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Important Steps to Follow After Cosmetic Gum Surgery in Michigan.

Cosmetic Gum Surgery

By advancedperiodonticsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

If you are concerned about your gums hurting your dental health or your gums having uneven gum lines, you must speak with a professional periodontist in Livonia to obtain a smile you can be proud of. With the progress of dentistry, oro-dental treatments can be conducted more successfully, with a favorable outcome and minimal pain. In addition to addressing uneven gums, cosmetic gum surgery may be performed to prevent gum disease, tooth loss, or bone damage.

What is cosmetic gum surgery?

This surgery is conducted for cosmetic reasons; therefore, if your gums are too high and make your teeth longer than usual, which might lead to tooth loss or decay, you should consider cosmetic gum surgery. Dentists will remove extra gum tissue and enhance the appearance of the teeth. However, when a patient has a gum infection, this procedure is also deemed medically necessary. Lack of prompt treatment might result in gum disease and tooth loss. If you have these symptoms, you should visit a dentist immediately for further gum surgery procedures: Red or swollen gums, foul breath, pus around the teeth, or bleeding and loosening teeth are all symptoms of gum disease.

A dentist will inspect the condition of your gums and your oral hygiene to confirm whether you are a suitable candidate to undergo gum surgery.

What are the potential risks of cosmetic gum surgery?

Usually, patients feel tenderness or numbness after the surgery as an effect of anesthesia. The amount of pain and discomfort depends on how much of your gums are affected in surgery. Below is a list of common risks that can occur with cosmetic gum surgery:

• Most-common risk is an infection, whether it is gum or in your blood.

• Slow wound healing

• Scarring

• Discoloration of tissue permanently

• Excessive bleeding or worsening the pain

• Change in taste

• Fever

What are the instructions you need to follow after surgery?

Besides correcting the gum shape, dentists eliminate bacteria and infections from your gums. It is common to experience some minor discomfort and to swell around the teeth. Once your cosmetic surgery is done, you must take the right steps for a speedy recovery. The more effectively you take care of your gums after surgery, the less time it will take to heal.

Here are a few points that will help you to recover quicker:

1. Less physical activity-

Your body requires rest and needs to recover after cosmetic gum surgery; that's why dentists recommend avoiding intense physical activity or heavy weight lifting. You must go easy on physical work to prevent excessive bleeding too. Make sure you take a rest for a whole day.

2. Avoid hard or crunchy food-

After cosmetic gum surgery, you must be well-balanced to recover and avoid infection. Your gums may have clots over the affected area for healing. So you need to make sure that they stick to the place and help you to heal your gums without causing much swelling. You should avoid eating for at least 3 hours after the surgery, and for the next 2-3 days, it is best to maintain a soft or liquid diet such as juices, ice cream, eggs, and mashed potatoes, and you must avoid using the straws too. To speed up your recovery process, you must avoid biting into hard, chewy foods that include raw vegetables, bread, or candy, along with alcohol and carbonated drinks that can infect the wound.

3. Maintain your oral hygiene-

On the first day after your cosmetic gum surgery, it is crucial to rinse your mouth with warm salt water every few hours to keep your teeth and gums clean. Simply swirl the saltwater in your mouth, but do not spit vigorously, as this could dislodge the blood clots. In addition, the saltwater solution will facilitate faster and more effective healing. You can also gently wash your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush on day two, and if your gums are healing normally, you can try flossing.

Aside from this, after the anesthetic begins to wear off, you will detect blood in your saliva; therefore, you must elevate your head to prevent bleeding and reduce swelling. Additionally, you can take recommended medication to aid in the healing process, and you must refrain from smoking. Finally, you should schedule a visit with your dentist if the pain or bleeding persists.

Wrapping up!

If you're looking for the finest cosmetic gum surgery in Michigan, go no further than the staff at Advanced Periodontics Implantology. Simply call us at 734-522-7313 to set up an appointment with one of our skilled periodontists if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, and they will work with you to achieve your goals with as little pain as possible.


About the Creator


Looking for periodontal treatments in Plymouth, visit Advanced Periodontics & Implantology anytime. Our expert periodontists offer preventive care to assist you get rid of periodontal disease.

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    advancedperiodonticsWritten by advancedperiodontics

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