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Saffron improves eyesight up to 95%

Saffron improves eyesight and protects the retina from macular degeneration

By Buyer FatinPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Saffron allows you to recover your eyesight, protect your eyes and counteract the macular degeneration that occurs with age. Here's how it should be consumed.

Loss of vision and degeneration of the retina occur frequently after the age of 50 and in Italy it is estimated that more than 3.5 million people suffer from it. In 2020, around 196 million people are expected to be affected by age-related macular degeneration and 41% of them will develop blindness.

As we age, we begin to feel the first symptoms of aging and one of the most common conditions is the weakening of sight. Macular degeneration is the main cause of irreversible blindness in the west.

The macula is the central part of the retina that allows you to distinguish the details and is indispensable for recognizing, when reading, one character from another or, in vision from afar, the features of a face. It therefore allows us to write, read and guide.


Macular degeneration consists in the death of the retinal cells of the macula and is manifested by these symptoms:

Image distortion in the center of the visual field (i.e. where you look)

Altered vision of colors and contrast

Decreased vision

Deformation of the image and the disappearance of a part of it

In the more advanced stages a black spot is perceived in the center of the visual field


Many risk factors have been observed that favor vision loss and retinal degeneration:

Cigarette smoke


Diabetes mellitus

Sedentary life

Diet low in vitamins and fatty acids (omega 3)


Prolonged and repeated exposure to very intense light sources (e.g. monitors, smartphones at night, cold white lights at home or at work, bulbs with high watts)


The healing power of saffron for sight

Macular degeneration can be prevented and slowed down a lot through the ingestion of a greater quantity of some plant carotenoids.

Scientists from the University of L'Aquila led by Professor Silvia Bisti have discovered that Saffron has an exceptional effect on the genes that regulate the performance of the photoreceptors of the eyes and not only protects them from the damage that occurs with age but can slow down and even reverse the course of macular degeneration.

Scientists have published several studies on this. They found that saffron can improve visual acuity and sensitivity to light, even in people with the first signs of vision degeneration. The result was impressive as patients experienced such a significant improvement in vision that they were able to read two more lines on the table which is commonly used to measure vision gradation.

Saffron is a precious and very expensive plant used for thousands of years for multiple uses including that of preparing delicious dishes. Few knew, however, that it offers enormous benefits for our eyesight. Actually Saffron was also used for medical applications and has a long history of healing in Asian traditions.

For example it is useful for the treatment of a variety of ailments such as menstrual pain, menopausal problems, depression, chronic diarrhea and neuralgia. Modern medicine has also discovered Saffron has anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic properties (prevention of cell mutation by protecting DNA), immunomodulators and antioxidants.

According to Prof. Bisti Saffron is not simply an anti-oxidant, but seems to have a number of other properties that are specific in protecting the eyes since it influences the genes that regulate the content of fatty acids in the cell membrane and this makes the photoreceptors stronger and more resistant.

Increased protection of the eye from the harmful effects of light has been observed in studies of animal models with a high saffron diet - something we all suffer when we expose ourselves to bright lights such as in workplaces or shopping malls or simply standing in front of the pc for hours. The researchers saw that the animals gradually regained their sight as saffron repaired the cells of the retina.

In her studies, Professor Bisti used small quantities of saffron (20 milligrams) which, however, was chosen of the best quality in order to meet specific chemical and neuro-efficacy criteria.

How to use saffron

Saffron can be used to prepare the famous saffron risotto (also called Milanese risotto) but it is also excellent with couscous and in many plants where in addition to giving a tasty flavor with a very intense color note.

Since using saffron in recipes every day can be difficult and even suboptimal, you can follow an excellent remedy to enjoy the benefits of saffron for your eyesight. Simply mix 0.1 gram of saffron in a glass of hot water which you can sweeten with a pinch of honey. The ideal is to drink it before going to sleep.

In addition to promoting visual health, saffron purifies the blood, reduces triglycerides and cholesterol, improves blood circulation and helps in the treatment of arthritis.


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