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The efficacy and function of ginger

Because ginger contains gingerol, gingerene, aquacene, citral and aromatic and other oily volatile oil; There are also gingerol, resin, starch and fiber.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The efficacy and function of ginger

1. Cool down, refresh and increase appetite

Because ginger contains gingerol, gingerene, aquacene, citral and aromatic and other oily volatile oil; There are also gingerol, resin, starch and fiber. Therefore, ginger in the hot season has the role of excitement, sweating, cooling, refreshing; Can relieve fatigue, fatigue, anorexia, insomnia, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other symptoms; Ginger and stomach, appetite, summer climate is hot, saliva, gastric juice secretion will be reduced, thus affecting people's appetite, if you eat a few pieces of ginger at dinner, will increase appetite; Ginger also HAS RELIEVING or analgesic effect on stomach disease, gastritis and gastric duodenal ulcer caused by pain, vomiting, pantothenic acid, hunger with ginger 50 grams of decocted water to drink, can make symptoms quickly eliminated.

2, antibacterial disease prevention treatment of enteritis

American and Danish scientists have proved that ginger powder can relieve headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of motion sickness, with an effective rate of about 90%, and the effect can last for more than 4 hours. Folk use ginger to prevent motion sickness, seasickness, some with ginger paste Neiguan point, has an obvious anti-halo effect.

Midsummer season, bacterial growth and reproduction is unusually active, easy to pollute food and cause acute gastroenteritis, at this time, appropriate to eat some ginger or tea with dry ginger boiling water after drinking, can play a role in prevention and treatment. Scientists have found that ginger can act as certain antimicrobials, especially against Salmonella. Ginger has the effect of killing oral pathogenic bacteria and intestinal pathogenic bacteria, with ginger water gargle treatment halitosis and periodontitis, the curative effect is remarkable.

3, appetizer and spleen heat relief

In summer, people are greedy for cool, like fan air conditioning to blow, it is easy to get cold, cause a cold. At this time to drink ginger water, will help to expel the body cold. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger can "connect the gods", that is, refresh the mind. When fainting from heat stroke in summer, a cup of ginger juice can make the patient soon wake up. To general summer heat, the performance is dizzy, palpitation and the patient with chest frowsty nausea, eat a bit of unripe ginger soup appropriately greatly beneficial. Rendan, a traditional Chinese medicine for heatstroke prevention, contains ginger, which is intended to invigorate the stomach and refresh the brain

Hairdressing PREVENTS SENESCENT ginger TO CONTAIN THE COMPOUND OF A KIND OF SIMILAR SALicyLIC ACID, BE EQUIVALENT TO THE diluENT OF BLOOD AND ANTICOAGULANT AGENT, HAVE SPECIAL EFFECT TO REDUCE BLOOD FAT, REDUCE BLOOD PRESSURE, PREVENT MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. Therefore, ginger can prevent aging. In the Ming Dynasty's "Miracle Cures", the prescription says: "Half a catty of ginger dates, half a catty of white salt, half a catty of grass (licorice), half a catty of clove aloes, half a catty of eight fenise, steamed or boiled, it is like a treasure to trim this medicine. Drink a cup every morning, and your face will never grow old." Gingerol has a strong anti-lipofuscin effect, ginger slice or shred, soak in boiling water for 10 minutes, add honey mix, a cup a day, can significantly reduce age spots. Can also be chopped ginger mixed with a small amount of salt for a long time to eat, to remove spot effect is also good. Gingerol has a stimulating effect on the heart and cardiovascular system, can accelerate blood flow, promote sweat, take away excess heat in the body, has the role of detoxification, beauty, weight loss. Health vinegar made of vinegar dipped in ginger, acid with ginger incense, can be used before meals to appetizer, help digestion, soften blood vessels, so many people love.


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