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Learning and Cancel Culture

Blessings & Babble with Momma O, Babbling about:

By Momma OPublished 2 years ago 12 min read

Greetings and Salutation to Blessings and Babble with Momma O and we’re Babbling because “I’m curious about – Cancel Culture as a teaching moment.

*These are my thoughts and opinions. My opinions are based on the source(s) I state.

I do not have cable, and have not since 2010. The only movies I’ve seen in theaters were, the Lord of the Rings Series, The Harry Potter Series, Peggy Sue Got Married, Purple Rain, Friday the 13, Terms of Endearment, and I think No Deposit No Return … in theaters, but I have watched many, many more in the comfort of my home.

I am aware that not all my past thoughts, opinions were correct, I therefore do my best to have an open mind when I listen to other's opinions and thoughts.

I am not perfect; I am willing to be taught.

I am not however willing to defend, fight, or have round and round conversation, I’ll agree to disagree. Nor am I willing to put up with being talked down to, belittled; I willingly learn from compassionate teachers, guides.* with all that said, here’s what I’m curious about:

I’ve been watching YouTube videos talking about ‘Hollywood ‘Elite’ being canceled for unacceptable behaviors/posts/tweets/stated opinions/fetishes/whatever, and removed from prior projects, avoided for current and future projects.

Not talking about what happened in a meaningful way to help others perhaps have a similar experience.

I find that we talk about it, we talk about it so much it is being censored, I find it odd that our watching as we wished is what made many of these Entities popular and able to dominate a market that they now censor, but censoring they are, places like YouTube has words you are not allowed to say, which is interesting when that is the video, “X star arrested for (word(s) not allowed to be said)”.

While people may be talking, the talk doesn’t seem to be helpful or healing. Don’t we, as a society have a responsibility to guide people in (w)holistic healing?

Here’s how and why this thought came about. At some point during the social void that was 2020, I had thought about watching Aquaman and decided to go to YouTube to see what was being said about it. I lost an hour and 50 minutes of my life once, which I have regretted, so, I research a little first so that never happens again. Well, off I go to YouTube and type Aquaman in the search bar, and along with the movie review, there are videos about Johnny Depp and his ex-wife AH (YouTube videos are being flagged, trying to cancel, people’s livelihoods threatened for using this person’s name, no reason to take chances I use initials).

I love Johnny’s work in Edward Scissorhands, Rear Window, Pirates, and more. So, off I go to find out what’s happening.

I was shocked; Johnny was being accused of domestic violence and canceled in Hollywood!

I’m old enough to remember Johnny and Winona Ryder dating, in my opinion, they were adorable together, but likely one of the many relationships orchestrated/invented by Hollywood to sell what they see as product, be in merch, film, or people. Of course, I’m not sure when the John/Jane Publix is going to understand the actors, act; part of acting is to promote the film, the hub about Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s performance … ummmm, y’all, performance, they are paid to perform for us J&J Public, perform well enough we will pay to see them do it. Perform.

What easier way to get their name on people’s lips, and on the tip of their finger than love or scandal?

Thankfully, J&J Publix seems to be wearying of scandal. Or perhaps it is just me. I have learned what consuming movies, music, video, of stressful nature does to my mind, body, and soul, I learned because I have stopped all consumption for a time, and now work every day to keep it 4 hours or less a day and spend half of it typing. That much looking at our screens, absorbing random information, and experiencing unrealized stress is not good for our physical body.

Have you ever noticed how far forward and out of spinal alignment your neck and head are? Do you have … headaches? arm, hand, finger numbness? Often as we consume social media we jut our head forward as if trying to touch the screen, be it in excitement or stress, it is not proper body alignment or (w)holistically healthy. There are some ways to fix this, for example:

The Corpse pose or savasana, which is an asana that often begins and ends a Yoga session

Acupressure points, Jian Jing (GB21)

Jian Jing (is in the muscles of your shoulder, about halfway between your neck and where your arms begin. This point has been used in successful acupuncture studies of headache and muscle tension. Jian Jing may also successfully treat the pain of a sore or stiff neck. Note that stimulating this point may induce labor, so don’t stimulate it to relieve neck pain when you are pregnant.) to relax the trapezius muscle (a large muscle bundle that extends from the back of your head and neck to your shoulder. It is composed of three parts: The trapezius, commonly referred to as the traps, are responsible for pulling your shoulders up, as in shrugging, and pulling your shoulders back during scapular retraction.)

