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This one is not about oral sex.

Read this, only if you want to learn something new.

By Roscoe ForthrightPublished 3 years ago 16 min read
Only dead people really understand what is going on.

This article will never be as popular as articles about oral sex, the taste of semen and vaginae, or even the lovely stories about romantic anal sex.

This one requires some thought and careful attention, and an honest desire to learn something new about the world in which you live. In other words, this one in not for people with short attention spans, people wanting a quick diversion from whatever else they are doing today.

Even knowing what I write will be read by few people~ I have made an effort to collect some important ideas, ideas which everyone under age 40 should read and think about. This effects your own future in very real ways.

I am not making it up. I am offering you some facts, facts I have gathered after living for 65 years in the United States, and watching our civilization deteriorate--- not that it was ever so very great to start with.

So here we go.....

Reality Check in 20 Line Items.

1. Whatever you learned in school about reality is 90% inaccurate. Useful skills are learned in schools, but all institutions of learning hold bias views about what is, and what is not good for society, civilization, personal health, economics, politics, etc... Millions of people get loads of nonsense poured into their brains, and believe most of that nonsense.

2. Clear thinking and accurate observations are essential to gaining an accurate and useful view of the world in which we live. People who accept, and rely on, the propaganda presented by leaders of government and leaders of business, will always be disappointed. They will be lied to, over decades, and may never reach an accurate worldview.

3. Leaders of government and business, and leaders of science, technology and education are often not deliberately evil, often they simply lack understanding, and are so full of themselves, they do not even look for new and better ways to understand our world. A Prime Minister of Britain, or a President of the United States who orders the death of innocent people, people who are no threat at all to anyone~ such leaders sincerely believe they are working for some higher or greater good, to accomplish some goal they imagine to be worthwhile. In some cases, the only worthwhile thing accomplished is selling more weapons to foreign governments, or securing contracts to make this or that small group of people very, very rich.

4. In reality, our current form of civilization in most places on Earth can accurately be described as economic slavery. An upper class hordes the wealth, and forces millions, billions of people to make money to perpetuate the wealth and increase the wealth of the small upper class.

In the U.S., the small upper class often loses all interest in the welfare of the majority of citizens, to the extreme of looting their retirement plans, and leaving millions of people to struggle in their old age. (This was the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2008, where decision-makers at major banks chose to steal billions of dollars from millions of people. In that crisis, government leaders went along with the looting and even made it worse by bailing-out a few favorite failed banks.)

5. The only solution I see to such huge, global problems is to grow better, smarter leaders within the small upper class, the class which makes all the big decisions. The big decisions are not voted-on by millions of citizens. Only a handful of people make such decisions. Therefore, we need a larger percentage of people in the upper classes with an accurate understanding of the self-destructive results of economic slavery. Leaders with an understanding of Oneness.

6. Line-items no.1 to no.5 relate to our practical lives in the physical world. An understanding of those items is essential to creating Free Will, Free Choice, Freedom of Expression, and essential to creating government, business and economic systems which truly work, and truly improve the lives of billions of people. The Communism Party of China will brag about raising millions of people out of poverty, a noble goal. Except those millions of people remain social, political and economic slaves to a handful of leaders. And have no Free Speech. Democratic and Socialist countries are often no less brutal in suppressing their citizens. In the U.S. we are suppressed by political and economic propaganda, telling us to buy shit we do not need.

7. People who seek an understanding of Oneness must never ignore real problems in the physical world, believing they can rise above, or escape physical reality by spiritual means. That does not work. That has never worked. Most humans must live in Two Worlds, the physical world, with all the concerns listed above, and the spiritual world, which allows people to experience and share Oneness with other humans, and in truth, recognize themselves as essential cells within a Living Cosmos.

8. It is unknown to me what percentage of the ruling elite of our planet seek or understand Oneness, and use such understanding in the daily decisions which effect tens of millions of lives. Judging only by the big decisions made during my lifetime, I can estimate the number of enlightened world leaders is very few. The job of being a world leader of any kind, may prevent those individual people from ever, ever in their entire lifetimes, from gaining an accurate view of reality.

9. So, we have world leaders in politics, economics, religion, science, technology, education, and even the arts, with little or no understanding of the Cosmos in which they live. And, they all make big decisions for the rest of us, based on their inaccurate information and faulty understanding of reality. Mostly decisions are made by vanity, or economics, or self-deception, not by any rational assessment of any specific situation on any specific day. (Nixon wanting to nuke North Vietnam. MacArthur wanting to nuke communist China)

10. In the meantime, regardless of what our leaders do or do not do, each Seeker of Truth has the obligation to build an accurate view of reality in their personal lives, and use their understanding in every choice they make in the larger world: Who they work for, what they buy, who they vote for, and what causes they support.

