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The 10 Laws of the Universe You Need to Know

Here's what you didn't learn at school

By Iris EspanenzaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The Universe isn't as complicated as you may think. I'm glad you've found this article, but perhaps you're hesitant to read it because you've been taught to believe that anything related to energy, vibrations or the universe is stupid, hippie pseudo-science. This is exactly what I used to believe. But I'm here to tell you the opposite - the 10 laws I'm about to share with you are 100% credible, scientifically proven ways of understanding the physics of life, and the role your mindset plays in it. Let today be the day where you start interacting with your reality in an active and beneficial way.

Here are 10 Laws of the Universe that you can incorporate into your daily life:

1. The Law of Divine Oneness: This law states that everything in the entire universe is interconnected. Your thoughts, desires, physical state, the choices you make, and the environment around you are all connected and simultaneously working together and reacting to each other as one entity. This means that you will directly impact the people around you in the same way that they impact us. Remember this the next time you find yourself believing that you don't matter, or that you have no effect on the world around you. You most certainly do.

2. The Law of Vibration: Everything is constantly moving - every atom in the universe is vibrating, and there is a push and pull happening in every aspect of our lives. Just as the push and pull of gravity is one of the most basic laws of physics, this is one of the most fundamental laws of the universe, which will be a recurring theme in this article. You are fundamentally a force of energy.

3. The Law of Attraction: This is the most famous law that I'm sure you've heard of before. Like the previous law, it simply states that you attract anything on your vibrational level. Particles of like vibration will be attracted to each other - therefore, if you operate at a low/high or positive/negative vibrational level, you will attract within that energy field. It's basic physics, which you can use when meditating or manifesting to attract goodness and positivity into your life - or likewise subconsciously attract negativity, through fears and limiting beliefs which lower your vibrations. You may notice that when you mingle with low-vibrational, negative people, you'll also feel yourself feeling more negative. Energy is quite literally contagious.

4. The Law of Inspired Action: as well as sending out 'good vibes' in order to receive positivity back (commonly known as Karma in Hinduism), you also need to act on it. This is one of the most commonly overlooked steps in manifestation or attempting to enact the Law of Attraction - in the universe's eyes, actions speak louder than thoughts. I truly believe this law is crucial in attracting what you desire into your life - you must take inspired action towards your goals.

5. The Law of Correspondence: this relates to how our subconscious patterns rule our entire lives. It has been said by many psychologists in the past, such as Freud, that we can't begin to imagine the extent to which our subconscious memories, desires, and beliefs about ourselves impact us on a daily basis, and determine some of the biggest milestones of our lives. There is also the theory that we can inherit generational patterns that we didn't necessarily develop, but have been passed down to us through our environment or epigenetics. These patterns can be positive or negative - it's up to you to determine which patterns are no longer serving you, and get rid of them.

6. The Law of Perpetual Transmission of Energy: this one's a mouthful, but it operates on the principle that small shifts can create major results. In the same way that a butterfly flapping it's wings can create a hurricane thousands of kilometers away, tiny little habits in your day to day life (positive or negative) can actually have a major effect on you, in ways you may never know. We've seen this throughout history in social revolutions, that it only takes one person or action to create a seismic shift in society. On a more personal level, becoming aware of your daily habits and recognizing the importance of baby steps can help you enact major change in your life.

7. The Law of Polarities: when there's light, there's dark. When there's up, there's down. Polarities are a part of the human experience, and can be seen everywhere in your life. We can't succeed without failures, and we can't enjoy the highs without suffering the lows. This is how we learn and evolve as human beings. Recognizing this can help you practice gratitude for the times when life is good, as well as seeing the 'lows' through a neutral lens, as a learning experience and a necessary part of life that needs to happen.

8. The Law of Giving and Receiving: like the Law of Polarities, we should attempt to maintain and value balance in our reality. With this principle, you should make sure that in every aspect of your life, you are open to receiving just as much as you are giving in order for the universe to work in your favor. If you're someone with limiting beliefs like "I don't deserve happiness", or if you struggle with accepting and appreciating the positivity in your life, you are giving the universe a clear message that you don't want it. This applies to all contributions to the world (work, love life, family, etc). Unfortunately, we are rarely taught how to actually receive as opposed to giving, which is something you'll have to learn for yourself. Here are some links that may help:




9. The Law of Compensation: in direct link to the previous law, the Law of Compensation decrees that whatever you give out, you'll receive. Whatever effort and hard work you pour into a school/work project for example, you'll receive back in some form - whether that be positive results or feedback, or recognition from peers/colleagues, teachers/bosses. If you engage in an discussion by entering with hostility, expect to receive aggression back. Essentially, you reap what you sow.

10. The Law of Relativity: this final principle states that everything is on a 'spectrum of expression'. The ways you express yourself as a human being, (your clothes, hair, demeanor, body language, personality, etc.) all operate on a varying spectrum, due to societal constructs that tell us one way of operating is 'good' or 'bad'. If you wear clothes a certain way, you are fashionable. If you look a certain way, you are ugly. If you act a certain way, you are 'weird'. These are the parts of our reality that society labels as positive or negative. We can choose to buy into these societal constructs and let it to negatively impact our ego and happiness - OR we can choose to accept that life can be viewed on a spectrum of perspectives, all of which are equally valid. But ultimately, we get to determine our reality, and recognizing that everything in our world is relative can help us do so.


About the Creator

Iris Espanenza

Just a girl trying to figure out life in a modern world.

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