can be so hard to cultivate. Because freeing parts of ourselves that no longer serve us, that have become our identity, feels like we are losing ourselves. But we aren't. We are actually remembering who we are before society and other people got its grips on us. No stigmas or little boxes keeping us small anymore. We don’t have to believe or follow anything or one. We can act however we want, and change anything about ourselves at any point in our journeys. No one needs an explanation to be themselves or to feel forced to uphold qualities/behavior/beliefs/lifestyles that aren’t truly them.

Let’s choose to step into our power each morning & wake with the zest for life we had as children. I promise it’s in each of us, you just have to truly see her as you build a positive mental attitude. Tough times never last, tough people (minds) do.

mental health

About the Creator

NikkiDeeFit | Nicole DeFelice Oliver


My goal is to evoke emotions, senses, & feelings through the power of language/words! I am a Poet & Writer, Certified Personal Trainer, & nature lover.

Your support/tip/subscribe means the world to me, enjoy!


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