I find my Theracane very helpful for this activating acupressure points myself.

When you lay down, place a pillow under your shoulders and mid-back, allowing your neck and head to hang off the pillow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR06TszUIHQ

I couldn’t help it, after the first, I watched a few more videos, and then found the Petition to Remove AH from Aquaman 2, of course, I signed, and shared to all my social media, it will be in the links below; because I believe she is an abuser, having heard the video of AH admitting her abuse of Johnny.

Let me state clearly, in case you haven’t figured out by what you have read so far, #I stand with Johnny.

Now, I would like to use Johnny’s situation as an example.

Johnny Depp was accused by ex-wife AH of domestic violence in 2016 when filing for divorce again in an OpEd (Opinion Essay) , and Hollywood began to cancel Johnny Depp.

WHAT DOES CANCEL CULTURE MEAN? Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. Cancel culture is generally discussed as being performed on social media in the form of group shaming.

Can you imagine how out of whack Johnny’s emotions and energy must be during this time? Johnny, and those experiencing domestic violence, could use help with their Root Charka*.

As for Johnny, Hollywood has removed Johnny from ‘blockbuster’ projects like Pirates of the Caribbean, which by the way, I’ve watched a few of the series, and I know he’s Jack Sparrow, I know Kierra Knightly is Elizabeth (we share a name is why I remember) Swan, and Orlando Bloom is William Turner (and I struggled to remember his name), I loved the first movie, the second was good, the third I watched and don’t really remember, my point, is that Jack Sparrow is what I remember first about the series, for me, he IS Pirates … .

So it makes me wonder, couldn’t we use this as a learning opportunity?

Instead of, like Kevin Spacey, removing him from a film, or like others not making their work available, or leaving them in the project and having it be a point of contention or an ‘elephant in the room’ like AH, find a way to make it a learning opportunity.

Put a disclaimer before and after the film, what they are accused/convicted of, have their proceeds from the project put in escrow if awaiting findings of accusations, if convicted give the performer a living wage and donate the rest to support the injured person, entities that help, public service announcements, and other people injured.

In the case of Johnny and his ex-wife AH, a portion of all their proceeds (after their living, non-extravagant wage) go to the support of and education to stop domestic violence. They get a living wage because they earn one when they perform or get royalties from prior performances.

Keeping performers in their works, seeing them as someone hurt by them, I can only imagine the stress seeing your abuser on screen can cause, I have been lucky enough to have not had contact with mine in years. I can imagine. I do know the stress I feel when it is possible.

The stress. Thoughts jumbled. Heart racing. Shoulders hunching. Breathing shallow.


Sit up. Relax your shoulders from your ears. Open your mouth, stick your tongue out, and relax it off the roof. Breathe. Take a slow breath in to the count of 7 – hold it for the count of 7 – release to the count of 7, do this several times.

Repetitive thoughts, count backward from 20, repeat until thought stops, repeat for other thoughts. And, if like me, you go searching for the thought you had forgotten and find it, don’t panic, you forgot it once, and you can do it again. Start counting.

For all the talking it is odd to see places like YouTube silencing the word ABUSE on some videos. With social distancing, isolating, spreading support further and further from our grasp, silencing words when we need to hear them the most seems almost, willfully indifferent to the health and wellbeing of J&J Public.

There are many of us that have been in domestic violence situations, and I think the more we talk about it the harder it is for those being abused to deny it is happening to them.

Many suffering abuse, and they don’t know or understand that it is abuse, talking about it changes that. It may sound odd to someone that has never been a part of abuse, but that is normal until you see others reacting differently consistently.

For example, I was raised by an immature parent that raged often, I was also a raging parent, still do from time to time, because it took until my 50s to find the tools to stop the behavior. First, had to be aware I was raging, then figure out what was triggering the rage. Once I did that the raging began to diminish, but it had become a habit, so I’d still rage, and then apologize after. Now, I start to rage, stop, apologize, take a break, return and try the conversation again. This is a work in progress. I’m a work in progress.

The more we talk about the things that hurt us and how we healed the more we allow the space for others to do the same.

Sadly, I fear the reason we don’t do this is capitalism does not see enough profit in happiness and peace.

