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Proper Nutrition and Healthy Systems

Goodbye to diseases anymore

By Macy BrooklynPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Proper Nutrition and Healthy Systems
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Day by day, the study of nutritional sciences and the search for healthy diet strategies are becoming more and more important due to the changes taking place today in the world of food; Both in terms of biological changes affecting food; Or as a result of human interventions in the world of food from the use of hormonal substances, preservatives, and various pesticides. Therefore, it was necessary for us to search for different ways to follow sound health systems in the context of proper nutritional confusion. Which prompted us to present this article to clarify a set of courses on proper nutrition and healthy systems.

Perhaps these courses will help us to be more aware of the complex relationship between us and food. In addition to the possibility of working as a nutritionist to help others acquire appropriate nutritional immunisations.

Kansas State University Associate Professor Brian Lyncheld offered this free course via the Alison platform as part of the Alison Specialist Diploma. This educational path was satisfied by the registered students after more than 100,000 students attended the course.

The course covers a range of different nutrition topics which include plant and animal chemicals; In addition to various vital processes starting from digestion, absorption and excretion, to cover the processes of protein synthesis and metabolism. And an introductory brief about the world of vitamins, minerals and fats.

The Open University has provided OpenLearn as an educational platform since 2006 under the Royal Charter of England and Wales. It is a charitable organization committed to providing a unique educational experience for all. The site contains more than 900 short courses, the duration of these courses ranges between one and 100 hours; It contains hundreds of videos, audios, games, articles and tests.

The platform in this course provides an introduction to the main minerals and some important vitamins for the body. When you register for this course, you will learn distinctive information about the importance of different minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and chloride; In addition to enzymes and hormones and their relationship with vitamins and minerals. This course also provides you with a section dedicated to learning about the composition of drinking water.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to explore the amount of vitamins and minerals in food, to learn about the importance of these elements and their distribution in different foods.

The Academy of Health Sciences offers this free online course, broken down into six nutrition modules and geared for beginners, yet it provides an overview of nutrition concepts, beginning with an introductory session that includes a questionnaire, three practical tasks, references and tests.

During this course, you will learn a set of concepts including the components of a balanced diet, information about nutrition and energy sciences and the concept of superfoods (foods rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber and nutrients).

This course was highly rated by the people registered for it, who numbered more than 15,000 registered people. This is an ideal introductory course of 1-2 hours in length; Across three modules, it covers different concepts and definitions about fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Future Learn is an electronic learning platform, offering a range of courses from various institutions and universities around the world. Through this educational course, various concepts of nutrition and food safety are presented, in addition to providing a summary of the impact of diet on public health, the problems caused by poor food choices, and how to identify food additives harmful to the body.

Co-founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, edX includes thousands of classrooms from the world's top-ranked universities. It has over 70 million people enrolled and offers many of the best free online nutrition courses; Therefore, it is an excellent choice for fans of nutrition sciences who want to enter and learn this field.

As indicated by the name of this course, it is intended to provide an overview of the relationship between cancer and the foods that cancer patients eat. It also covers guidelines for preventing cancer. The course context tends to dedicate various parameters to clarify the relationship and interaction between genes and food, and their impact on cancer. It provides a set of nutritional recommendations for cancer survivors.

Coursera offers thousands of online courses from top international universities and majors. By registering for this course, you can learn about one of the best nutrition and health systems courses. This is through five units that focus on the concepts of obesity in children, balanced food, in addition to shopping and ways to cook healthy meals, sustainable eating, food allergies and many other concepts.

This excellent course is offered by Monash University via the Future Learn platform. It provides concepts of the relationship between health and nutrition, as well as the mechanism of using food therapeutically.

So when you enroll in this course, you will get a glimpse into the history of the therapeutic use of food. It will also give you a range of information about phytochemicals, various nutrients, and antioxidants. Then you'll be taken on a journey into the realms of the relationship between food, mental and digestive health, and the role of nutrition in your pregnancy, fertility, and genetic development.

In the end, be sure to choose the course that is best and most suitable for you; Choosing the right course plays a role in how you accept the information, and how well you acquire the information you want to learn.


About the Creator

Macy Brooklyn

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