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Mind Bites 01

quick thoughts on a little bit of everything

By Jordan ChristiePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Very few people on this planet know how to be completely where they are. To be 100% present in the moment. In my opinion, mindfulness should be a daily practice for everyone. It brings calmness, clarity, and overall peace to the individual. Not to mention, total awareness of where you are, what you’re doing, and what’s going on around you.

Most of our minds run a mile a minute, thinking a million thoughts all at once.

“I have to _____”

“I should be _____”

“I need to _____”

“What about _____”

“I forgot _____”

Our thoughts can consume us to the point where we become so lost that we miss out on what is happening right in front of our very eyes- LIFE! Society has almost glamorized the state of being so stressed and focused on how busy out schedules are.

Not to mention the fact that we’ve formed such an unhealthy attachment to our electronic devices. They’ve become our very own security blankets, socially and mentally crippling us every time we pick them up.

Phones, laptops, tablets, watches, etc. Our heads are down and we are so enveloped in what we are watching that we have no idea what is going on around us. We’re so busy paying attention to what other people are doing on social media that we lose interest in our own lives. Someone says something, and you have no idea what they said or what just happened. You missed it. Completely.

Too often, I see that certain memories become difficult to recall, even if there is documentation of the event. We give everything else around us so much attention that we lose all interest in our own lives. It saddens me to know that people walk through life in a fog while half asleep, not knowing what it feels like to be completely where you are.

The truth is that it happens to all of us, to some degree. It’s not easy to practice mindfulness. To be able to sit behind your thoughts consistently. But it’s possible. It is so very possible. And while you may slip back into the void of your thoughts from time to time, you can overcome being completely taken by them. Being present takes practice. It takes patience. It takes time.

The easiest step you can take is to just slow down. Pause. Take just a few minutes to sit, focus on your breathing and what your body is doing as you breathe. This will help calm your body and calm your mind.

Another simple step is to avoid being on your phone as much.

Crazy, I know!

Use these three rules for yourself:

Don’t pick it up right when you wake up. Wait until after you’ve eaten breakfast in the morning. Give yourself the opportunity to wake up with yourself.

Do not get on your phone while driving. Yes, even at a red light. This is for your safety and mindset. Sit with yourself in the car. Be aware of what’s going on around you!

Put it down 30-45 minutes before going to sleep at night. Give your brain a chance to wind down and shut down. I guarantee that your quality of sleep will improve.

If I can do this, you can do this. But you have to work at it day in and day out. Consistently. And then you’ll learn. You’ll see. You’ll feel the clarity and pure joy of being completely lost in a single moment where nothing else matters. All that matters in that moment is where your feet are. So be there. Be where your feet are.

Today is a new day.

Life is waiting.

Go be great.

self care

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