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The Law of Attraction is not what you think it is.

Yes, it is based on vibrations, your emotions and thoughts, but it requires action, an inspired one.

By Katarzyna PortkaPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

First of all, this law is omnipresent and universal, just like the law of gravity. You cannot cease using any of it.

Second of all, you have utter control of how you want to utilize and exploit it to your advantage.

What you concentrate on, becomes louder in your reality.

Whenever you start digging deeper into the problem, it expands with more unpleasant details surfacing. That is why the crucial part of exercising the LOA in your favour is guarding your thoughts, putting it more precisely: guiding your stream of thoughts towards uplifting ideas.

Those thoughts consecutively affect your emotions, thus state of being, your essence. Thoughts create feelings which in turn lead to actions and who you eventually become.

Start nurturing your mind by working on self-discipline. Become intuitive, extremely careful with what you choose to think about; do not let your mind wander. Of course, the process will not be fully established overnight as it is a habit you need to cultivate daily.

Crucial component: the intention.

Ask yourself this question plenty of times a day: what lies behind my action, my word?

Behind every intention, the emotion occupies the driver's seat. So when we believe that the new car is what we are after, truly we are seeking a way to make us feel better. It can be an attempt to impress our neighbours, so we seek validation we always seem to lack. It can also be an effort to feel the freedom.

What it all boils down to is the attempt to make ourselves feel better in the act of having it, buying it.

Why am I striving to achieve that goal? Why am I so tempted to criticize this person? Out of jealousy or because the other person happens to present a different point of view? Why am I yelling at my child? Why am I being so harsh on myself whenever I look in the mirror? Do you doubt yourself? Are you feeling not enough?

Pluck up the courage and be honest with yourself. Yes, it takes effort and willingness. Yes, it takes presence to become mindful. However, in order to change any pattern of behaviour, first of all, you need to become aware of it.

Whatever the reason lies behind your action, ultimately, you are going to get more of it as a result. Whenever you enter any relationship out of fear of being lonely, this connection will deliver to you more loneliness or powerlessness eventually. Whenever you perform any act of kindness out of true love, you are bound to reap abundance. Whatever you water your plant with, it grows. What is the fertilizer in your life? Love and gratitude, or fear and jealousy?

What is the story of your dream, the narrative around it?

When you close your eyes visualizing the perfect scenario: do you truly believe it, or is this vision clouded by doubts and potential obstacles?

I find it prevalent to be held up by the expectations of others. However, it is not the outside world that determines what we are capable of, but our mindset and belief.

You need to believe the dream is possible, within the reach of your hands. Close your eyes and whatever adversities may come to your mind, write them down. Those are your subconscious beliefs blocking you from making this vision a reality. Those are assumptions about your life you need to mould into alignment with your desire.

You cannot change facts, but surely you can change the (hi)story. What kind of story do you create around the event? What type of words do you use? What emotions are you stirring inside yourself? Do you let your mind manoeuvre you into whatever scenario you are conditioned to follow? You can perceive the world through the victim mentality or the eyes of a daredevil filled with boldness, joy and faith. You decide.

Are your habits supporting your vision?

Let's say you want to become a yoga instructor but spend more than 10 hours every day commuting to and from your office where you perform the job you once deemed as a perfect idea right after college or because it lures you into a false sense of security. When you come home, you are too tired to work out or record a YouTube video, for that matter. You prefer watching TV shows, reading a book, hanging out in the kitchen or on the phone. I am not implying those activities are inherently wrong, but surely they do not support your vision.

It all stems from no longer truly enjoying what you do for a living = how you are living your life. Your office life is depriving you of energy and passion. Those components are indispensable in reaching your goals, however trivial they may seem to the world. Those are your dreams, and they need no justification to anyone. In fact, the world wholeheartedly supports you, for those dreams have been planted in your mind for a reason.

Once you start making changes in your daily life, more energy and inspiration will start flowing through you and to you. You may wonder what changes should you make. But you already know the answer to this question. Those are ideas coming from the depth of your heart which we usually brush aside as absurd, frightening or too risky.

Are you occupied with what „should be" and forgetting to cultivate what lies in front of you?

"Only that day dawns to which we are awake."

- Henry David Thoreau, Walden

We tend to rush off to the next activity, next destinations, next relationship, next job. We believe in the illusionary promise that somewhere out there, happiness awaits. Just not here, not now.

When in fact, all mystery can be solved by the power of the present moment. Here and now can grant you guidance towards your future. Your actions, thoughts and beliefs about the present moment can predict what harvest you are going to gather.

Once you tender to your present life, everything in the aftermath will blossom magnificently.

Be whoever you wish to become.

Nowadays, I find this sentence particularly overused. I think not many people fully embody it. They might give it a thought, they may agree with it, but sooner or later, it goes out the door. Yet, it constitutes the essence of the Law of Attraction.