11. When using my Doctrines and Rituals, followers of Roscoe Forthright, members of each F.R.F. Coven, and Seekers working outside the covens, must remember my Path Toward Oneness is not the only path, and other paths may be better for some people. I state this plainly in Forest Song No.7, verse 7: ~”I never say 'My way is the only way to attain accurate descriptions of reality or peace-of-mind, or Salvation or Oneness'. The major failing of many famous religions is their arrogant belief, their way is the only way.

12. Some Seekers may not have read my First Doctrine, so I will repeat some main points here. These are The Twelve Necessities, a short list of circumstances, conditions and levels of self-awareness all people, in all places, in all epochs of time require throughout their lives.

“I am not gonna stop kneading my meat, until the little thing stops working entirely. In a previous article, I discussed the spiritual potential and religious implications of jacking-off. I mention our predominant and famous religions, our educational institutions and our suppliers of porn have no interest in jacking-off for Spiritual Enlightenment. That concept makes those religions and institutions and suppliers of porn nervous, because this concept means they loose control over our sexual imaginations. They no longer get to make money by telling us what we should think and do, or not think and do. Porn offers more sexual variety than any religion or Ivy League education, but it remains 99% fake, having no real value in our lives. Except, when showing us some fun ways to use dildos, butt plugs and whips, or showing us positions of copulation we may not have previously considered.

Here is the truth: Our personal imagination and our personal intuition add more worthwhile content to our lives than anything presented by established religions, colleges and universities, and all the ten thousand available streaming video channels. Our own minds are our direct link to God, the Universe, and everything worthwhile within human relationships. Some knowledge of history is useful for perspective. The knowledge needed for our specific careers is essential for getting things done. But, the most important knowledge is knowledge about our own selves: what we need, what we want, and why we need and want what we need and want. I have thought about this a long time, and narrowed it down to Twelve Necessities:

1. Spiritual experience. Beauty.

2. Free Will.

3. Primary self-definitions.

4. Secondary self-definitions.

5. Truth

6. Joy

7. Creative action

8. Satisfying work

9. Kindness

10. Social interaction

11. Ideas beyond individuality

12. Courage

Let us consider a few items in detail.

Beyond the basics (air, water, food, shelter and some cash, etc.) these are the things every human on our planet needs to make something good of their lives. Even our billionaires sometimes don't get all they need, because many of these things cannot be bought for any amount of money. Notice, I leave out the word, Love. Love is a given, and is necessarily present in the most valuable things we do. Also notice, I leave out any description of God. Our personal choice of religion falls into Category 3, Primary self-definitions.

It would take a thick book to cover each item in detail. I am just putting the meme into your head for consideration, there are only Twelve Necessities. Only twelve things we all need, to live joyful and satisfying and productive lives. I will give a few explanations to get you started.

Category 1. Spiritual Experience. Beauty. These are often one and the same. A sunset, a sky full of stars are beauty, and reach into us, beyond and learning, or cultural heritage. Beauty is a spiritual experience. We like gardens, paintings, attractive clothes, music, all the arts, and even the beauty of well-constructed ideas, like mathematics and scientific processes--- because humans respond innately to beauty, and beauty satisfies us. Our expensive physical objects, our cars, our cities, contain limited forms of beauty. Extremely limited when compared to our own physical selves, and our own minds.

Category 2. Free Will. Spiritual Experience is probably not possible without Free Will. A prisoner in Siberia can still have Free Will, but it has limited expression. Only a genius like Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn or Olivier Eugène Messiaen can turn a prison camp into a place for artistic creation. We need Free Will and opportunities to use our free will. For example, Free Will is not very useful if one has no money in the bank, and no way of earning money. In those circumstances, Free Will, Democracy and The Greatness of America are fantasies, told by rich people. Free Will also requires a society which allows people to say what they think, without the fear of being jailed or shot in the head. In 20th America, Free Speech has taken a strange turn. It is OK to say what you think, as long as it goes along with the current, popular agendas. One example will suffice: If I stood on a street corner holding a sign which read “Black People Also Kill Black People.”

I would be up for serious public ridicule. Even though I offered a provable fact. In Chicago, in New York, in several other major cities Black people do shoot Black people almost every weekend. Drive-by shootings, gang events, drug deals gone bad. Which leads to....

Category 5. Truth. If we are not allowed to speak the truth, we are not allowed to improve our lives, or do anything worthwhile. In world history, truth is often not discovered until several decades have passed. There are many examples. Here is one: Margret Thatcher and her MI5 leaders authorized the assassination of a popular Irish rock band, the incident known as the Miami Showband Massacre, in July 1975. Presidents of countries in North America and South America, the European Union and many nations have made horrid choices, and told themselves those choices were necessary. Killing an Irish rock band, or any other rock band is never necessary. Most people would know this.”