Healing is physical, mental, emotional, and energetic/spirit, yet so many tout only one, and we are shocked when it doesn’t work. The speakers/teachers tell us we need to pay to learn more. We keep spending money and time to hear we are the reason.

I submit that is we healed (w)holistically.

Sadly for so many (w)holistically means a bunch of odd, flowery talk and odd treatments for ailments and tend to shy away. What (w)holistically means is treating the WHOLE person, physical, mental, emotional, and energetically/spiritually.

As I learned mental, emotional, and energetic/spiritual tools, my physical health improved. I believe seeing/hearing others learn of, admit having, and work through problems, showing tools in action, would go a long way to more people being (w)holistically well.

Call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) or Text "START" to 88788 if you are in a domestic violence situation and want help.

Love, Light, and gentle hugs to you,

Momma O

* Here are some information and guidance for the Root Chakra:

Root Chakra or Muladahara Color: Red

Anatomical location: Base of Spine, between the perineum and anus

Qualities: Survival, Survival, security, grounding, family

Body Function: Elimination, lower digestion, fight/flight, sex drive

Body System: Prostate, womb, lymph, skeletal, lower extremities, excretory system

Endocrine gland: adrenal and adrenal medulla (inner)

Organ system: skeletal and skin

Underactive: disconnected to their body, drastically underweight, fearful, anxious, restless, poor focus, poor discipline, poor boundaries, chronically disorganized

Balanced: good health and vitality, well-grounded, feel comfortable in their body, feels safe and secure, able to relax and be still, stable

Overactive: obese, overeat, hoards, materialistic, greedy, lazy, sluggish, fears change

Physical problem: large intestine disorders, bone and teeth disorders, issues with legs, knees, feet, and base of the spine, eating disorders, and frequent illnesses due to excess/deficiencies.

Seed Sound: Lam (Laaaaaam)

Hand Mudra: Thumb and pointer finger touch hold. You could also combine with toning seed sound Laaaam

Some recommended Asana: Mountain, Chair, Goddess, Side Angle, Triangle, Standing Side Bend

Acupressure points GB-20 help to control emotions.

Herbs: burdock, cloves/clover, dandelion, rosemary, horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper

Food: Red or dark drown colored root vegetables, protein

Essential oils: patchouli, myrrh, frankincense,

Preparation: Find a space of undisturbed reflective capability.

Center in; ask for Source for guidance on your inventory. Ask Source what it would have you do.

In the following areas, rate yourself on a 1-10 scale (10 I am doing fantastic- 1 I have work to do) and why. These can include inner issues, beliefs, and blocks. Review the reflection questions, and then formulate an action plan for change, if indicated.

ROOT Chakra (The Physical State of Consciousness)



Material World:


Survival and Will to Live:





Earth Rituals:

Healing Arts:

Reflective questions:

How am I not living pure, clean, and simple in my physical environment?

Where am I out of balance (assimilation, circulation, accumulation /excess, elimination/loss?)

What beliefs do I have about my body?

What beliefs do I have about sex?

What beliefs do I have about what I can and cannot afford?

What am I attached to in this material world? Where do I see Limitation(s)?

Where in my life do I see clutter? In what areas am I putting up with disrespect?

To encourage change, what new affirmations, beliefs, or actions am I willing to apply to align this chakra?

**A personal note:<I use John & Jane ( J&J) Public to include cis, trans, gender fluid, if there are appropriate names/terms I could add please inform me and I’m happy to add, but I use this for simplification for the time being>

Petition to remove AH from Aquaman - https://www.change.org/p/dc-entertainment-remove-amber-heard-from-aquaman-2

AH’s Wiki page because I was unable to find the OpEd quickly - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Heard

AH and JD audio discussing an incident of being hit/punched - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc4hf4w7QXA

Acupressure information - https://www.healthline.com/health/pressure-points-for-neck#diagram

Opinion Essay by AH - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ive-seen-how-institutions-protect-men-accused-of-abuse-heres-what-we-can-do/2018/12/18/71fd876a-02ed-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html?noredirect=on


*List of YouTube Channels I watch pertinent to this article*




self care

About the Creator

Momma O

Chromotherapy and life guide, with study in color/chromotherapy, Energy Medicine, Medical Intuition, Reiki, NLP, nursing, chakra work, acupressure, and more, sharing wisdom to heal, mind, body, and spirit.

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