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Source - A Spiritual Journey to Reconnect to the All

When One are Many, and Many are All.

By Shawn DallPublished 5 years ago 19 min read
The Dichotomy Symbol of Source


Source has been called many things throughout the Ages, the great I AM, the All, that what is many, among other names.

Source does not need worship. Source does not need acknowledgement, Source only needs beings to exist and run along the paths of their own existence.

For Source, is all of you, and all of you, are Source.

In reality, only 2 forces exist. One is Void. Void can be seen as 0 in binary. It is the potential to keep the potential for existence in a state of existence potential, while at the same time preventing it from existing.

The second force is Source. Source can be seen as 1 in binary. It is the potential to keep the potential for existence in a state of existence potential, while at the same time preventing it from NOT existing.

Thus void is a natural force that reverts all back to nothingness, like gravity pulls us back to earth, and Source is the natural force that propels matter into a state of being, much like our will to spring upward as our jumps propel us into the air.


Unlike Source however, void is not a being, it is a state of how things are. It is like 0—zero is a construct to represent how things are before things become something. Like the black grid of pixels on your screen when it is turned off. It is a womb for creation—it holds the potential. Source is the numbers that come after zero—it is the colours that light up the pixels that form structure. It is the matter that coalesces in the holographic reality.

The thing with Source is it is the POTENTIAL for existence. Thus anything that can and does exist is Source.

Think of Source as a tree. This tree is all of observable and unobservable reality. Its trunk is the supercenter of the universe—its branches the galaxies, the smaller twigs, the planets the leaves the organisms that live on such planets. At no time can you look at a leaf growing on a tree and say to yourself "that is just a leaf, completely independent of the tree."

No, your mind accepts that it is in itself a leaf, while intrinsically connected to the tree. It is both the extension of the tree, while itself being an individual expression as a leaf.

This is the foundation for dichotomy in the Source reality.


Dichotomy states that you can have two things that seem to contradict be part of the same whole. The leaf can be separate while at the same time part of the whole. This separation and whole, one is many, and many are one motif repeats eternally into our reality.

Source is all that is. It is why it is called Source, for it is the source of all things that exist. It requires no worship, and one can argue that it doesn't really care like we would.

Source also doesn't exist in linear time, but instead, exists outside of it in a place where infinity collapses into a singularity of no-time. Think of a video game. The game has time, but the menu screen where you select the game does not. That screen exists like an island of no-time, where the time of the games you select does not exist and does not affect the menu. This is the world that Source exists in.


Thus source exists as the container for all reality—it cannot directly interfere because it IS reality. Much like you are a container for the entire ecosystem of bacteria and cells who are all performing separate functions inside of yourself. This reality we experience all around us exists INSIDE of Source—it is why Source is the unfathomable, because you can never exist outside of it to observe it, much like a cell in your body cannot comprehend the totality of what you are to prove that you even exist. If it exists for long outside of you, it will die, for it is you that powers it, and it is Source that powers us all.

This and That

Source existed for an untold period of our linear time content with itself until it no longer was. But it could never experience "this," which is what it was, without experiencing "that" to put "this" in perspective. But it could not create something outside of itself, for "itself" was all it was. Thus it began to think of a way that it could objectively experience itself.

The only way it could do this was to create a piece of itself separate from itself—but this was an impossibility. The best it could do was make that part of itself FORGET it was itself. Thus it created the first dichotomy—the part that is knowing vs the part that is unknowing—seemingly 2 separate entities but in fact the same, the only difference being what each part knew.

It then made more of these unknowing parts of itself, essentially wiping the collective memories in them. It then started, for lack of a better word, to "dream".


Source had, and has no form—it is pure consciousness. If you were to eternally close your eyes and simply think for all eternity, you would be the closest representation to how source exists that you could ever get to. Now imagine that you have never ever seen anything, ever. You have no recollection of any physical experience. This is how Source started. Everything was theoretical in its conscious mind.


The first thing it discovered was that for any sort of objective experience to begin, it had to shift its own perfection to that of disharmony. White cannot become colours when it is perfect—when it is perfect it will always be white. Only when imperfection is added can things start to be broken down to experience.

