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I Am a Complicated Scorpio

Using Moon and Rising Signs for a Clearer Picture

By Marilyn GloverPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Photo: Scorpio Zodiac Sign / Deposit Photos

I am destined to soar like the eagle

My almond shaped eyes reflecting

Like mirrors; hazel shards of glass

Piercing through the surface of all things

Delving into the deeper meaning

Of life, and why I exist in the first place

I will rise and fall again many times

Transforming in the spirit of the phoenix

If crossed, my sting will inflict a burn of the

Harshest sort often stinging myself in

Disappointment and self-destruction

Despite tempering flames, I am not fire

My emotions run the abysmal oceans

Making me water; feelings lacking balance

Contribute to my polar opposite persona

Creating a complicated and simple reality

At the same time; an unsolved mystery

I seek light hiding in the darkest shadows

You can call for me; I am cautious, never shy

Hello, my zodiac sign is Scorpio!

Taking after my grandmother who loved her Old Farmer’s Almanac, I began reading my horoscope in my freshman year of high school. I found curiosity in her earnest attention to the stars reading my monthly predictions in teen magazines. At that time I read mainly for entertaining purposes whereas my grandmother took horoscopes seriously.

A few years later when I was 19 and living on my own, I met an interesting pagan woman through mutual friends. I remember her urging me to take a pregnancy test after our initial meeting. I was young and naïve and had absolutely no knowledge of her lifestyle but something about her felt sincere. My test came back negative but the woman who was about ten years my senior, insisted that I retest in a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks later, a second test confirmed the pregnancy. From this point on, she took me under her wing teaching me Wicca and astrology.

Flash forward thirty years brings us to the present. I am 49 years old and yes, I believe in astrology! I refer to mine monthly consulting Western and Chinese styles and have dabbled in Vedic and Mayan. I am one of the feisty creatures known as Scorpio born on November eight. Throughout the years, my experience finds reading only the sun sign aspect of my chart overly generalized. Many of the typical Scorpio traits I can relate to but some of it is too broad leaving personal intricacies out. Horoscopes are not a “one size fits all” type of deal so I learned to consult the moon and rising signs of my chart producing a clearer picture of who I am in relation to the world.

Based solely on my sun sign, I know that Scorpios are complex humans often identified by prominent facial features who are all about their emotional responses to triggers or the environment they are in at any given moment. We are creative, loving souls who get a bad rap for our controlling and possessive tendencies but we are genuinely loving and empathetic of those we hold close in our hearts. The problem with us is our emotions and maintaining balance. We are competitive, love to lead and can see right through bullshit. We are also secretive never revealing all of our cards and prone to eccentric outbursts of emotional behavior. We do not trust others easily and our inquisitive detective like actions sometimes make us appear as the deceitful ones. Scorpios are naturally intuitive and are fascinated with the unknown, the occult and delving into the depths of mystery and all things obscure. The scorpion personality makes for thriving careers in police work, medicine, banking, music and psychology.

Photo: Neon Zodiac / Deposit Photos

Honestly, I can relate to most of the above, however, for the longest time when I only referred to my sun sign I often felt like pieces were missing despite the complexity of Scorpio. When I decided to explore astrology further in the late 90’s adding the interpretation of my moon and rising sign, a bit of the fuzz cleared up so to speak clarifying some personal struggles within my character.

Where our sun sign represents our identity, the moon signifies our soul behind it. The moon is the subconscious side of the self typically kept hidden. Understanding the moon can show you how to restore and nurture yourself helping to feel pleasure & pain and joy& sorrow.

The rising sign also known as the ascendant, is the manifestation of both our inner and outer worlds. This covers the physical body, outward style and social personality. It is this point of knowledge in our chart that defines balance within our dimensions: Physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, social and occupational.

My astrological sign analyses using sun, moon and rising sign

To calculate your moon and rising signs you will first need your date, exact time and place of birth. With a quick google search typing in “moon or rising calculator” you will find several site options. All you need to do is type in the appropriate information and voila!

Here are my personal results using my information: November8, 1971, 9:10 pm and London, England:

As you already know, my sun sign is Scorpio. Both my moon and rising fall under the sign of Leo. If you happen to have the same element in both your moon and rising sign then this is a blessing helping you to stay in touch with your emotional side, even when in an unfamiliar setting.

With everything combined, I am made more aware of the ongoing conflicts within myself. Scorpio although having a powerful presence and character often shies away from attention. We do not allow too many people within our already tightly knit circle. Adding Leo into the mix times two complicates my already complex persona. The Scorpio sun Leo moon is a combination suggesting a dynamic personality full of warmth and magnetism. They are comfortable in leadership roles and often of sound judgement. These people love to shine and be at the center of attention, no matter where they are going. I have struggled with this dual complexity my entire life as I am a passionate person who goes after what I want but I do not always crave the limelight often shrinking into the comfort of the background. Other times, however, the other side of me wants to come out and play yearning for recognition and praise from others confirming my accomplishments and victories.

Photo: Zodiac Background / Deposit Photos

Warm and altruistic, Scorpio sun, Leo moon are characterized by their friendliness and generosity which I can completely relate to. Honest and straightforward speaking their mind freely without thinking about consequences makes us not like the rest of the world. We prefer to do what is right and sometimes do not apologize when we are wrong.

Creative people, we can always come up with something making us sought after in leadership positions. We are spiritual beings and romantics who need to keep emotions in check otherwise fantasizing about things can blurry our sense of realism resulting in disappointments and depression.

Scorpio sun and Leo rising stresses leadership and that life will present plenty of opportunities to express creativity. Having Leo in my rising also speaks about my confidence and allowing for it to grow as I share my gifts with others. This is an important factor for me personally as this is a second life long struggle for me. Scorpios do not trust easily yet we crave intimacy. We may come off as strong and powerful but hide behind self-doubt. The strength of the lion can offset scorpion’s tendency to lash out with its notorious sting which not only burns others, it often wounds the self. We are prone to bouts of jealousy as we like to be in control constantly contrasting and comparing ourselves to others. An important lesson to learn is surrendering this very same control forming deeper bonds with other humans. Leo in my rising means that I seek attention and approval from others despite my Scorpio sun feeling that it is me against the world which points to the need for compromise.

I do indeed; fit my role as a complicated Scorpio. Incorporating my moon and rising sign illuminates areas of my personality needing focus. Everything in life is about keeping a healthy balance no matter what zodiac sign we fall under. Man’s fascination with stars dates back to the beginning of time evolving over the years into the astrology that we know today. While I do hold astrology in high regard having studied it for over thirty years, I do not lose sight of the importance of positive decision making. I absolutely use it as a guide finding some comfort with the additional information my moon and rising signs provide, but ultimately my Scorpio complexities are not uncommon human traits no matter how much my mysterious, inquisitive side will sometimes tell me. The key for me is finding equilibrium within the Scorpio/ Leo characteristics and accepting myself for the wonderful spiritual being that I am.



About the Creator

Marilyn Glover

7x Medium boosted poet, editor, and Reiki Master who is at her best when in nature. Creating to boost humanity while often not coloring within the lines. Follow me at: https://gmarilyn009.medium.com/

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