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Surprising Fat Loss Facts

Take Control of the Fat in your Body

By Sam AGPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

It is impossible for you to lose fat at will, you are not born with the right genes for fat loss, your genetics determine the characteristics of your fat loss process, and your fitness level is not set in stone. Your goal of "magical fat loss" isn't possible.

Your body doesn't respond optimally to fat loss. The trick is to control your body's response to getting fatter to favor fat burning.

Even if you can manage to lose weight, you won't lose all of the fat in your body, which won't automatically help you in your quest to lose fat. Fat cells are broken down after the body is exposed to food, just like other cells in your body are, and just like you body metabolizes fat just like any other nutrient.

So instead of starving, focus on counting calories instead. This will encourage you to be creative and embrace the fact that you can't always count calories. You have to balance macronutrients and micronutrients with calories, and if you do that, you'll be much better off than if you just follow the "calories in = calories out" mantra.

So instead of starving, focus on counting calories instead. This will encourage you to be creative and embrace the fact that you can't always count calories. You have to balance macronutrients and micronutrients with calories, and if you do that, you'll be much better off than if you just follow the "calories in = calories out" mantra.

If you can't change your diet and you still want to drop weight, treat your metabolism and weight loss like it's a car. Get it ready to go. A car needs to be filled up for maximum performance. If you aren't running it at a reasonable 80 to 90 percent capacity, you'll quickly stall your weight loss. So, if you're looking for success, treat your metabolism like your car. If your metabolism is low, get it in running order. If your metabolism is high, you can expect to lose weight.

A calorie is a calorie, but what's important to understand is that when people choose a healthy diet, they're selecting low-calorie foods — low to medium-low calorie foods.

A calorie is a calorie, but what's important to understand is that when people choose a healthy diet, they're selecting low-calorie foods — low to medium-low calorie foods. The problem with using low-calorie foods as a tool to lower your sugar consumption is that the number on the label doesn't really tell you the total quantity of calories in a serving. If you're like many people, for example, and you know that a serving of red meat contains between 2,000 and 4,000 calories, that means you're consuming one and a half to two and a half ounces of red meat per day — depending on what cuts you buy. This number is just a ballpark number, not an accurate reflection of a person's total intake of calories. For example, you may not really understand the nutrition inside every burger and every rib-eye steak, but you can make an educated guess that a 2,500-calorie serving of steak is not a two-ounce steak, even if it is quite large by your definition.

SImilarly, if you buy a 28-ounce bottle of soda every day, but get only about six or seven ounces of actual soda to drink, you may think you are getting eight ounces of soda, and not six. You'll have difficulty judging these differences. So be cautious.

Here are some facts that will surprise you.

1. The average woman loses 12 pounds in 24 hours.

2. Your waistline affects your health in many ways.

3. Diets high in fat make people "hungrier" than diets that focus on carbohydrate.

4. A high-protein diet can increase your energy.

5. Most calorie-controlled diets fail because the intake of certain nutrients is missing from the diet.

6. Obesity is not a disease, but a symptom of metabolic problems.

7. The most efficient way to lose weight is to avoid this myth: "You're only human."

8. The sex hormone leptin decreases with obesity, but people with an elevated leptin level may feel "feeling less fat," and who wouldn't want that?

9. An enlarged pancreas, whether or not it's pancreatic cancer, decreases muscle mass.

10. No wonder weight loss is a mystery, unless you are able to detect the cues of deception that have made weight gain inevitable.

What is known about exercise's effect on body weight:

Increasing the amount of physical activity improves health in people with high levels of insulin.

Increased physical activity appears to also increase appetite, which can help people lose weight and prevent weight gain, even in people who have lost weight on their own.

But aerobic exercise has no effect on weight loss in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Aerobic exercise may be most effective for maintaining weight loss in people with high body fat and low levels of physical activity,

In conclusion Fat Loss is not a miracle diet by any means. Instead it is a specific combination of a calorie dense and a carbohydrate rich, that will help you to lose weight fast and maintain it more easily as you gain back muscle. Each of these components is powerful in its own way. However, each of them is supplemented by other components which carry an added weight. You need to learn to balance all of these elements in your diet in order to achieve your goals. As you gain knowledge of how the components interact with each other, and how they interact with fat, lean mass and muscle mass, you will become more adept at learning how to make the optimal meal plan to suit your body's needs. This will make the rest of the nutritional plan easier to follow and reduce or eliminate the risk of missing out on vital nutrients.

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