13. I realize the 12 bullet-points above is a lot to think about. I have thought about such things for over forty years. Do not feel you must assimilate all the ideas I offer, or learn them in any particular order. Choose those ideas which catch your imagination, and run with those ideas. You can return and consider the other ideas later.

14. I will make one more comment about life in the physical world: Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. Voluntaryism does not argue for any specific form that voluntary arrangements will take; only that force be abandoned so that individuals in society may flourish. As it is the means which determine the end, the goal of an all voluntary society must be sought voluntarily. People cannot be coerced into freedom. Voluntaryists seek instead to de-legitimize the State through education, and advocate the withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which state power ultimately depends. Think carefully about this.

15. The final 5 bullet-points concern your Spiritual life. Every Spiritual seeker must live effectively in the physical world in one way or another. You must have some free time and peace of mind, separate from the daily, weekly, monthly and annual demands of your physical needs. You must have some free time and peace of mind, separate from whatever demands your government makes of you. If you allow it, other people will use up your life and discard you like an empty milk carton. From the viewpoint of the powerful, most all of us are entirely expendable, useful tools in forwarding their agendas, but not at all important in as people of free will, people making free choices. Powerful people support free will and free choice only when it lines-up behind what those people wish to accomplish on any given day.

Free will and free choice are severely limited most of the time, and the most effective means for that has been economic slavery, and control over peoples minds and imaginations, through skillful, well-planned uses of loud propaganda. A Spiritual seeker must step past all those manipulations, and create free time and peace of mind, specifically for the purpose of spiritual exploration. That is, the spiritual exploration of your own mind, and reading and understanding written information, like these 20 ideas. There are mountains of spiritual literature, and much of it is worth looking into.

16. Please remember, exploring your own mind, and your own thoughtful, emotional, spiritual and physical connection to Oneness is always more important than the study of any literature. Literature exists to help things along, to give you a few places to start. The literature is never a detailed plan for success. (Though some of it, in some religions represents itself that way.)

17. Stay away from gurus, imams, priests, rabbis, witches and all religious organizations which want your money, and are always asking you for money. If those people and institutions are valuable to you, you will already be giving them money, without even being asked. The people always whining for money are clearly not giving you anything worthwhile. Buy useful things, like shoes, or warm hats or a pop-up toaster.

18. Charismatic, charming people, with good skills for public speaking, are often not the best teachers in the room. Often they are trained parrots, or intelligent ego-driven men and women, who love nothing quite so much as the sound of their own voice. You will learn from such people the how susceptible humans are to self-deception, and how gullible humans are when listening to a charming person.

19. This also applies to many people brought to our attention on the Evening News. Some decision-maker decides: the general public should rally to this or that cause, and they put a face and a voice all-over the Evening News, to broadcast the cause of the moment. This has little to do with reporting accurate information about current events. It is all about steering public opinion for or against some specific issue, for some specific purpose~ and often is about making money for a handful of people who will cash-in on that particular cause or issue.

20. Oneness is not something people create. Oneness is a state of being, like the physical existence of the Sun, Moon and Stars. Oneness connects all people to each other, and all people to the Universe in which we live, connect us to trees, birds, rocks, spiders, slugs, lions, bunnies, wolves, flowers, plants, mushrooms and microorganisms. Few leaders of governments, corporations and educational institutions recognize the eternal fact of Oneness. If they did, those people would behave much differently than they have over the past 300 years. They would never decide mass murder, as in wars, was a good idea, or a necessary idea. Governments would not enslave their citizens, and citizens would voluntarily, gladly, peacefully, joyfully work toward the common good of all people, in all countries.~ I invent no fancy here. Hundreds of millions of people would work toward the benefit of each other, if given the opportunity, and motivated by an innate understanding of universal Oneness.~

As things stand, in most places, our governments and our economic systems willfully prevent hundreds of millions of people from working toward the collective good of all humankind. There are trillions of dollars to be made through perpetual separateness, perpetual clan or tribal thinking, with one nation, or separate groups of people within one geography deciding they are more important and more worthy of money, freedom and cushy living than other groups of people. ~ Sometimes this is not only a division of the upper class from the lower classes, it is a division of self-definition, one religious or ethnic group deluding themselves to believe they, and their culture and their families are more important than other cultures and other families.~

Religions like mine, with sex rituals and group masturbation online are not likely to be received well by cultures and families who are not into that sort of thing. If authoritarians prevail, many of us may end up in jail, or bankrupt, or dead, because some powerful person may decide we where bad for business. We will be accused of moral and social depravity, and internet providers and governments will shut us all down, just for jacking-off with each other, just for having a few hundred thousand cheerful orgasms.

People have been jailed and killed for far less.


About the Creator

Roscoe Forthright

Erotic filmmaker and novelist. I use x-rated heterosexual short films as a tool for spiritual enlightenment. Laugh all you want. This actually works for many people. Fucking is universal! And very popular!

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