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Starter Crystals

A Quick Introduction into Crystal Healing

By Anastasia McGowanPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

You might be interested in crystals and their natural properties to heal what ails you, but unsure where to start and which ones you may need. This will serve as a beginners guide to examine what is going on with you mentally, physically, or spiritually to determine what crystal or crystals will be best.

To get started I'm just going to go over the words aura and chakras in just broad terms. This is just to give you an idea how crystals can play a role in healing your body and bringing you back to a balance. Aura is described as being an energy field that not only surrounds people but animals as well, its a flowing colorful energy field that is produced from the seven chakras. There are crystals that can help balance the chakras that in turn balance the aura. The crystals that I am about to list are just suggestions based on my own experience with them. You are not limited to just the ones on this list for a starter set. It is important to remember that crystals can be grouped by their healing properties as well as their color. Getting a crystal that is a particular color can be used to heal that color's chakra that it represents. For example, the throat chakra (vishuddha) is blue, so a blue crystal such as a Celestite, or Blue Lace Agate are good to balance it. I'll explain the use of color coding crystals to aide in chakra healing in another post. For now, I'll just list the crystals I believe are good to start with.

  • Rose Quartz: Pink in color, rose quartz is associated with love, that can be self-love, or helping to attract the love we deserve, romantic or otherwise.
  • Quartz: Clear in color, quartz has the ability to amplify energy, yours or the energy of other crystals. It can help release energy as well as absorbing to save it for later.
  • Amethyst: Purple in color, amethyst is associated with the crown chakra (Sahasrara), good for meditation and has a calming effect on the user. Promotes emotional, spiritual, and physical balance.
  • Carnelian: Orange in color, referred to "the setting sun" by Egyptians, it is the stone of courage, endurance, motivation, and leadership. It is said that the carnelian can also purify the blood.
  • Larimar: Blue in color, larimar is associated with the goddess and divine femininity, as well as the throat chakra (Vishuddha). Aids in communication and allows you to speak with clarity, soothes and heals emotional stress. This stone has the ability to work with all the chakras, keeping them balanced and in tune with each other.


About the Creator

Anastasia McGowan

I have things that I am good at and I have knowledge about some things too, I just want to be able to share and express myself for other people to enjoy 🌻

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