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Problems in the Medical Industry That can be Solved by Technology

The medical industry is one of the most critical industries in the world. However, it is also one of the most complex and challenging industries.

By Dr. Christopher ZedPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Many challenges and problems need to be solved to make it more efficient and effective. This article will discuss the most significant issues in the medical industry that technology can solve.

Lack of Communication

The first problem is the lack of communication between different medical professionals. There are many silos in the medical industry, making it difficult to share information with other professionals.

Technology can help to solve this problem by providing a platform for medical professionals to communicate with each other more easily.

Difficulty in Health Care Access

There is difficulty in accessing care. This is caused by a lack of doctors and medical professionals. Technology can help solve this problem by providing telemedicine services, allowing patients to access care from anywhere.

Medical Errors

Technology can also help to solve the problem of medical errors. By providing a central platform for information, it will be easier for medical professionals to access and check the accuracy of information. This will help to reduce the number of mistakes that are made.

High Cost of Care

Technology can help solve this problem by making it easier for patients to access care and providing more affordable options.

Lack Of Transparency

This can be a significant issue for patients trying to understand their options and make informed decisions about their care.

Technology can solve this problem by providing platforms for patients to get information about different treatment options and compare various providers.


Throughout his entire life, Dr. Christopher Zed has had a strong interest in technology of all kinds. As an adult, Dr. Zed has chosen dentistry as his career path, and even in his daily work, he continues to be amazed by technological advancements. The dental arts may not seem to have changed much to the average person, but Dr. Zed knows that technology is constantly adapting and innovating in order to provide better diagnostic tools and treatment methods.

Over his 25 years of experience in the dental field, Dr. Zed has seen firsthand how much technology has shaped the industry, from Dentists to Surgeons and Researchers. One such piece of tech that Dr. Christopher Zed is thrilled to see gain momentum is digital communications systems for patients and care providers. To Dr. Zed, it is crucial that patients understand the care they are receiving, why they are receiving it, and what their options are. Connecting directly to patients has never been easier, thanks to digital tools.

Additionally, treatment methods that have come about due to technological advancements have continued to remain on Dr. Zed’s radar throughout his career. Over the years, dentistry has evolved into a preventative field, which means more opportunities for patients to utilize new and better products. Dr. Christopher Zed works to identify which products will best suit each patient’s needs. In conjunction, he uses the most recent technological innovations to help prevent major dental work down the road.

Although technology is prevalent in Dr. Zed’s line of work, it has not only permeated his professional life. At home, he enjoys exploring new pieces of technology, from smart home features to the latest smartphones. While many of these innovations are targeted toward the average consumer, Dr. Zed keeps up-to-speed with them not only for his personal benefit, but to remain cognizant of where technology may take his professional endeavors in the future.

Dr. Christopher Zed is a Dental Surgeon, owning Bayview Lonsdale Dental in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is also the Principal Associate for Apna Dental Vancouver and Delta. Throughout his career, he has held several roles in the industry, from hands-on to educational. He has also served as the Chief of Dentistry for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, where he spoke on the importance of dentistry for athletes. When not treating patients, Dr. Zed is spending time with his family, skiing and hiking, or watching the Seahawks.


About the Creator

Dr. Christopher Zed

A respected professional with over 25 years of experience in dental health care, Dr. Christopher Zed is a Dental Surgeon and the owner of Bayview Lonsdale Dental in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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