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My spiritual awakening

Spiritual Journey

By Hypnotic Peach23Published 4 years ago 2 min read

It all began during the beginning of the pandemic. For the beginning part of it, I was curious about what the world would be like in 2020. I started to get into tarot cards and I got caught into the loop of tarot readings. Eventually I decided to buy my own tarot deck and I started to look into each card and in that moment I started to awaken my intuition, I then started to incorporate that into my everyday life and I found out I had angelic guidance and spirit guides and I began to feel my intuitive nudges more often about situations. I ended up diving deeper into the spiritual side of life and found out I have empathic psycic abilities and I was able to feel and sense vibes and emotions of other as if they were my own. Being a tarot card reader It helped me understand and feel people easier.

When I was experiencing all of these new things in my life I felt all the negative things from other people as well, and finding out all of my old friends didnt have my best Interest in mind. To even think about the bad things they've put me through from work place bullying and even going behind my back and opening up their own little business, I felt betrayed by them and started to sense that my life was about tho change and couldn't shake that feeling.

After I got off quarentine back in june 2020, about 2 weeks after that I ended up getting covid and had that for 2 weeks with 5hw common symptoms that come with it. Everyone experiences the symptoms differently and I had a mild case of it but still felt really sick. I started to see different signs like white feathers in random places and butterflies where ever I looked and I realised I'm never truly alone, and I've always felt watched my whole life, and started to realise that I have guardian Angel's and those Angel's send me signs from the universe with numbers; and when I realised I had Angel's and they never interfere with my life but they warn me about events that will happen and then after that, I see it all unfold infront if me. I've become more spiritual that when I started back in March 2020.

Spirituality isnt a perfect thing, being spiritual is looking at the darker parts if yourself and healing wounds that you carry from other people who have hurt you in the past. Things dont happen to you, they happen for you and it happens as it should. Being spiritual is something that has changed my life forever. I look that the world differently and I see all the things as they happen and I remember it's as it should be. my spiritual team (spirit guides, Angel's, ancestors and the ascended masters) always have my back and hey always are surrounding me and help me with discernment and warnings and I see these messages throught numbers that the universe puts infront of me, it could be a phone number, a time on the clock, transaction receipts. on a water bottle and it's all placed as it should be. I witness synchronicities all the time. I see 111, 11:11, 222, 444, 555, 1222, 10:10 and these all have different meanings and different messages and I never take a sign for granted and I never thing of this as a simple coincidence.

And that is my spiritual journey. Thank you for reading!


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Hypnotic Peach23

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    Hypnotic Peach23Written by Hypnotic Peach23

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