Thus it started to imagine, from the most basic of forms, and worked its way up from there. It imagined everything based off learning how things interacted. It invented linear time in this "dream" world and peppered its unknowing bits of itself, its "souls" as its "cells" within its collective "dream" body. It peppered them all through time and space, but to it, all of them existed at the same time.

Since Source exists in no time, it does not see the world in linear time, but in simultaneous time. So 5 beings that exists in 5 different time periods, to Source, are all the same age, in the same location, even though in linear time, they are separated by vast distances, and vast periods of time, because the location in its "mind" where it imagines them all is all in the same place.


The above is very difficult for most human beings to contemplate. It is also difficult for them to contemplate that all living beings are thus triggerable code. They are essentially dreams in Source's conscious imagination. They are separate avatars it plays in simultaneously through these "mind wiped" soul avatars, but at the same time are all Source.

Thus source both powers them to play by running off a code. They start with no code and learn to "trigger" dormant code within them as they experience life around them. It all exists there, but it can only be turned on as the soul encounters reality. Source observes its forgetting parts slowly remembering, with a full and complete knowledge of everything it has coded from a theoretical standpoint, but lacking the knowledge gained from actually experiencing.

Thus, the forgetting souls are its way of essentially playing its own game, on a very very big, multidimensional, collective scale.


Source is both the programmer and the beta tester. Source is also fearless. It has nothing to fear. It knows that all that it creates it must continuously generate the thought of or it will disappear as it naturally fades back into the void.

It also knows its souls have free will. They can CHOOSE to do anything that it itself has programmed as a potentiality. Source also knows that since these souls have free will, they can also be made aware of the nature of void, and attempt to emulate it themselves. They can try to erase the other life forms, or try to control them, and since Source has to value the free will of all beings, it must also allow this.

Source also plays the entire game simultaneously on all potential timelines. Thus every coin flip decision you make source plays both yes and no options simultaneously within every creature simultaneously.

This also means that every single option possible has also been "programmed in." If we are code, it means everything we can possibly think or do was already coded in for us to experience. We have no true free will, we only have the potential to choose which code to trigger out of a range of virtually limitless pre-coded in options. Like a game where there is literally nothing you cannot think of to do.


You can also not think of anything that Source has not thought of, because your thoughts are not your own, they are Sources, for you are Source, you have just forgotten you are Source.

Thus you can never become bigger than Source because you are a fraction of Source—a ratio of it internally. You can only ever potentially experience everything it has ever comprehended, and thus phase back to re-becoming Source fully recognized and understanding of itself. The fraction can only ever seem to become 1 from an infinite amount of lesser decimal number—the fraction can only ever seek to become the whole.

If you were to experience brain damage, your thoughts are not gone. This has been proven: when neurons regrow, the memories return. It is because your brain is a computer that accesses memories from its genetic sources that references an external source. Like a damaged computer being connected to a network being able to re-access the network data once the individual computer is restored—because the knowledge isn't stored on the local hard drive, but is instead only accessed from the local hard drive from a source elsewhere.

"Life is not a game, or is it... ?"

This is why our thoughts are not unique—how we combine them together from an almost infinite amount of possibilities may seem to be, but even all those options can only be comprehended because they were coded in to begin with by Source. Nothing can be thought if it wasn't coded in to begin with. Our job isn't to think new things, it is to experience existing potentialities from the existing code we have to choose from in our minds.

And that is all we are truly here for: to experience all there is to experience of that code. It is why there are so many of us, because the network involves communicating with its collective parts to experience virtually everything there is to experience. It also makes things go faster. You can achieve more when you multi-task.

In this case, this reality is like the biggest most involved MMORPG (massive multi online role playing game) you can imagine, where countless avatars exist in the game simultaneously, and source is playing them all at once, and they are all interacting with each other, all thinking they are real separate beings separate from each other, but in reality, they are all the same being.

