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How to Win Your War Against Back Pain!

How to reverse the pain from sciatica or a herniated disk just in 48 Hours?

By Sanjeev SharmaPublished 2 years ago 15 min read
Image source: pexels

Is Back Pain Ruining Your Life? Have You Stopped Living The Way You Used To? Do You Feel Life Has Turned Its Back On You? Yes, It's True! Back Pain Can Be A Grueling, Debilitating, Experience That Makes Living Truly A Nightmare!

Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain will inhibit millions of Americans this year, and an estimated 80% of us will experience back pain sometime in our lives. For some, the pain can be excruciating. Back pain can be caused by many injuries or conditions, thus making a proper diagnosis both difficult and critical. Back pain that occurs with other symptoms like fever and chills, severe abdominal pain or bladder and bowel problems can be an indication of a serious medical condition and should be evaluated by your doctor immediately.

Musculoskeletal strains are more common among people who live sedentary lifestyles. Those with a higher level of physical fitness generally have stronger muscles in the back, legs and abdomen, all of which help support the back. Perhaps the most significant risk factor is obesity. The strain of carrying excess weight can contribute greatly to back pain. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help control obesity, and reduce the frequency of back pain episodes.

There are many conditions that can cause back pain other than musculoskeletal strains. They include:

• Arthritis, a disease that causes inflammation of the joints. Three types of arthritis that affect the spine are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.

• A herniated disc, or ruptured disc, occurs when the hard outer coating of the discs, the circular pieces of connective tissue that cushion the vertebrae, are damaged. These discs may leak, irritating nearby nerves. A herniated disk can cause severe sciatica, nerve pain that radiates down the leg.

• Spinal stenosis is a condition where the spinal canal narrows, compressing the nerves inside. It is often caused by bone spurs which are a result of osteoarthritis. Compression of the nerves can lead to pain, numbness in the legs, and the loss of bladder or bowel control.

• Spondylolisthesis is a condition where a vertebra slips out of place. As the spine tries to stabilize itself, the joints between the slipped vertebra and adjacent vertebrae can become enlarged. This can pinch nerves, causing low back pain and severe sciatica leg pain.

• Vertebral fractures can be caused by trauma or by osteoporosis, a disease where the bones become fragile.

• Degenerative disc disease is an aging process where the discs between the vertebrae break down over time.

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Causes of Neck Pain and Headaches

Athletes and sports people often have headaches and neck pains which originate at the nape of the neck and move to their heads via the temples, eyes, and the neck. Describing this accurately to the doctor is important because then the doctor will know whether it is a referred pain due to an injury in some other part of the body. Headaches are of different kinds and of different levels of severity and what most people do not realize is that there is a link between the headache and the neck pain. Stiffness and pain in the neck can cause pain whenever the person tries to move the head. Often this stiffness is associated with headaches too. Stiffness in the neck is often accompanied by headaches.

Sleeping in the wrong position and neck pain

A stiff neck or what is in medical terms referred to as a cervical spasm is not a serious disorder but is one that causes a lot of discomfort. This is something that usually comes about with sleeping in the wrong posture or using a pillow that does not support the head and neck properly. This brings about muscular pain and the result is a headache and neck pain.

Poor posture causes headache and neck pain and the person does not even realize that he has a bad posture and continues to do it until the pain starts and keeps getting worse. Some of the bad postures that cause headaches and pain in the neck are walking with a slouch, carrying a weighty bag on your shoulder, reading while lying in bed, the computer being too high or low while working on it for long hours, and sitting in a twisted curled position in front of the television.

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Medical reasons for headache and neck pains

There are also medical conditions that cause headaches and neck pains and not just bad posture that does this. Meningitis and high blood pressure are also causes of this kind of discomfort and pain. A bad neck pain thats gets worse when the chin is moved downwards is a symptom of meningitis. After an accident, if there is a concussion there is neck pain and headache also.

​How To Prevent Back Pain

Simple lower back pain can be caused by straining the muscles, tendon or ligaments of the lower back. The most effective prevention is to take care as to how you lift heavy objects. Do not try to lift any significant weight by bending over the object. You should bend your knees and then lift with your legs. Avoid twisting your body while lifting. When moving heavy objects, pushing is less stressful than pulling. Routine activities, such as housework or gardening, can cause back pain. Avoid standing flat-footed while bent over.

A sedentary lifestyle will contribute to back problems.

