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Nature’s Cancer Cures

Cancer is frightening. There are more than 100 kinds of cancer. Medical studies indicate that the dread disease will affect one in every three people in their lifetime.

By Marlene AffeldPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Nature’s Cancer Cures
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

By: Marlene Affeld

Natural cancer cures

Money, research, and effort have gone into the war against cancer. However, what people are forgetting is that there is an alternative to expensive cancer medications and treatments. Natural ways to prevent or cure cancer include:

Cut Out Sugar

By Rod Long on Unsplash

To reduce the risk of cancer, minimize your intake of sweets and foods high in sugar. Too much sugar in the diet increased the body’s chances of developing cancerous tumors and can weaken the body’s natural defense against the growth of cancerous cells.

Stop Smoking

By Eanlami :) on Unsplash

Listen to the advice of leading cancer researchers and stop smoking. Avoid passive smoke or other toxic fumes. Smoking is the leading cause of lung, throat, larynx, and tongue cancer. Even if you are not a smoker yourself, you are at risk of exposure to cancer-causing cigarette smoke if you surround yourself with people that do indulge in the unhealthy habit.

Cut Out Cola

By Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

To help prevent cancer, limit your intake of cola. The majority of soft drinks and sodas wreck havoc on healthy antioxidants in the body and accelerate cell degeneration, leading to a compromised immune system and less resistance to the growth of cancer cells. Stay hydrated with plenty of water.

Nutritional Supplements

By freestocks on Unsplash

Supplement your cancer prevention diet with vitamins and minerals. Taking nutritional supplements can aid the body in cell preservation as well as helping the body to improve its natural resistance to disease and the development of cancer cells.

Maintain A Balanced Diet

By Element5 Digital on Unsplash

A nutritionally rich diet, low in sugars and fat, and high in fiber helps keep the body’s immune system healthy and functioning a peak performance. Include plenty of organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet while limiting the consumption of cancer-causing fats high in fats and preservatives.

Exercise Daily

Exercise bolsters the body’s natural defense mechanisms against cancer. Exercise aids in the removal of toxins from the body relieves stress, and promotes wellbeing.

Cautions - Concerns

Caution should be applied toward any therapy or healing modality. The Internet is flooded with a diverse array of pills, potions, and diets, all claiming to be natural cancer cures.

How reliable are natural cancer cures?

Cancer patients are wise to question the reliability of natural cancer cures. Even the most ardent advocates of the natural approach to cancer eradication do not agree with the abandonment of orthodox medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Consult your healthcare provider

If you have been diagnosed with a cancerous condition, talk to your physician about your cancer treatment options. No matter if you elect to follow natural cancer treatments or pursue a course of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of treatment options, it should be a decision reached only after you evaluate your options and discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Every type of medication and therapy used in the treatment of cancer can have side-effects or adversely affect the efficiency of other cancer treatments when used in combination. Be aware of possible conflicts. Be sure to advise your physician if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor about any other nutritional supplements or over-the-counter medications you may be taking.

Chemotherapy might not always work as the best approach to cancer.

Millions of disillusioned cancer patients strongly argue that the use of conventional Western cancer medicine and modalities has only made them sicker and did not cure their disease.

Their physician tells many people, diagnosed with cancer that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery is the best treatment plan for their condition. While the doctor may be right, the treatment programs come with a host of unpleasant side effects, which are sometimes worse and more debilitating than cancer itself.

Dangerous side effects of cancer medications

Unfortunately, this approach to curing cancer may or may not work and presents a considerable risk. Alarmingly, the pharmaceuticals prescribed in the treatment of cancer are the fifth most significant cause of death in the United States.

A natural approach to treating cancer

Medical experts in the medical field specializing in the detection and treatment of cancer suggest a multi-faceted approach to a cancer treatment program, which includes an oncologist, a nutrition counselor, a physical therapist, surgeon, and participation in a cancer support group.

Alternative cancer therapies

Faced with a diagnosis of cancer, more and more people seek an alternative natural approach to treating the disease. Thousands of cancer patients have been cured through diet alone. An unbalanced Western diet is one of the biggest causes of cancer, and often issues caused by a poor diet can be corrected when a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet is implemented.

A shocking one out of every three people in the United States will die of cancer each year. That sad number of persons diagnosed with cancer annually is increasing over the past decade. The number used to be one out of every four persons in America.

Cancer deaths increase

For women, cancer of the breast is the leading type of terminal cancer. Today, many women seek an alternative breast cancer treatment rather than undergoing the arduous and health-depleting courses of chemotherapy, radiation, and disfiguring surgery. Some patients opt for a combination of Western medicine and natural cancer cures.

Cancer can be prevented.

Although increasing at an alarming rate, cancer can be prevented. Consumption of unnatural, denatured foods such as refined white sugar, flour, and white rice, along with the ingestion of chemical additives, preservatives, and MSG, all contribute to an unbalanced, cancer-causing diet.

Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and sodas, as well as dairy and meat products, are considered detrimental to health by the host of medical experts who believe that diet is the key to preventing cancer.

Wholesome good foods help build a robust immune system. Denatured, manufactured food full of chemicals and preservatives deplete our immune system, creating an acidic environment in which cancer cells thrive.

Cancers caused by toxins

Many cancers are the result of exposure to toxins. One such unique type of cancer is malignant mesothelioma, caused by exposure to asbestos.

There are two distinctively different types of mesothelioma, namely peritoneal mesothelioma and malignant mesothelioma. Oncologists advise that the rare deadly type of mesothelioma reflects a depleted immune system. Although there is no known cure, a natural regime of caring for the body through diet can help maintain general health and prolong life.

Research indicates that there are many natural cancer cures, especially diet. However, it is up to cancer patients to determine which of the many different medications and natural remedies available are their best health options.


Cancers: Leading Cancers in Women, Men, & Children. https://www.onhealth.com/content/1/cancers_leading_cancers_in_women_men_and_children

Eye Cancer: Frequently Asked Questions - Health .... https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=35&ContentID=FAQEyeOcularCancer


About the Creator

Marlene Affeld

“A passionate writer for more than 30 years, Marlene Affeld’s passion for the environment inspires her to write informative articles to assist others in living a green lifestyle.”

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