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My Top 5 Grocery Hacks To Keep You Healthy

A guide to food shopping without buying all the junk food you see.

By Tiahna - Education = ChangePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
BR - Bodies Rebuilt

When I used to go the grocery store before, it looked a lot different to how I shop now. No matter how sure I was before I got there that I would only buy healthy foods, somehow, I would still end up with processed snacks by the time I got to the checkout.

The ice-cream or chocolates would have snuck their way into my trolley, and I would find myself at home going ‘Oh I should not have brought these because now I will definitely eat them.’ Yet again I would have fallen for all the pretty packaging and clever marketing.

Now when I go to the shops, I can comfortably know I will be safe from this pitfall I always land myself in. So how did I change this habit that I could never quit before? Well, I learnt some great food shopping hacks that made it easier, and you can too.

Grocery Hack One:

Before even going to the shops there are two things you need to do the first is to make sure that you have written down exactly what you will be buying. This will help you to stay on track because you will know where you have to go to next in the shop. Also, there is something very satisfying about ticking of a checklist that will have you feeling happier about your shopping experience.

Grocery Hack Two:

The second hack is to ensure you are well fed and not hungry before you go to the shop. This is important. Otherwise, when you are there, you will be reaching for what is quick and convenient. Usually, these quick fixes are not the healthier options and you are stuck at square one again.

So, try to have a meal high in protein and glass of water before your next grocery shop and see how you feel.

Grocery Hack Three:

Next you want to take a chilled bottle of water with you. This is so you can stay hydrated and full as you are shopping. A lot of people struggle to reach their recommended water intake daily. A big part of this is that we do not set ourselves up for success when it comes to staying hydrated. There are so many tips I could give you but the biggest one right now is carry a bottle of water around with you.

Grocery Hack Four:

Now you have your list, you are full and ready to shop. You enter the store and immediately are in the fruit and vegetable section. This is good. Use your checklist and tick those foods off!

Once you have your fruits, vegetables and meats try your hardest to stick to the outside of the store. Do not go up and down every aisle. You do not need to. Thanks to your handy checklist you know what aisles you will need to go down and this will stop you buying unnecessary processed foods.

Grocery Hack Five:

Do you take your phone with you to the grocery store? I know I do. So, one of my favourite shopping hacks is to have my lock screen set to something that motivates or inspires me. This can be a role model, your children, a photo of a place you are going on a holiday to or anything else that motivates you.

Having a photo of something that is going to drive good thoughts and intentions on your phone is going to help. That is because this is the same phone you look at to see the time, the same one that you look at when it brings a notification up and the same phone that you carry everywhere with you.

These hacks are some of the useful things I do to help stay on track, we all fall off the wagon sometimes and eat more then we think we should. Or miss a few days exercising. Remember that this is normal, do not chase perfection. What you need to focus on is consistency and never giving up. This will keep you on track and enjoying life as you find your way to a being healthier.

I hope you enjoyed this guide and I have helped you on your journey.

By Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

how to

About the Creator

Tiahna - Education = Change

My main aim with my writing is to teach you something or make you question something.

Otherwise I hope you find some enjoyment from my fictional stories. 💕

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