Regular exercise will improve the flexibility and strength of the muscles which support your lower back. These include the abdominal muscles, as well as those in the legs and back. A simple exercise routine can help prevent back pain throughout your life. Obesity is a common cause of back pain. Aerobic exercise can help manage weight concerns. Swimming, jogging or even walking are all activities that will help you lose weight and feel better.

In addition to exercise, a proper diet is essential in managing your weight. However, there are also two nutrients, calcium and vitamin D, that help build healthy and strong bones and prevent osteoporosis, which can cause bone fractures that lead to back pain.

Many people whose jobs involve sitting for long periods of time experience back pain. It is important to get up and move around regularly. If driving for long periods of time, take the time to stop and get out of your vehicle.

Stretching your muscles and improving blood flow to your lower body will help prevent back pain, as well as help keep you alert for the rest of your trip.

Changing the position in which you sleep can also help prevent back pain. The best positions are either to sleep lying on your side with your legs bent or lying on your back with a pillow under your knees. A firm mattress is usually the best bet. A sheet of plywood can be placed between the box spring and the mattress in order to increase the firmness of your bed.

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Non-Surgical Treatment For Back Pain

Back pain may be relieved with a variety of techniques. For most common occurrences of back pain, a regiment of rest, hot and cold compresses, exercise and therapy, as well as various pain medications can be used to reduce the pain and provide a level of comfort.

Hot and cold compresses used separately or by alternating can have great benefits in reducing back pain. Heat is used to relax the muscles. It works by dilating the blood vessels, which improves the flow of oxygen to the affected area and reduces pain and muscle spasms. Cold packs are used to reduce inflammation, such as that from arthritis or injury. This works by decreasing the size of blood vessels and the flow of blood to the area. It is important to avoid prolonged application of either heat or cold packs, especially near the organs found in the abdominal cavity.

Exercising is of great benefit both to someone suffering from back pain and to anyone hoping to avoid it in the future. If you are suffering from acute back pain, exercising may not be possible or even a good idea.

However, for chronic back pain, a regular exercise program is recommended. Exercise will help strengthen the muscles that support the back, and increase flexibility and range of motion. A physical therapist can help you in developing an exercise plan that is suitable for you and your condition.

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Alternative Treatments For Back Pain

Source: pexels

The term alternative therapy covers a wide array of treatments, with a corresponding variation in levels of acceptance amongst the medical community.

Alternative medicine is a growing field but sometimes relies more on anecdotal evidence than careful study.

The most reputable alternative treatments include chiropractic, prolotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure, and massage therapy.

Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to adjust the spine. Their goal is to ease pressure on the nervous system by properly aligning the spine. Spinal manipulation tries to restore joint mobility by applying a controlled force to joints that have become restricted in their movement. Chiropractic is the most popular form of alternative therapy.

Prolotherapy is a treatment in which a sugar solution or other irritating substance is injected into the periosteum, the fibrous tissue covering the bones, in order to strengthen the attachment of tendons and ligaments.

Acupuncture and acupressure are based on the ancient Chinese philosophy that a life force called Qi flows through the body. If the flow is impeded, the body can become ill. Acupuncture uses needles to unblock the flow of Qi, while acupressure uses massage to accomplish the same thing.

Massage therapy can benefit back pain sufferers by increasing blood flow and circulation, decreasing tension in the muscles, reducing pain caused by tight muscles, and even improving sleep. Massage therapy can provide relief for many common conditions that cause back pain, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, and various other soft tissue sprains and strains.

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Exercise For Back Pain: Mattresses

Night time is a period when we all want to relax from our everyday tensions and troubles of life. However, if this also turns out to be a discomforting experience, there cannot be anything more annoying. We all want to stay comfortable in our cocoons at night, but money is also an important consideration.

Due to this, homeowners have been divided into two divisions – ones who are ready to spend any price for their comfort and the others who are quite economical and therefore not very choosy about the mattress they are using unless they can actually afford those expensive comforts of luxurious mattresses.

Memory foam mattresses – a remedy for your back pain

The good news especially for these economical homeowners is that superior memory foam mattresses are now accessible at affordable rates providing you a refreshing and relaxed sleep.

One of the most common complaints that people make relating to their sleep is about their back pain. People are more likely to change sides frequently during sleep if their hips or back are getting hurt. Foam mattresses cushion the body so well that you do not feel any pain and ensure you a sound sleep.

Even when you have any temporary pains like pregnancy, upgrading to this fine-quality mattress can provide you with great rest.

