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Shamanic Tales & Other Psychical Phenomena

Duality: part 1

By A.J. BaldwinPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

Out of the stillness beautiful moments are quite often born, like a seed suddenly sprouting in the darkness of the earth or when you, and another, are intimately interlocked, gazing into each other's eyes realising that beyond the avatar, you are but one. If you can just stop the flow of data that is, and by data I mean thoughts.That stillness can produce almost anything. Sometimes an epiphany but normally, some image from childhood; a flashback of a heart healing scene between Mother and Son. Before the neglect, narcissism and the wounding to ones own core occured - don’t be triggered by the labelling of narcissism, we’ve all fallen into the same lake and drowned -Yet this time was more enigmatic. The third eye or the Ajna chakra as the Hindu’s would say, was dormant for most of the meditation. As I succumbed to gratitude and not frustration, out of the stillness she appeared. Firstly revealing her button black eyes. I waited in awe. Frozen. Soon after, a flawless snow white fascia came into view which made her eyes larger and even more soul consuming. She must have glimpsed my astral body way across the ethers sticking out like a broken fence post. Her white porcelain beak and orotund breast came after and finally her coverts and remiges were revealed fully spread in all their glory. Who was this marvelous creature? I’d never had a Barn Owl as a guide before. Up until now there had been Black Panthers, Andean Mountain Cats, even Bald Eagles and African Elephants but never anything as ethereal and delicate as the Tyto Alba. I remained in her stillness looking for clues and listening for answers. I asked telepathically who she was but no answer was given. My eyes continued to scan her plumage. I was drawn down to her talons; holding no mice but a note, just as I spotted it, the neatly rolled scroll unraveled and read the words I Love You. It ended with a kiss. I felt my heart beginning to open, and the list of potentials posing as their spirit animal shortened dramatically. As she hung there gently suspended in the ethers I wondered who it could be? Now, I’d been told to be visited by an Owl was a sign it was time to let your creativity flow. I was glad of the advice but still in a state of confusion as to whether an ex lover, mentor or someone I’m yet to meet. No sooner had she arrived, she had vanished, I’m not even sure if it was a she! It’s always the way in these realms whoever you meet in the ethers will never give you all the information… that would be too easy and nothing about being on earth was easy, it was simply a test. Luckily for me there wasn't even time for the frustrations of the creative process or to over think what had happened, I had work to do...

What to come of the evening was still a mystery but all would reveal itself sooner or later. We both knew why I had come. The evening began with lentil curry my friend -let’s call her Hannah- had beautifully prepared. It progressed to the sounds of a podcast with an author who’d discovered a link between Ergot: the fungus found in mouldy rye grains and their psychedelic effects to the Foundations of Christianity. Fascinating! Not to mention the Eleusinian mysteries, their initiations and similarities to that of the South American Ayahuasca ceremonies. Although intrigued to step into the Bardo once again and practice more pranayama whilst under the influence of LSD, I remain on hiatus from psychotropics until all implants have been removed from my energetic systems; false memories can be devastatingly traumatic and cause frustrating timeline changes within the quantum field.

As the evening continued and in preparation for her extraction, I didn't discuss the process too much if at all, as not to worry Hannah. I wanted to keep her in a more positive frame of mind.

They hate that! Positivity that is, and every other wonderful emotion to grace these dimensions. They can’t stand it! And they can’t stand it because it doesn’t feed them. As Chi, Prana or life force, whichever you prefer to call it, nourishes the body; fear, guilt and shame nourish them and they will continue to feed on it until you cut the cord or heal the wound or learn the lessons from which these emotions arise. They don’t like this either “they” being the daemons, the entities, thoughtforms, archetypes and or programs. They dislike the higher frequencies like slugs do salt. We all have these imprints, living in the unconscious, and hanging off our energy bodies. They’re shaping our lives without consultation; some acquired, some created and for the truly courageous, some are born with them.

Trying to keep the atmosphere light before the extraction I introduced my friend to the wonders of light language and how it can be used to clear away parasites collected from our nightly journeys to the astral realms. She was amused to say the least, as I was the first time I'd heard it. Once past the laughter it’s a very useful tool.

