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Law of Attraction: Anti-science bigots’ dull arguments

It is no coincidence that superstitious things/pseudoscience have been prevalent.

By dolores charityPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Given that, his efforts were still “inconclusive” to the bigots. They, accordingly, argued that we’re ill-fated since we’re incapable of controlling the flow of thoughts in our subconscious.

Which seems anything less of "the theory is not falsifiable, it’s the practitioners that distort it" of other superstitious “science”: divination or astrology. They even interpret this as "you ran into a bad practitioner or a scam. Good ones must be ‘incontrovertibly true’". To believe, they’ll find a way.

After all, demystifying a book overwhelmed by fabrications is, by no mean, worth a sweat.

4. To discredit, they argue that science has no solution.

One’s waving the magic wand to turn the air into gold would get others to try it one, two or three times, who would fail miserably and assume that it must have been ridiculed.

On the other hand, offering other 100 people with the “magic wand” proclaimed to grant them with "luck", fanning out some ancient stories on magic wands, on how the trees impact the universe. At least, by the end of the day, a few of which would believe you.

The formula has it: leverage unheard-of things to explain the perplexing common sense. Doesn’t work? Just blaspheme those holding the wand for them, to all appearances, may have wrongly stepped up or committed certain taboos, or pre-disclaim that “we give instructions, the actual results are contingent upon you”. Go on and on and on and on and on until you’ve got the desired number of followers.

The Law of Attraction is counted on for the world does revolve around what one’s thinking. Still, bear in mind that the reality we perceive is the product of our own brain, which further explains why 8 billion humans view it in 8 billion different ways.

The brain limitations have all too often got us to turn a blind eye to seemingly impractical information and fix on the practical counterparts. Which did save us in nature? Whilst hunting, the prehistoric only paid attention to deers instead of other distracting information: trees, flowers, rocks or their hairy arms.

In a like manner, when you dote on cameras, you constantly notice them while others (and your past self) could hardly. Insomuch as when you think you're doomed, all negative things happened within the day are nailed down to prove it. Given that you’ve failed to notice other lucky or normal things.

This is the so-called confirmation bias, a fundamental psychological concept scientifically studied for decades.

The Secret’s author states that new quantum physics discoveries coincide exactly with ​​her Law of Attraction. To “evidence”, she added: "I’ve studied neither science or physics while at school, but I understand all too well quantum physics, for that’s what I long for”.

Without any insight into physics nor scientific foundation, The Secret still earned her a fortune, let alone selling the follow-up items and the “courses”.

Mark Manson did clear it up that “positive thinking can help us in the short term (in a certain extent), but in the long run, it’s actually disastrous [...]. The Secret is a McDonald bite for one’s mind. It quickly satisfies you, given that your mind would get little by little obese and stagnant, turning you emotional and you’d, in all likelihood, miserably kick your own bucket”.

Gravitating towards positivism, thus, holding back negative thoughts might even breed grave psychological disorders, take OCD, depression or anxiety as an example.

After all, Neil concluded: “Excuse my judgment and criticism, but these need to be said. Millions are splurging time, money and energy on an inefficacious and detrimental system”.

Negativity is not always ruinous, if not never be. Words, emotions, or anything else perceived as negative nuances should be taken to learn to accept.

But runaway is. Negativity is all too often loathed since it gets you apoplectic with rage. You, thus, crave a runaway from it. In a like manner, you’ve abhorred exercises, reading or meagre meals for they provoke such unpleasant feelings - given that they’re to polish you up.

Anyway, keep running, as you’re never running the risk for anything. As always.


About the Creator

dolores charity

Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.

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