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Nourish Yin and moisten dryness in autumn

Nourishing Q and Blood

By Seamons MahallPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Nourish Yin and moisten dryness in autumn
Photo by Kristin Melville on Unsplash

The dryness of autumn and the invasion of dryness into the organism can easily cause discomfort, and the lack of Qi and blood can cause the function of the internal organs to be reduced.

Therefore, in autumn, we should actively nourish Yin and moisten dryness, nourish Qi and blood, and balance all body functions through herbal or dietary therapy.

Which dietary supplements can be used to nourish Yin and dryness and nourish Qi and blood?

Nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, also known as nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, is the way to treat the body's internal dryness or external dryness and other disease evils by nourishing Yin. Chinese medicine believes that dryness invades the body and can cause the body to have a dry throat and other conditions, so using some dietary therapy remedies that have nourished Yin and moistened dryness can also help to improve the body.

So what are the daily dietary therapy remedies that can help nourish Yin and moisten dryness?

1、Pig lung soup with snow pear and white foxglove

The main ingredients are fresh white foxglove root, snow pear, pig lung, peel, etc. It has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lung, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, cooling the blood, etc. It can be used for autumn dryness, dry lips, and tongue, sore throat, sore throat, nosebleed, dry cough without phlegm, thick sputum, constipation, etc. For patients suffering from hepatitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. can be properly consumed.

2、C prince ginseng and lily lean meat soup

The main ingredients of the soup are princely ginseng, lily, lean meat, Luo Han Guo, etc. It has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough, clearing the heart and tranquilizing the mind, benefiting the qi and generating fluid, strengthening the spleen and stomach, etc. It can be used to treat symptoms of liver fire, as well as redness, swelling and heat pain in the eyes, etc. It is also suitable for people with deficiency of qi and lung dryness, as well as cough and asthma, thirst and drinking, dry throat and shortness of breath, etc.

3、Dangshen and safflower stew with black chicken

The main ingredients are salvia, safflower, Szechuan mushroom, black chicken, ginger, etc. It has the function of nourishing Yin, tonifying the kidney, and invigorating blood, which can be used for nourishing Yin and nourishing the face of women, tonifying Qi, deficiency, etc. It also has a certain regulating effect on gynecological diseases such as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea caused by the blockage of blood in women.

4, silver fungus wolfberry soup

The main ingredients are silver fungus, wolfberry, rock sugar, etc. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, generating fluid and replenishing deficiency, which can assist in the treatment of some chronic diseases such as chronic bronchitis, obstructive emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, etc. It can help detoxify the liver, protect the liver, cleanse the respiratory tract, expel phlegm, regulate kidney yin, etc.

5、Duck cubes soup with Cordyceps

Cordyceps and duck cubes soup, the main ingredients are Cordyceps, duck meat cubes, etc. It has the function of nourishing the deficiency of the kidney, tonifying the qi and benefiting the yin, promoting water and reducing swelling, etc. It can be used for patients with lung yin deficiency, as well as cough and phlegm, panic and shortness of breath, hemoptysis, etc. It has a certain auxiliary effect in relieving symptoms such as short urine and redness, abdominal water and swelling, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, lumbar and leg pain.

In addition to nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, it is also necessary to nourish Qi and blood. Insufficient Qi and blood in the body can cause weakness, dry skin, insomnia, and dreaminess.

So what foods can help to nourish the blood and qi?

1, cinnamon

As a common tonic food, it can be used to nourish the qi and blood, beauty, etc. It can be made into cinnamon porridge, cinnamon soup, or use cinnamon to drink water, which can play a good role in both qi and blood.

2, red dates

Red dates are a good blood tonic that can nourish the middle, nourish the blood and calm the mind, nourish the spleen and stomach, and are rich in vitamins, amino acids, fructose, etc., which can help promote the body's blood circulation.

4, raisins

Raisins are also a good food to replenish qi and blood and kidney qi, which can help to nourish the body, and can also help to prevent coronary heart disease, improve constipation, relieve fatigue, antioxidants, promote detoxification, for people with weak qi and blood, can be appropriate to eat.

5, dried mulberry

Dried mulberry, a food rich in iron elements, can help replenish blood and clear blood, assist in improving anemia, but also has the role of nourishing Yin and replenishing blood, thirst, laxative, etc., can be used to assist in the treatment of liver Yin deficiency on fire, dry mouth and insomnia.

6、Red amaranth

Red amaranth, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening eyes and throat, laxative, cooling blood, and dispersing blood stasis, red amaranth porridge can assist in the treatment of hot knots and constipation. In addition, red amaranth is rich in various vitamins and minerals, as well as can help control weight, promote water and swelling, and promote the energy balance of the body.

How do prove the body mass, and how do nourish Yin, Qi, and blood on a daily basis?

To nourish Yin and moisten dryness and nourish Qi and blood daily, we should not only pay attention to diet but also pay more attention to life, actively improve human physiological functions, maintain a healthy mental state, increase the body's resistance, etc.

So what should be done to nourish Yin, replenish Qi, and benefit blood daily?

1, maintain emotional stability

Chinese medicine believes that to replenish the qi, first of all, we must regulate the mood, actively maintain an optimistic emotional state, daily not be overly nervous or anxious, and reduce psychological stress, which can be transferred through such as listening to music, reading books, etc., more help the organism health.

2、Control diet

Diet is also an important link in Chinese medicine, daily active control of diet, low salt, low sugar, low-fat diet or light diet, avoid overeating, seven minutes full per meal, do not smoke and alcohol, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, can be the appropriate intake of nutrients required by the human body.

3、Ensure sleep

Actively nourishing Yin, especially women should ensure sufficient sleep, women staying up late for a long time is easy to make the body endocrine disorders, and men are more likely to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so ensuring good rest habits, can help strengthen the body's resistance.

4, keep sports exercise

Chinese medicine has also said that exercise can make a hundred diseases, moderate exercise can promote the body's blood circulation and metabolic balance, through brisk walking, jogging, swimming, climbing, yoga, rope skipping, and other moderate exercise, can help the body control weight, reduce the risk of three high.


About the Creator

Seamons Mahall

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