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A countdown to my best year.

By Amourè DeezyyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Planting the seeds for a new year.

Every New Year we've attested that we will instill new things, habits, and outlooks.

But in the same breathe continue throughout the year making excuses for what we believe we cannot achieve, It feels so much easier said than done. We cannot continue to tolerate the ego weighing us down another year. So let us do a countdown of what has to go first and then apply before 2023 is over.

10.) Keeping your eyes Peeled (GETTING BETTER SLEEP)

Sleep is way more important than some people make it out to be,

What’s the point of working hard if you can’t reap the benefits?

Start parenting yourself if you need to!

Ex: Is the TV on past 10 pm? Set a reminder to turn it off.

Did you bathe or shower before bed?

Set a reminder to relax your body & mind.

9.) Same settings. (ENVIRONMENT CHANGE)

Your bed is a personal sanctuary it should not only make you comfortable but it should make you feel rejuvenated each rising!

Invest in good pillows and a mattress that relieves pressure points and provides support.

With the perfect frame and foundation underneath you will be able to get a great night's sleep.

Incorporate Feng Shui

Ideally, when sleeping, your head or the head of the bed should be facing North. North represents quieting the mind, self-introspection, and warm, restorative feelings during deep sleep. Having a mirror facing you while you sleep can deplete your energy while you're sleeping.

Feng ENVIRONMENT practitioners recommend warm, rich earth and skin tones such as coral, cream, cocoa, peach, and tan for creating a welcoming atmosphere in the bedroom.

Soft natural colors like blues, lavenders, greens help lend the bedroom tranquil inviting healing energy.

Research more ways to compliment your space through Feng shui.

Practice not using your phone 30-45min before you go to bed.

Blue lights emitted from your cell phone screen restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle making it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the following day.

Can you hear commercials in your sleep or crazy content?

Watching TV before bed keeps you up later. A stimulant like a tv or radio can keep your brain alert, preventing you from falling asleep, disrupting your internal clock. Exposure to artificial light later in the evening can disrupt your melatonin levels.

Calm the mind & Clear the air.

Start listening to white noise, melodic music, calming nature sounds, sleeping meditations, or affirmations.

Get a humidifier while it increases moisture in the air, which keeps your nasal passages, throat, and airways from drying out It improves breathing and creates a comfortable atmosphere, which helps people sleep better at night. Make sure to keep the humidifier clean to avoid increased growth of allergens.

Plant Medicine

Start caring for plants and they will care for you!

Here is a list of plants you can tend to for better sleep

Jasmine Plants

Spider Plants

Snake Plants

Lavender Plants

Rubber Plants


8.) Being okay with comfortability ( FOLLOW YOUR HEART NOT FEAR)

Do not get me wrong we all need a comforting place where we feel safe and warm and stable. But do not let stability be the reason why you don’t follow your heart's desires. Do not allow your comfortability to be the reason why you miss opportunities, health, wealth, or friendships.

Try new ways of thinking and eating, clean eating can encourage our bodies with a boost of energy, the foods you intake will affect how your function day today. Greasy, processed foods slow you down, so take baby steps if you need to cut out certain foods, adding more fresh grains, fruits, and veggies to your meals, could make all the difference in your gut health!

7.) Self-sabotage (FEED THE SOUL NOT THE EGO)

Our ego wants us to believe that we need no one or nothing to succeed, sometimes it may tell us we are nothing without the validation of others. Either way is not the answer and we must find balance within ourselves to prevent our ego from self-sabotaging.

Making excuses and holding thought patterns, doing the things that your higher self knows will hold you back and prevent you from doing what you want to do or what you should be doing and it shows up differently for everyone.

Start releasing negative thought patterns through meditation, resenting, breathwork or yoga. Writing your feelings as thoroughly as possible, reading them to process and analyze what you are feeling and why and praying or stating that you release all that no longer serves you, and tearing or burning the paper can act as a great releasing ritual.

6.) Living in a lack mindset (IT’S ENOUGH TO GO AROUND)

Allowing yourself to live in fear and scarcity as if everything you desire will not come to you or there isn't any possibility or enough to go around. It can be anything, such as time, money, friendship, food, etc.

Thoughts and actions stem from a place of fear. It orients your mind towards your unfulfilled wants and needs instead of focusing on the many things that you do have or what you're working towards).

5.) No routine. (BE CLOSER TO YOU)

Being able to pinpoint what you want in your life and what you don't. Being able to identify the foundation of your moral code and values.

Knowing what you can and cannot tolerate and being able to create positive habits to help you manage your energy to keep you vibrating high.

Things I will be incorporating into my daily routine are meditation, affirmation, yoga, and scripting.

Everyone's routine will be different but find something that you can commit to even for as little as 10 minutes and make it worthwhile!

4.) People Pleasing (SETTING BOUNDARIES)

STOP Setting boundaries to let them be crossed or simply not setting them at all. Personal boundaries can look like:

Rights to your privacy.

Being able to change your mind when you feel called.

Your need for cleansing your space and needing only clean energy around you. Your freedom to express your sensuality with sexual boundaries.

Freedom to practice your spirituality or religion without the need to explain to others.

Your morals, principles, and physical needs.

When you allow others to cross your boundaries you invite and attract more people who care less about the ones you intended to set.

3.) Spending money faster than it takes to make it. (VALUE YOUR TIME)

Rather you work a 9-5 an 11-2 or schedule your work, If it takes you hours/days to make your money or even to just receive it, consider this time when spending what you worked and earned and this money is now of a higher value because you put your energy in to attract it so do not be hasty with earnings.

Start a savings plan or fund if you haven't already it's never too late. Challenge yourself, but at least 25% of your earnings to the side for a rainy day, snowy day, or an unexpected day in the pandemic. Whatever you save do not count or use until 2023.

2.) Allowing yourself or others to speak doubt or fear into your plans or opportunities

You let yourself down already when you speak fear and doubt into your plans and letting others do it for you is handing your power away.

1.) Not trusting yourself or your journey (TRUST YOUR PATH)

Everyone's journeys are different, some of our paths will be more vigorous than others.

At some point, we have all planted the seeds to what we deem as a success but often we become impatient with the growth we receive, we expect the seeds to grow without the proper nurturing.

The grass isn't greener on the other side. It's the simplicity of nurturing the grass that you cannot expect to see your grass greener if you are only focused on color and not the health of the grass.

You can buy fake grass for all that, it's about patience with yourself and your goals!



About the Creator

Amourè Deezyy

Unorthodox woman creating soul-feeding content for great people who are connecting with themselves.

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    Amourè DeezyyWritten by Amourè Deezyy

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