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How To Whiten Your Teeth: The Easiest, Safest and Cheapest Way

Have you ever wondered how many people in the world suffer from yellow teeth? Well, that’s because most people don’t know about the simple truth about whitening your teeth: it’s actually very affordable and safe. Whitening your teeth is something that every person should do if they want to look their best. It sounds like a little detail, but having white teeth can make all the difference! If you have ever noticed that your tooth color seems a little off, then this article is for you! In this article we will cover everything you need to know about how to whiten your teeth at home. Whether you are struggling with discolored staining or just want to brighten up your smile, there is a perfect solution for every budget.

By Wilson.CPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Which Teeth Should Be Whitened?

The best way to whiten your teeth is to whiten all of them – including your front teeth. Front teeth are much more visible than back teeth, so it’s important to keep them white. And, while you might feel like you are not able to keep your back teeth white enough, you are. The reason your front teeth are more noticeable is because they are directly in front of your eyes, while your back teeth are behind your eyes. So, which teeth should you whiten? Any teeth that are a little bit yellow can be whitened; it’s important to remember, though, that you want to whiten all of your teeth. If you have a few teeth that are a little bit yellow, you can whiten those first.

How To Whiten Your Teeth At Home

There are many whitening products on the market that promise amazing results. Unfortunately, most of these products are very expensive and, in some cases, they even contain harmful chemicals. Luckily, there is an easy and safe way to whiten your teeth at home without spending a fortune. You can also do it without taking time off from work or school. All you need is a few simple ingredients and some toothpaste, and you can have whiter teeth in a few days! To whiten your teeth at home, you will need a few basic ingredients: baking soda, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and salt. The baking soda and salt are both essential for getting the desired effect. You will also need toothpaste, which can be purchased from the grocery store or made at home.

What Tools Do I Need?

Whitening strips: These are basically squares of rubber that you place on your teeth. They contain some type of gel that reacts with stains on your teeth, and they turn your teeth a light shade of white. The strips you want to get are the ones that you place against your teeth for 30 minutes at a time, and then you rinse them off. Whitening toothpaste: The toothpaste you use should contain peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, which are two ingredients that can help to whiten your teeth. Some toothpastes also contain sodium percarbonate, which is another ingredient that can help to whiten teeth. While most toothpastes will work for whitening your teeth, you may want to opt for the more expensive brand, as this type of toothpaste is specifically made for teeth whitening. Whitening strips: These are basically squares of rubber that you place on your teeth. They contain some type of gel that reacts with stains on your teeth, and they turn your teeth a light shade of white. The strips you want to get are the ones that you place against your teeth for 30 minutes at a time, and then you rinse them off.

The Goods - DIY Toothpaste To Make Your Own White Toothpaste

Why do most toothpastes cost so much? They contain a very low percentage of toothpaste and a percentage of sweetener that can be up to 88%. The rest is mostly water, propylene glycol, artificial flavours, and sodium benzoate (a preservative thought to be harmful). So, you can save money by making your own toothpaste and whitening toothpaste! Whitening toothpaste can cost around $10, while store-bought toothpaste may be as low as $3. So, you are saving $6 by making your own toothpaste. Homemade toothpaste is much cheaper than store-bought varieties. You can make your own toothpaste for as little as $3, as opposed to the $10 or more that you may pay for store-bought toothpaste.

The Bads - What You MUST Avoid To Get Real Results

As we mentioned, you should whiten all of your teeth. However, you should also focus on the back teeth first. Because, let’s be real, we all know that the back teeth are the first ones that show when you smile. And, if your teeth are yellow, they will definitely look bad and yellow. To get the best results, you should be sure to follow these steps: Choose a toothpaste that contains peroxide as well as sodium percarbonate. Use the toothpaste twice a day. Use toothpaste that contains xylitol, which is a natural sweetener. Use a toothbrush that is designed for teeth whitening.


Whitening your teeth is something that everyone should do if they want to look their best. It sounds like a little detail, but having white teeth can make all the difference! The best way to whiten your teeth is to whiten all of them – including your front teeth. Front teeth are much more visible than back teeth, so it’s important to keep them white. And, while you might feel like you are not able to keep your back teeth white enough, you are. To whiten your teeth at home, you will need a few basic ingredients: baking soda, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and salt. You will also need a toothbrush that is designed for teeth whitening, toothpaste, and some rinsing strips.


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Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

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    Wilson.CWritten by Wilson.C

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