Enhancing your experience of sleep can help you to rest your body and thereby increase your energy levels so that you achieve more than what you decide without feeling lethargic. The popularity of memory foam mattresses has increased tremendously in the past few years. Also, its price is dropping with every passing year.

Regular v/s memory foam mattress

The disparity that lies between any regular mattress and a memory foam mattress is awesome. They don’t only have a visual appeal, they are something that you should actually go to the sales floor and feel yourself to realize its true worth. Though most manufacturers make available a complimentary trial period for these mattresses, it is hardly possible to return it back after the trial period once you have experienced the luxury of sleeping on them.

Upgrade gradually to mattress

In case, you don’t want to invest straightway into the memory foam mattress, you can initiate with a memory foam pillow or a topper. This will gradually acquaint you with the benefits of these luxurious products. It is advisable to start with a topper only and then shift to the mattress to make your experience the most contented one.

Two little drops kills even the worst pain. It sounds almost unbelievable? Click to know More.

​​Advice For How To Get Rid Of Back Pain Now And Later

Since four out of five of us are going to suffer from back pain at one time or another, according to numerous studies, it only makes sense to learn how you can cope with the pain as well as prevent it from happening in the first place.

Though there are some cases of back pain that you can't control – accidents, traumas, pregnancy, etc. – most cases of back pain are related to the way we move and interact with the world around us.

So, if we change the way we move, we can reduce our chances of being sidelined by back pain. Here are some helpful tips that can both help you prevent back pain from being a problem, while also helping you reduce back pain if you've already begun to feel a twinge.

NOTE: If you are currently suffering from back pain and any of these tips make the pain worse, stop what you are doing and check with your doctor for further guidance.

Stand Up Straight

While most of us realize that we should be correcting our posture more, it's an essential step in preventing and reducing back pain.

Our spines are meant to be in a naturally curved position, but we need to hold our bodies in a certain manner in order to allow the body to sit in this proper position.

When you slouch, the vertebrae in your spine have more pressure put on them, causing pain and possible spinal damage when you continue to slouch throughout your life.

Here is how you can begin to stand up straight:

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart, about hip distance is comfortable for most people.
  • Hold your head up high with your gaze forward.
  • Pull your chin up so that it is parallel to the floor.
  • Roll your shoulders slightly back.
  • Keep a slight bend in your knees, softening them.
  • Put your arms to your sides, with palms facing inward.
  • Bring your chest up, as though you were taking a deep breath.

You should be able to draw a line from your ear to the shoulder to your hip to your knee if you are standing up properly. But the immediate effect will be that your body should feel more relaxed and your neck and back should loosen up. You can also use these tips when you are sitting down, though your feet should be flat on the floor and knees bent at a ninety-degree angle from your chair. The more you practice this good posture, the more natural it will become.

Two little drops kills even the worst pain. It sounds almost unbelievable? Click to know More.

Reduce The Stress In Your Life

Many more doctors feel that back and neck pain are actually caused by the stress that you have in your life, rather than injuries or other traumas. So, if you can reduce the stress in your life, you will reduce the incidence of back pain.

Here are some helpful tips to begin to reduce your stress:

  • Create 'me' time

Too often, we over-schedule ourselves and never have a free moment to spare for ourselves. This is unhealthy and it can also add to your stress levels. Instead, try to carve out at least ten minutes of 'me' time each day where you're only responsible for yourself and what you want to do.

  • Establish boundaries

With cell phones and the internet, it's harder than ever to escape from work. But in order to keep stress at bay, you need to be able to turn off your work life and turn on your relaxation. Create clear boundaries as to when your work day begins and when it ends. Try not to do any work outside of those times and tell others that you will not work outside of those times.

  • Ask for help

When we're really stressed, we tend to knuckle down and not ask for help, thinking it makes us look weak to ask. But in the end, this lack of help makes us resentful and possibly even more stressed than we need to be. Ask for help when you need it. People like to help, but only you can tell them when it's necessary.

  • Take time away

About 75% of working adults today aren't taking their vacation time from work. Be sure to take this time to get away from the office and unwind. Travel with friends or family and learn how to decompress.

  • Vent your frustrations

Instead of bottling up your stress, write down everything that bugs you during the day and then throws away or burn that piece of paper before you go to bed. That will signify that you are done being frustrated and you can relax.

Two little drops kills even the worst pain. It sounds almost unbelievable? Click to know More.

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About the Creator

Sanjeev Sharma

Writing about Relationships, Healthy living & Travel (Bachelor of Arts- Industrial Relations & Personnel Management).

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