Yes, you can indeed generate desired emotions by visualizing. Your mental focus is so powerful that no external circumstances need to be changed in order for your feelings to be transformed.

You can simply feel at peace while thinking about your childhood home. It can also bring nostalgia and anxiety, for the imagery is conditioned by beliefs and narrative you associate with that particular memory. You do not have to physically be at a particular place to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of it. You have the power to control whatever narrative you give behind those mental images conjured up in your mind.

Let's say you want to feel prosperous, secure and motivated. You may be visualizing would-be scenarios, meditate on them, then come back to your daily life with those elevated emotions gradually fading away.

That is why an inspired action is crucial. You will not become prosperous watching YouTube videos all day long.

Once you meditate on your vision, take inspired action, not necessarily connected with your dream straightforwardly. Remember, one inspired action will always lead you to another idea or action causing a domino effect and bringing you closer to your goal, the ultimate feeling.

Create, produce not for the sake of doing something but because of the elevated feelings like freedom and joy the action delivers. For example, writing one sentence will produce another one, and the next thought (finally to achieve the stream of thoughts), and that is how phenomenal books are being born.

You decide which direction your thoughts are going to follow, by mindfully observing them. Be bold. Do not shy away from following your dreams. Whenever you doubt yourself, you give permission for others to doubt your abilities as well. Be confident in knowing your worth, and only then Universe can grant you its equal.

Take it off the pedestal.

It is a universal law: when you chase something, it has a disobliging habit of slipping away.

Striving for something at any costs is a low vibrational place to be as it spreads the disease of „more". Whenever you are chasing something, you automatically imply that the goal is running away from you. Whenever you stress the need to give more, you are pushing it away. You can learn here why letting go is actually allowing the magic to unfold.

From the moment of waking up, we have been conditioned to act, to tick off our to-do list for the day. Such habits bring our mind into stress mode, and you cannot rely on it in the longer run. Once you relinquish all the control, put absolute faith in the wisdom and flow of life, you accomplish it all.

You can visualize the desired outcome, ideal situation every other day but just for the sake of feeling better, not because it is the most crucial task of your day. Your peace of mind, joy from everyday life, ability to feel gratitude for small things are your priorities, and everything else revolves around it organically.

Nurture patience.

After planting a seed, you do not hover relentlessly above the ground picking out sprouts. Time is needed to pass. A period to nurture, rest, assimilate to weather conditions and harvest. The keyword is faith, nurtured by patience.

The moment your vision sprouted in your mind, you need to become ready before it can manifest so you can gather up your strength and resources. GMO is destructive for your health, yet nobody is shaming quick results, especially in our hectic, instant world.

Take the time to get to know yourself. What scares you the most? Read the signs. Open up to the world and opportunities presented to you because sooner than later, there will come a change, and you are going to regret not being mindful and appreciative of things that have passed.

I like to think of the Universe as a director of life. Since I am the main hero of the story, I dictate the unfolding of it. But it is the director who provides the setting and the people I am surrounded with. For example, when you see a character wailing and crying, would you be tempted to grant it with sunny beach, Hawaiian shirts and piña coladas? Or would you be more willing to place this character abandoned by his friends, eating junk food on a couch? It is an exaggerated example but serving a bigger purpose.

Yes, the Law of Attraction is about vibrations, emotions, mental state, but it will not deliver desirable effect unless supported with inspired action.

What inspired action is not:

  • hard work,
  • forcing yourself into doing something because others are doing it or find it successful,
  • analysing,
  • complaining,
  • stressing over the outcome.

Inspired action means:

  • pleasure,
  • satisfaction,
  • strong pull towards doing it even if it means changing your routine because it does not bother you

Being in tune with your goals and visions (on an emotional level) will lead you through the path of the best possible outcome. Whenever your peace and clarity become disturbed by trying to solve the problem, arguing or proving anybody wrong, those practices disrupt your vibrational focus.

Whatever you do out of inspiration will bring more of it. Suddenly, you find yourself more productive at work which you thought was robbing you of happiness, or you may come across another inspirational book or hobby which will take you in a completely new direction.

We like to call it synchronicities, sheer luck, but it never is. Coincidences are nothing else than incidences that coexist together because of vibrational harmony with each other. It all falls into place, just like an exquisite puzzle.

You are a magnet. Take care of your essence as you are emitting frequencies and vibrations constantly. You cannot switch it off or take a break. Whatever you are experiencing, you are attracting.

Take a look at what have you manifested so far and make a decision to go in a specific direction.

What is the essence of what you are thinking about?

What is the foundation of your every action?

What lies beneath every intention?

That is exactly the vibration you are emitting to the Universe and creating your reality upon. In the end, the only manifestation that matters is how you feel.


About the Creator

Katarzyna Portka

Mindset coach. Writer. Reader. Coffee enthusiast. Tolkien’s fan living in Harry Potter’s world.

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