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Out of My Body

A year in 2017

By RebeldePublished 4 years ago 8 min read

I started about ten years ago with a lot of self growth I started learning how to meditate and I started learning how to quiet my mind. Quiet my mind to the point that it was almost scary to not think about anything. How did I even manage to learn that because my mind has always been a busy highway of thoughts.

2017 was one year I will never forget from a growth standpoint. Not only did I lose 4 family members that year but, I endured so much emotional stress. My body felt numb I felt out of touch and out of myself. I remember how I felt right before Jason passed away. I felt anxiety I was restless almost as if my body knew something was about to happen. Feb 1st is when it all started.

Now I don't know if all these meditative sessions had anything to do with any of my experiences but, I lean on the side of thinking they did. My mind now seems to be more sensitive to energies that I have never felt before I started this mind growth. After Jason suddenly passed away unexpectedly I was devastated and for a long time. I had text with him on January the 30th and his text said " I'm always here" so, of course I went into a state of uncertainty, anxiety and a bit of depression. I couldn't process what had just happened and so suddenly.

After the services and being back at home nothing felt the same. Reality felt so raw and painful and, the days seemed to just run together for a while. My first experience was quite startling I was sitting in my bedroom reading through my emails and out of no where the bathroom light turned on. Now I have never had that happened before but, what got me was that I heard the switch click as if it was pushed up. My body felt cold and I had goosebumps even on my scalp. I could feel all the hairs on my body stand at straight attention. Maybe it just... whatever! nah I just got up and went to the kitchen to make my tea. During this time I was also working from home so I had an office set up in another room with a desk and two monitors.

That night I went to bed... a little uneasy but I fell asleep. That night I'll never forget. I had this dream about Jason who in my dream he was trying to communicate with me. We were in this dark room but I could see the stars if I looked up. What stunned me the most was that Jason didnt look like Jason, Jason looked like holographic energy I could see his face but his body looked like an ObiWan holographic image. He was walking towards me and it seemed as if he was using all the energy he could to walk my way almost in slow motion. Once he was in front of me he reached out and placed his hand on my chest over my heart... and heard him say "I'm ok" I woke up in the morning with a heavy heart and a load of anxiety. Was that a normal process for grief? A dream to see him in his energy form and not his human form. From this point on the experiences got more and more interesting. In March I lost two uncles, my uncle on my dads side however not really close to him I wished my condolences. Then I lost my uncle on my moms side sadly on her birthday. Going through these still grieving from the first I felt as I was twirling through the weeks with what else could I go through this year.

Many light activities later as well as the TV in my front from one night I was up drinking my tea. I got up and seen that I hadn't shut the door to my office I walked up and seen against the wall a light flashing so I pushed the door open walked in and seen that both my monitors were flickering almost like the energy I seen in my dream of Jason. I called my son into the room to confirm that I wasn't going crazy and he too say this strange activity. Interestingly there was this surge of calm over me almost as if I felt Jasons presence. I pulled my chair out and sat there placing my hand on the screen kinda like some poltergeist shit. It stayed on I sat there for a good hour thinking not scared just in my thoughts. I didnt turn off my pc I left it and went to bed. Next day the screens were off. This had never happened before so yes, maybe odd timing or maybe paranormal activity. This activity happened a total of 6 times in the home I was living in in which I was able to catch it on video as well because I had to show my supervisor what it was doing.

From about April I started meditating more with more weird dreams and activity continuing. One night as I was dosing off my eyes were closed and I seen this bright light. I mean bright that I opened my eyes and wasn't sure if it was in my head or an external light. I got up and looked around and I mean what could it have been? My bedroom in the back of the house not near any street or traffic lighting I was left startled and thinking I may have been dying. I went to bed and has this insane dream there were these flashes of light flashing all around the outside of the house and I was in the middle of the living room trying to see but not trying to approach the windows.. Somehow I woke up on the couch the next morning. I don't remember getting up at all so to this day I can remember that dream.

November 16th I lost my grandmother. I had had it. My emotional strain was pushed I had meditated I had experiences I was just floating in my emotions at this time. Mind you I have children as well though it seemed as I dont remember anyone during that year. After my grandmothers burial I sat down with a painted portrait of her just thinking of the memories as a little girl and how even though she was gone she really wasn't. That entire year I had so much energy activity going on that I already knew when another light was going to switch on.

Mid December after my birthday I had a terrible anxiety attack and decided I would lay on the couch just to get a different scene for the night. I remember I was meditating to the Sri Yantra and I dosed off.... but before I would go to bed It was routine to check on my kids and get them covered before getting to bed myself. This night I was dosing off now I don't know if its normal to be able to continue to actually think while dosing off because I kept saying "ok, I need to go check on the kids" Then such a strange thing .. Apparently I was asleep? I looked back and seen myself laying on the couch. In front of me there was a window and oddly hence the reason Im doing this writing is there was a candle in the window. I'm not sure if I walked or floated to the window because I was drawn to the candle light. I think I was floating.. but back up a minute I looked back and saw myself LAYING ON THE COUCH. Mind you I am thinking these thoughts while Im in this state of what the hell am I even experiencing?! I kept going towards the floating window and with my hand I pushed the window open...then slowly flew through it. Crazy because I still managed to look back and think or say "Thats me, Im on the couch. I need to go check on the kids" but I was drawn to what was in front of me.. I saw stars millions and millions of stars I reached out and touched one. I wasn't scared but I was really amazed at how my thought process continued through this new experience. What the hell? Did I actually reach Astral Projection level?? What seemed like an all night flight was only an hour because when I went back through the window I woke up. I ... laid there for a minute or a few and recalled every detail and then touched my face to make sure I was still alive. I went to my sons bedroom woke him up just to make sure I was in fact alive ... Since then I have not been able to experience this again. It was such an eerie yet satisfying experience that Im only so curious to do it again. Moved on to another home I have had my light activity only a few times. However, I have decreased my meditation sessions. I do smell odd smells like cologne and yet, I don't live with a man. I have heard knocks in my sleep. I have had things fly off my shelf seeing it with my own two eyes and I welcome these with open arms.

Astral Project Produced by Rebelde


About the Creator


A believer in Karma and good deeds. Our world needs more love, more music, and better health. I'm here to do my work. Rebelde YouTube Follow me on Webtalk ! Follow my journey!

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