Time was pressing on, I couldn't postpone this session any longer - despite the tension accumulating in my solar plexus - as I had been guided to help Hannah. I’d come a long way too, before ending up back in the North previously i’d been in the French pyrenees running around the mountains channelling ancient dogs but that's another story.

I asked Hannah to turn the lights down, lie on her bed and wait for me there while I began to smudge the rooms and seal the apartment. After I was satisfied our perimeter had been secured we continued. Whilst she made herself comfortable, I sat on the floor in the middle of the room - feeling I had most control of the environment here - I'd left the balcony door ajar to let the sage do it’s work and draw out any unwanted energies and cleanse the air. Now I’m aware using sage is a closed practice but “you gotta do what you gotta do” as they say.

I began to guide Hannah through breathwork deep into her unconscious.The breathing allows the body to relax and the mind to slip from alpha into theta brainwaves, it’s here the unknown becomes known and where healing occurs. We invited our guides and ancestors into the session to help hold the space and offer protection. We asked if in fact there was an entity to be released and the ancestors, both mine and hers suggested there were. Moving into the finer details of how it attached itself and why, I tuned in to my innervision and began to see the answers appear as images to the questions I asked her. We were getting closer; we had the location, some sort of large gathering with tents. It looked to be some sort of music festival. They’re rampant at those events as everybody is usually highly intoxicated and so their energy bodies are left wide open inviting anything in. This comes from experience and not judgement. I learned this the difficult way. Further guidance into the depths of her memories and prompts from my visuals helped uncover it. As Hannah finally remembered the incident, The entity revealed itself to me. First, a spindly grey arm then a hand with elongated fingers with nails to make you heave. It was holding a noose around her neck. This is exactly how they control you energetically, you wouldn't even know. I'd heard of this archetype: the violator, cunning pests would be a kind way of describing these things and kindness was exactly what you needed to get them to leave. I followed its arm up to its head which revealed even more repulsive features of which would make a dehydrated Angler fish retreat in horror. I could feel the evil seeping into the space like a wet paintbrush dipped in clean water and it made my stomach turn. You mustn’t succumb to the fear otherwise you're giving them the upperhand and their greed knows no bounds. I felt the urge to burn more sage, not sure what good it would do, I did it anyway. As the sage burned furiously and hotboxed the room, I continued to guide Hannah through the extraction and for the first time that night I saw my ancestors. Placing a hand on each shoulder and kneeling down beside me. It was my grandparents; my Grandfather on the left and Grandmother on the right. I could feel them more strongly than ever before, I'd never experienced their presence like this, It didn't occur to me at the time I might be out of my depth - I assumed it was loving support - but maybe I was. I gripped the quartz, knuckles white and blood drawn. The entity had spotted me in the realms, It looked straight at me, smiled a sinister grin and pointed one of it’s wretched fingers at me as if when done with Hannah, I was going to be it’s new toy. By now, too many things were happening. I was losing control of the situation and I could feel the polarity changing...the fear was rising, I could feel myself panicking and I was treading deep water. Out of the abyss, I was struck with a powerful electrical charge emanating from my torso both violent and tainted. It was the entity, the breath had been knocked out of me and sent my heart rate into cocaine territory. All unknown to my friend of course. I could feel the resistance, this entity wasn't leaving easily and I had to fight for both of us, the quartz was taking a pounding and I was at risk of taking on this entity or worse setting it loose. I centered myself and sank into my heart space, I searched for a love unconditional, which is more difficult than you think under the circumstances. No longer could I feel my ancestors' presence. I’d never felt more alone…the current still rampant in my body. I whispered to myself

“This can not happen!” I had to reclaim my space and the only way i knew how, was to speak my truth,

