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Opening Your Heart and Letting Your Fears Go

Imagery Meditation Practice

By Gabriella KorosiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Fuchsia photo by Gabriella

I would like you to close your eyes and take a few nice slow deep breaths.

Breathing in and out. Taking your time and feeling the breath as it is coming into your body and slowly leaving your body.

Stay here for a moment. Keep taking some deep breaths. You can count to five taking a breath in and five again for holding your breath, and count to five slowly breathing out. It will become a routine. Take some nice deep breaths and enjoy are the beauty you have invited into your heart and your life.

Now, I would like you to imagine your heart opening like a beautiful flower. Take a moment to imagine your favorite flower.

Stay here for a second take a nice deep breath and breathe into your heart making your flower open. Feel the sun shining through your heart bringing a beautiful light to your flower and imagine your heart is full of joy and it is full of happiness.

Now, imagine the flower spreading its spores all around your body and bringing happiness and joy. Feel the emotions going through your body expanding from your heart toward your arms and legs and above towards your head.

Spend a few moments here. Take some nice deep breaths and feel the joy and the happiness surrounding your body.

Now, imagine that everything around you is pure energy that interacts with your body, bringing positivity and support into your heart. Now repeat these words after me:

I am healthy. I am well. I am happy. I invite joy into my life.

I am opening my heart to new experiences. I am letting fear, anxiety, and stress go from my life.

I bring love joy happiness and health into my heart.

I know that my spirit is beautiful and whole.

I am healthy. I am well. I am happy. I am inviting joy into my life.

Stay here for a moment. Take some nice deep breaths and enjoy are the beauty you have invited into your heart and your life.

Now imagine that anything that causes you stress or fear. Bring the emotions together and create a ball out of your emotions. I can see this ball as a foaming grayish-black cloud. Gather all the anxiety and stress from your body into this ball. Bring the ball in front of your body. Put both of your hands out and hold the ball. Make sure you get all the fear, anxiety, and stress out from your body into this ball.

Now, as you’re holding the ball in your hand turn it into light bring all the energy and positivity from your surroundings and your heart and let your fear go. Create this beautiful light that shines through you, within you, and around you.

Now repeat these sentences with me:

I am healthy. I am well. I am happy. I invite joy into my life.

I am opening my heart to new experiences. I am letting fear, anxiety, and stress go from my life.

I bring love joy happiness and health into my heart.

I know that my spirit is beautiful and whole.

I am healthy. I am well. I am happy. I am inviting joy into my life.

Stay here for a moment. Take some nice deep breaths and enjoy are the beauty you have invited into your heart and your life.

Have a wonderful day,

Thank you for reading or listening,


Media recording of this mediation by Gabriella is available here

Previous meditation practice by Gabriella can be found here

Dancing Elephants Press December 2021. All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Gabriella Korosi

I am a writer, public health professional, a nurse. Creator of connections, spreading positivity. Interests: health/spirituality/positivity/joy/caring/public health/nursing. My goal is to create positive change.https://gabriellakorosi.org

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