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New Years Goals...Can you achieve them?

The struggle to achieve your New Years Goals

By AbikaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
New Years Goals...Can you achieve them?
Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Have you set your New Year goals or established your resolutions yet. At the stroke of 12 on January 1st, approximately 95% of the world was setting goals and making resolutions in black and white. It has only been 13 days since those heartfelt proclamations were made and you are wondering how will I achieve all these goals? Or you may be thinking I have already fallen short on my goals, how can I get back on track?

If you are asking yourself these 2 questions then you are only 1 f the 80% of persons asking themselves the same thing. Now is the time for you to stop questioning yourself and start achieving your New Years' goals. The only question is "how do you get back on track"? It is easier than you think. As long as you follow the 4 steps explained below, you will be achieving more than the goals you set how for in 2020.

1. Set realistic goals

How many times have you set goals and realized too late how hard they are to achieve. Im sure many times you would have questioned your ability to achieve the goals you set for yourself. What many persons don't understand is, it's not your ability it, maybe the goal you had set. Let me give you an example:

"In 2022 I want to fly to the moon!" or "In 2022 I want to become a Billionaire".

Flying to the moon or becoming a Billionaire is not impossible. But it is not realistic to you. This quote should explain why,

"If you fail to prepare then you are preparing to fail".

Like the quote above says, if you do not prepare yourself to fly to the moon or to become Billionaire then your goal isn't realistic. If you do not work in an industry that can afford you the opportunity to fly to the moon, then it is impossible for you to achieve it. The same goes for any other goals you may have set. Preparation is key in achieving anything.

Without preparation two things can happen:

You cannot achieve the goals you set for yourself.

If you are given the opportunity, you wouldn't be able to function and enjoy the rewards of your achievements.

By Heather Ford on Unsplash

Additional tips: If you are trying to lose weight in 2022 then trying this keto diet may be right for you. Get your custom keto diet here. This is an affiliate link.

2. Nothing comes easy!

One of the most common mistakes every human being is guilty of, at one point or another, is underestimating the value of good work. Everyone and I mean everyone has to work and work hard for everything they have. I know you may be thinking, "Well that's not entirely true". But it is. If you have inherited anything, technically you didn't work for it. Though you may have inherited, to keep and maintain whatever it is then it requires work.

Now let's say you were rewarded. Rewards are given after good work was done and achievements are made. Therefore, you had to work for this reward.

Most understand the importance of hard work when it comes to achieving wants in life. The principle "Success comes through hard work" should be thought from a young age. In their youth children will understand the value of hard work in academics. And we all want our children to do well in school. And as long as you teach children well in their youth they will take these principles to adulthood. This will give them greater success in their jobs.

3. Consistency is Key!

Have you ever wondered how rich people get and stay rich? Or why do rich and successful persons get that way? They are consistently good at what they do.

To get to order to be the best at what you do, you have to consistently produce good results. But to remain the best it takes consistently good work.

This is the 3rd order of the day. If you want to achieve your goal you have to be consistent in your effort daily. Let's say you want to be healthier this year or lose a few extra pounds. Then daily you must make health-conscious decisions. Like snacking on fruits instead of chips. Or to get better grades, you have to make an extra hour to review lessons and maybe read ahead.

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The principle here is that it is impossible to advance in life and stay ahead without being consistent.

How can you be consistent?

Becoming a consistent person takes years of practice. But you want to start becoming successful now and start achieving your goals now! So let me give you a 4 step method I thought myself on how to become and stay consistent.

  1. Make a list of the things needed to be done daily. This way there is a physical reminder of everything needed to be done. Try not to pack your timetable make no.4 harder.
  2. Give adequate time to complete each task, so all the tasks are completed daily and none rolls over to the next day.
  3. Always stick in 10 minutes breaks to refresh the mind, hydrate, snack and, limit distractions. Distraction was my biggest problem, so to limit it I make sure I award 10 minutes to be completely distracted.
  4. Never beat yourself up when or if you fall short on completing daily tasks. It limits stress on the days ahead and gives you the opportunity to work with a clear conscience.

4. Work hard, Play hard

By Do Nhu on Unsplash

I can still remember my grandmother saying this quote"

All play and No work makes Jack and dull boy, All work and no play still makes Jack a dull boy.

So what does that say about Jack? According to this quote, Jack has to learn to balance work and play. Is there any lie there?

Successful people have a common trait, they work hard and sometimes play harder. One of the biggest problems in the working world is finding the time to relax and unwind. And trust me you need to unwind. The brain needs it, your body needs it and more important your progress requires it.

Unwinding can be done in whatever way is good for you. The aim of this destress and increase productivity.

In a nutshell

So let me sum things up for you. Many resolutions are already derailed and now it's time to get things back on track. To achieve your goals for 2022 or any goal for that matter follow these 4 simple steps:

  1. Set realistic goals.
  2. Understand that nothing comes easy.
  3. Be consistent, consistency is key.
  4. Work hard, Play hard.

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About the Creator


I started writing because it was my way to vent. Now I absolutely enjoyed writing and sharing.

I also write at Medium, find me at:

Medium lisby230.medium.com

Twitter Healthwise94358280

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