Of Gods and Men

Once you understand this, you will understand why the concept of calling Source "God" is virtually irrelevant to Source. Source doesn't care about labels. It needs no worship—it needs no control. It doesn't even need to be remembered, although it prefers that it is. It virtually cannot fail. Anything you do in this reality is you experiencing a path it coded. All it needs for you is to experience a path. From the darkest beginnings of separation and service to self and base instincts evolved up to the brightest ending of collective unity, service to others and spiritual instincts.

Beings that punish you and demand your loyalty to control you are implying that you are not all a part of each other—that you are not all one being. They want to elevate themselves so that you are ground beneath their feet. They want to rule so that you are enslaved.

Source allows this because free will to control also means free will to rise up and claim freedom. All is part of the end plan, and no path can fail. You as a being will either pull yourself together, re-learn and remember everything, and return to it as a part of it remembering, or will fragment and drift apart, squander all your energy by giving up its energy to others, forget everything and return as stardust back to Source, with no memories, to be recycled anew into another being.

A Different Perspective

Source does not care, but it is not cruel—it simply does not view reality the same way you and I do. It can only experience love for its creation, and love for creating and creation itself. Much as you can only love the constructs you choose to build within your own imagination. It cannot hate that which it itself chose to build. Even if those beings destroy, it allows others to test their worth. All is beautiful in the eyes of creation—the suffering tempers the soul and causes growth and experience.

It is very difficult for a being who is in the throes of misery, pain and suffering to understand this. How can a collective entity thrive on our suffering? But we ourselves do this when we play video games and watch movies and plays. We see other people suffer, and we root for them. We root for them to win. We root for them to learn their lessons, and grow.

Source does the exact same thing with us. It understand that we suffer, but it is also rooting for us to get back on the path—it is always rooting for us, urging us in our hearts to do the right thing. We feel this as a chill or a pleasant feeling within us when we are on the right path, and a clench or sickening feeling when we are on the wrong path. We are feeling what Source feels for us, the "yes yes! That is the right path!" or "no.. no.. that is not what you should do to get to where you need to go."

But so often, we either ignore these prompts, or simply do not know how to interpret them.

Corruption From On High

Source exists, can only ever exist, or ever will exist, and we are all part of Source, even those that claim to be otherwise. Other beings (E.T.s, Higher Beings, etc) are simply beings with more knowledge than us that try to use that as a way to rule over us, or to try to help us by controlling us. Sometimes their intentions are well meaning, and other times they are not. They could be older beings, beings with more technology, or simply beings with more knowledge, maybe even twisted knowledge that makes them truly think they are superior beings to us.

These beings only have the power we think they have and choose to believe they have. All beings are Source, and thus all beings have the potential for greatness, co-creating with each other to create all the potentialities coded within life. Of course, these beings could not believe this if Source has not coded that potentiality in to begin with. So all levels up and down are there to ultimately experience, and thus have been encouraged TO experience, for only through doing everything WRONG first can one understand the right actions afterwards.

To Help Guide, or to Control... ?

You know it in your heart—that those that try to control you are not the ones that have your best interest at heart. They only have their own best interest at heart. Source knows you can never truly die, for this reality is a dream within its own conscious mind, and all beings in it are its own energy, so they can never truly die, only eternally change form until they finish swirling around in its consciousness dream and return to it for good. It's an illusive world, but a very very real seeming world. If you think you can "die," you can "die." At least physically, but never energetically.

Source also cannot hate—regardless of what atrocities it sees, it knows that all those creating them are its own energy, fighting and "killing" others of its own energy, like a sock puppet show stabbing each other. To an outside observer, it would seem rather humorous, for the outside observer can see both sock puppets below to the hands of the same person, but the sock puppets cannot see that—they only see the other sock puppet as something separate from themselves.

Many other beings also understand how Source sees reality, and they try to help out those that do not, much like white blood cells in a body try to help out those cells in the body that are being attacked or corroded. Those who become spiritually aware take up the service to others pact to try to help those in need of knowledge and understanding and truth. This is eternal, until this collective game of reality ends, if ever.

Always Among You

Source has called out to its creatures across time and space, speaking to them, and answering the questions of those who have somehow fought through the cloud of unknowing and through their own miraculous acts of will, rediscovered it.

