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Spiritual auras

Ever wondered how to read auras? Ever wonder what the colors mean?

By Emily HowellPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Sometimes the act of just being near someone we love, or whose energy inspires us, can be comforting and provide a physical sensation of warmth and ease. We can call that invisible something around us our "space," or "energy field," but the spiritual term for it is an aura. All living things are surrounded by an aura.

Try rubbing your palms together furiously, generating heat. Then stop and let them drift slowly apart. The energy you feel between them, the vibrations, the trembling, and the remaining heat. That is your own aura. In a way, whatever we are feeling inside is reflected outside. If we are out of balance, someone who can read auras can see that. An aura has seven layers called the subtle bodies, and these layers can fluctuate in visibility and size depending on the person's internal state. So someone's aura does not always look the same and is not always the same color. Everything depends on which layer is dominant at a specific moment.

ETHERIC AURA • This layer lies closest to the physical body. At its resting state, it extends only one to two inches outside the skin. It contains information about a person's physical well-being. This is what can be seen through electromagnetic or Kirlian photography. Its color typically varies between blue, when the person is more sedentary and tends to be emotional, and gray. when the person is more active.

EMOTIONAL AURA • This subtle body extends three inches from the body and pertains to a person's emotional state. The emotional aura can be any color and may contain blotches signifying different emotions. If the person's emotional state is confused or conflicted, the aura will appear muddied.

MENTAL AURA • This aura extends eight inches from the body. If a person is deep in thought, this layer will appear bright yellow with colors sparking depending on which emotions are associated with the thoughts.

ASTRAL AURA • The first three aural layers are grounded in the self. Starting with this layer, things get a little wild. The astral aura is closely tied with the emotional aura, but it reflects the higher self or the best version of ourselves. When we are in love-romantic or platonic-it glows pink. This layer is the bridge to astral projection, and it extends about a foot away from the body.

ETHERIC TEMPLATE AURA • This aura extends about two feet from the body. and it can be very difficult to see and to understand. The etheric template aura is essentially a blueprint for all physical life. It appears as a dark blue.

CELESTIAL AURA • This subtle body extends about two and a half feet from the body. Its colors tend to be shimmering, soft pastels, and the layer represents our communication with the Divine. Emotions of ecstatic love tap into this layer, as love is our strongest connection with the spiritual realm.

KETHERIC TEMPLATE AURA • This aura extends approximately three feet from the body and shines like a structured web of gold. If the celestial aura relates to our emotional connection with the Divine, the ketheric template aura is tied in with our mental and spiritual knowing. Our intuition resides here.

Though we are all able to sense auras, not everyone is able to sense every layer because the layers lie on top of one another, so that what we are looking at is a blend of all the layers. This still gives us a lot of information and allows us to interpret what we see. An aura will rarely be just one color, but frequently one specific color tends to dominate. If that color is clear and bright, the aura is considered healthy., but if it is dull or “mud” the person may be experiencing some emotional issues.


First, get comfortable sensing auras. We all do this instinctively, so it's just a matter of consciously paying more attention. Take a person on the train or sitting near you in the park, and observe them. What is your gut reaction? Use all of your senses, if you can-what do they look like, sound like, smell like? What is your emotional response? Go ahead and assign that person a color. Try not to pin down any meaning of the color in your mind first. Just go with your instincts and intuition.

Next, try utilizing your peripheral vision. Out of the sides of our eyes we often half-see objects and colors that aren't really there-or at least aren't usually visible. Our peripheral vision provides us with far more information than we normally allow ourselves access to. If you look at the person out of the corner of your eye, do you sense a color? You can develop this peripheral vision through practice.

To take a more intentional approach, ask the person to stand in front of a white wall, and sway gently from side to side. Use a soft focus to look at them. Allow your eyes to blur. Don't strain or squint-this isn't something that requires good eyesight, as it isn't really about seeing at all. Any colors that you see in the space the person just occupied will indicate their aura.


A red aura can be difficult to interpret, as it can indicate either positive or negative energies. Use your own emotional response to the person's aura to help you figure that out. Red can mean healthy pride and sense of self-worth, or it can indicate anger and anxiety. From a physical standpoint, a red aura provides a picture of the heart and blood circulation.

Dark red: This usually indicates someone who is centered and grounded, with a strong sense of self-preservation.

Muddy red: Indicates anger.

Bright red: Passionate, competitive, sensual, and energetic.

Pink: Artistic and loving. If this is not the person's usual aural color, it may have turned pink because they have recently fallen in love or are feeling love more profoundly at that moment. It may also indicate that the person possesses psychic abilities.

Muddy pink: Indicates deceit and emotional immaturity-which is frequently the cause of deceit.


An orange aura generally means that the person is healthy and full of vitality and energy. It also provides an understanding of what is going on with the person's reproductive system.

Red-orange: Indicates confidence.

Yellow orange: This person is creative, intelligent, and a perfectionist.

Muddy orange: This person is feeling laziness or a lack of ambition. They may also be emotionally clogged and unable to move forward.


This person is optimistic and full of life and fun, though a yellow aura may also indicate that the person's liver or spleen is malfunctioning.

Pastel yellow: Optimism and spiritual awareness.

Bright yellow: Struggle for personal power.

Muddy yellow: Indicative of fatigue, from trying to do too much all at once.


Many teachers and healers have green auras, as do those who work with the natural world. It is the color of love and healing. Someone with a green aura works to help the world in whatever way they can. A green aura also provides information on the health of the heart and the lungs.

Yellow green: Excellent communicator.

Bright green: Natural healer.

Muddy Green: Jealousy, insecurity. This person has trouble taking responsibility for their actions.


People with blue auras are calm and compassionate, sensitive and intuitive A blue aura may also tell you something about the state of the thyroid.

Turquoise: Powerful healer, particularly in the realm of emotional and mental health.

Light blue: Truthful and peaceful.

Bright blue: A spiritual intuitive. May be able to read other's thoughts or futures.

Muddy blue: Deceitful, though not out of malice, but instead out of fear.


Those with purple auras are deeply spiritual and possess extraordinary gifts, though a purple aura may also indicate that something is going on with the nervous system.

Indigo: A daydreamer, but in the best possible way. This person can make the world the way they wish it to be.

Violet: Psychically powerful and wise.

Lavender: Imaginative and creative.

Muddy violet: This person's psychic gifts are being blocked by some internal force.


A silver aura is indicative of abundance, either spiritually or monetarily. On the other hand, a gray aura indicates that the person is filled with fear to the point of suffering physically. Someone with a gold aura is in direct communication with the Divine. Many of our great spiritual leaders, like Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Dalai Lama would have gold auras.


If someone's aura is black, they are pulling all energy toward themself, like a black hole. These individuals are psychically or physically wounded and trying to heal themselves, however ineffectively.


White indicates newness and purity. Celestial beings are said to have white auras. Someone who is enlightened may have a white aura, though children often have white auras as well.


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