“I renounce all contracts with the darkness and you must go towards the light'' I said like a crazed evangelical preacher straight out of the pulpit, the universe loves the dramatics. I said it again. I could feel the energy diminish and my heart rate slowed. The image of the entity was leaving my energy field, it was crossing over toward the light, I said it again, to myself this time and my body knew it. The vibration of the words echoed through my cells, all three trillion of them. The entity left my body like pulling off a jumper, the kind your Grandmother would knit, the itchy ones you hated to wear but your parents insisted on. While any residual energy left my body and headed back to the ethers - hopefully not to another avatar - I felt a strange sensation in the lower left side of my abdomen (feminine side), Alarmed as it felt like a large opening had either just been created or sealed up in my subtle energy body. I couldn't tell which but I could feel a tingling sensation tracing the outside of the opening as if a laser was burning data onto a blank disk. After being filled with a surge of energy, I asked my friend if she were ok although I surmised she was, and completely unaware of what had actually happened. I left her to come around in the three dimensional realms once again and headed into the hall to the mirror. I wanted to make sure I wasn't shapeshifting with that entity. A good indicator to me, of removing such energies would be a sudden clearing of the eyes - they would, as I'd like to put it, become brand new. Gazing into the glass I was met with limpid orbs with a certain mousseaux about them. A moment of excitement rinsed me and a sense of gratification, I had done it! Always warned by my mentor that once you open someone up “to get the hell out of there” I'm not sure I ever understood this phrase. Was it that he meant for me to physically leave or to remove the “hell” from the person? In writings of teachers from the same lineage it’s said, sometimes up to three Shaman would be present depending on the type of entity, as you would need watchers and protection while performing the extraction. So I'm not sure whether it was courage or stupidity that got me through it. Checking back in with Hannah she was a little groggy but in good spirits. She had said she’d felt the energy release from her body akin to a serpent shedding old skin. Worryingly she described the same energetic symptoms only on the right side of her abdomen (masculine side). My thoughts instantly pondered the questions: Were we somehow connected? More deeply than the streamers that connect all life... Twins perhaps, from the same Monadic Soul? Although something felt amis to find your twin so close to home! Pleased to hear she was feeling better, my intuition kicked in, I decided we needed some trees just to make sure we were clear.They’ve always helped clear the subtle energy bodies when needed. I've become great friends with many trees since working with them in this way. England's woodlands have some wonderful spirits within them. Sadly these were just a little bit out of reach for our urgency. We were nowhere close in the middle of this suburban industrial town yet fortunately there was a single willow tree just at the end of the road close to my residence and I suggested we head there. I grabbed my quartz and put it into a black drawstring bag, it was still far hotter than i’d imagined and the energy made me nauseous. Hurrying us along and leaving her building with the bag at arms length, Hannah looked concerned, I joked about feeling like being a ghost buster. In times like these laughter goes a long way; the vibration of laughter is widely used in shamanic practice, in particular some Afican Sangomas are renowned for their laughter when dealing with the darkest of entities. The truth is, I had no idea what I was going to do with this crystal. I placed it on the back seat of the car and upon arriving at the Willow I asked if I could place it against the tree to see if this had any effect, the tree agreed. Hannah and I stood with the Willow in silence. It was late, cold with a mist rolling in. Hannah and I stood with the willow in silence and began our energy exchange. It's always a beautiful feeling knowing that Lady Gaia has your back when you need it. Feeling better about the residual energy being cleared and I could see Hannah was getting cold, we said goodbye to the Willow and each other. I just hope her fields were clear otherwise more work would need to be done. I arrived home around midnight and immediately inspected the crystal. It’s polarity had barely changed whilst it was leant against the tree, much to my disappointment. Thankfully that evening we were blessed with the light of a full moon, so I would leave the crystal outside on the earth where it remained until signs it were cleared and charged. It would take almost three weeks of moonlight and earth burying for it to come close to what it had been. Still making me belch any negative energy if I held it for too long. In the end, I’d discovered the best way to charge it was under running water for around thirty minutes or so. It's best to use a fresh stream or the ocean for optimum results. Moreover the real issue became apparent around two days after the extraction when working with another, much to my horror the violator entity reappeared during a trip to the astral realm and this time, twice as stubborn and even more threatening.


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A.J. Baldwin

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