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Scientifically proven supplements that work

Not everything is snake oil!

By Digicash420Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Scientifically proven supplements that work
Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

There are several supplements that have been scientifically proven to work. One of the most popular is Creatine, a supplement that has over 45 scientific studies proving its effectiveness in building muscle & strength. Another widely popular supplement is Beta-alanine, which is relatively new but quickly gaining popularity.

The list below contains 5 other supplements that have also been scientifically proven to work. The listed benefits do not include the overall health benefits of each supplement.

#1 Creatine

-Builds muscle & strength by initiating the ATP-PC energy system, allowing for increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

-Prevents oxidative damage by increasing cellular glutathione levels.

-Increases exercise performance in successive bursts of short-term, high-intensity exercise by regenerating ATP stores.

Supplement type: Powder (Creatine Monohydrate)

#2 Beta-Alanine

-Prevents lactic acid build-up by increasing the carnosine levels in muscle cells. Lactic acid is what causes that burning sensation when doing an intense exercise such as sprinting or weightlifting.

-Increases strength by increasing calcium ion release in muscles, resulting in more cross-bridges and a greater muscle contraction (1).

Supplement type: Powder (Beta-Alanine)

#3 Whey Protein

-Optimal source of protein for building new muscle tissue and improving muscle recovery (2).

-Contains a high amount of leucine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis and inhibits its breakdown (3).

Supplement type: Powder (Whey Protein)

#4 Green Tea Extract

-Increases metabolic rate by stimulating the fat burning process and increasing levels of norepinephrine (4).

-Caffeine in green tea extract increases fat oxidation and free fatty acid release (5).

Supplement type: Powder (Green Tea Extract)

#5 Multi-Vitamin/Multi-Mineral Supplement

-Contains all the essential vitamins & minerals.

-Most don't contain enough Vitamin D, which is associated with decreased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc.

-Vitamin D is also associated with increased testosterone production by up to 32% in both young and old men (6).

Supplement type: Pills/Capsules (Multi-Vitamin)

#6 Whey Protein Isolate

-Contains 90% protein, making it a more efficient source of protein compared to whey concentrate which only contains 60% protein.

Supplement type: Powder (Whey Protein Isolate)

By HowToGym on Unsplash

#7 Eurycoma Longifolia

-Also known as Tongkat Ali, is an herb native to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It has been commonly used in traditional medicine.

-Scientifically proven to increase testosterone by 42-61% in infertile men (7).

-Also shows effectiveness at preventing osteoporosis, bone fractures, and increasing muscle mass (8).

Supplement type: Powder (Eurycoma Longifolia)

#8 HMB

-Suppresses protein breakdown and stimulates protein synthesis (9).

-Decreases muscle damage and soreness after exercise (10).

Supplement type: Powder (HMB)

#9 ZMA

-Magnesium and zinc work together to increase testosterone levels, while vitamin B6 helps to convert that T into a more bioavailable form (11).

-Zinc and magnesium are also involved in regulating cortisol levels (12).

Supplement type: Pills/Capsules (ZMA)

#10 Glucosamine Sulfate

-Increases collagen synthesis, which is needed for creating new ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

-Decreases joint discomfort by decreasing prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4. These are inflammatory mediators produced by the body in response to joint damage (13).

Supplement type: Pills/Capsules (Glucosamine Sulfate)

#11 Royal Jelly

-Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that contains 10% of all the proteins found in the beehive (14).

-Increases testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), all of which are anabolic hormones that promote muscle growth (15).

Supplement type: Powder (Royal Jelly)

#12 Whey Protein Concentrate

-Provides more methionine than whey isolate, which is needed to produce glutathione (16).

-Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant and is found in every cell.

Supplement type: Powder (Whey Protein Concentrate)

#13 Saw Palmetto

-Blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is known to cause baldness and prostate enlargement (17).

-Prevents cancer by inhibiting cell division in already cancerous cells. This helps stop them from growing further and spreading throughout the body (18).

Supplement type: Pills/Capsules (Saw Palmetto)

#14 Urtica Dioica

-Stimulates the immune system and increases antioxidation (19).

-Can be used as a natural remedy for arthritis. If taken for this purpose, it is best to take with bromelain which helps increase absorption (20).

self care

About the Creator


I am a blogger, I also write on medium and have a website. The URL is digiwhealth.com

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