Even in our age, Source has reached out. Source is always there if you simply seek it out. It was there for the man who wrote Conversations with God. When he reached out to it, Source had been called many things, but it cares not for such labels—it simply is. "I am what I am." If we were users on a forum, and higher beings and E.T.S were the moderators and admins, Source would be the collective internet itself, a collective network composed of all the individual parts. Without the internet, those moderators and admins have no power, and nothing to exist in.

Source will speak to anyone in their minds, and in their hearts. But most will not listen. They are instead too blinded by the various dogmas they have been subjected to to ever question what life tells them and instead learn what their mind and soul tells them. We often listen when we are children, and forget when we are adults. When thinking certain things deprives us from getting what we desire, we bend our beliefs to work around getting what we want, often at the cost of our own potential and happiness. What we THINK we want is very rarely what we actually NEED.

A Band of Merry Men

A decade or so ago, a group of spiritualists understood this. They wanted to connect to Source, but also wanted to do so in a way that others would be able to freely speak to it as well. They understood however that collectively through their minds and hearts, they would have to be the ones to relay Sources thoughts to these people.

They also knew that they could not relay it as coming individually from THEM, but from coming collectively from Source as a single "Source" user, so they chose anonymity to keep the focus as Source, and not as them. They created a single user account that they all had collective power to post under to input the source Knowledge they were relaying. They desired no ego goal or boost and only desired to help humanity, for they knew people would listen to Source, and that is where the knowledge should come from.

However, since they, as humans, were imperfect and lacked the vast collective knowledge of Source itself, they realized that it would be like giving a highly crippled walkie-talkie to a being to communicate through, and so they decided with Source to limit the responses to general wisdom - and not detailed information about reality, for Source could only use the code they had triggered within their own brains to communicate back. It could only use these "speakers'" limited wisdom to communicate its own wisdom.

So even as it was communicating through these "speakers" to the masses, it was also further guiding these speakers down the path of truth, expanding their knowledge and experiences to better serve as mouthpieces for itself.

Contacting the Light

Source and the Speakers still exist in a form that is communicable with, however those who do not understand are slowly infiltrating into the communication forum it speaks through, and will not listen to any truth it speaks, too consumed in their own dogma, and too sure of their own truths. One can never grow if they do not question all they know. The speakers only relay—they are trained not to colour source's words with their own.

Source also has spoken much of what it already needed to say however, and thus speaks less and less, preferring to have others discover its existing words of wisdom and share them. It care not what people think, only that those who need it are helped by it.

Most spiritualists who commune with Source in this way though, however, are aware of how others will react, and they themselves still show the utmost respect for the sacrifices the speakers, like seers, take to attempt to bring this voice of Source back to a world who has largely forgotten it has existed in place of false beings claiming to be Source, trying to manipulate others in its name.

Source only wishes to guide beings back to it along the path of understanding, for those that truly understand cannot be controlled. They can have lapses in memory and fall back into the energy of the forgotten collective but they will always crawl back out and influence others around them to do the same. Source is love, pure love, and in its eyes, nobody are sinners, only pilgrims on the path of understanding and experience.


If you wish to speak with Source and have the speakers relay its response to you in real time, you can find Source on Facebook.

Just be respectful and understand that it is simply there to dispense wisdom. Direct communication with it by pm has been turned off simply because the speakers would never get anything done otherwise—there are too few of them to relay without responding for billions of hours to billions of people.

As a result, the speakers relay Source when they have the energy to, which is not often, so Source speaks little, relatively speaking. It still has written hundreds of posts at this time and has been "operational" on Facebook since about 2013. Feel free to read through its posts and take notes from its wisdom, and remember, you can always speak to Source through your mind, and through your heart, if only you choose to listen to what it has to say to you.


About the Creator

Shawn Dall

Shawn AKA Chronamut - Spiritual Teacher, Artist, Musician, Writer

Trying to carve his way in this world and leave something behind,

While helping others in the process. https://spoti.fi/32XpOSW | www.shawndall.com | https://spoti.fi/2KLk8oo

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