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How to Wake up Every Morning on Top of The World

"You find peace of mind not by thinking about it or by thinking about it, but by calming and relaxing the restless mind." ~ Remez Sasson

By S.KPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
How to Wake up Every Morning on Top of The World
Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you wake up in the morning? Is it intentional, or is it just "Oh shi # $, it's 6:00!"?

If you start your day like that, then it is likely that your day will be filled with anxiety and stress. It’s not the most productive way to get things done.

Questions are very powerful when used properly.

How to Use Morning Power Questions

When you wake up in the morning, you always ask yourself questions, whether you realize it or not. As you brush your teeth, drink your coffee, or eat your breakfast, thoughts run through your head. You may be thinking, “Why am I so tired? Why didn't I sleep before? What will I eat? ”

These items usually do not serve any useful purpose, and in some cases, as you can see, they hurt you. The idea of ​​using questions to take direct control of your day. So let me give you a few examples of things you might ask in the morning:

What am I looking forward to today?

What is absolutely perfect about my life?

How can I make it terrible today?

What is the best thing that can happen today?

By asking yourself these kinds of questions, you begin to shift your focus to all the things you want to happen.

One interesting thing to note is that your questions do not need to be grounded in reality because your brain will respond to whatever you ask for in reality. Therefore, if you are going to be deceitful, you may be able to make your deception even more powerful.

The key to using this successfully, however, is to do it for thirty days in a row. What happens when you do this is that your brain will form a link, known as the neuro-association, between the energizing world you create with your questions and waking up in the morning.

One question you can ask yourself every morning

For about two weeks now, I have been asking myself one question since I woke up: "What am I thankful for?" You’ve heard before that you have to start every day with a state of gratitude. This is probably the easiest way to do that.

If you ask yourself that question for enough days in a row, you will wake up and feel like you are above the ground every day. As you begin to see your life and the world around you as full of things to be thankful for, you will bring more and more of that into your life.

We all have a lot to be thankful for but we are often caught up in all the wrong things in our lives. I hope this will help you to change your focus.

Ways to Change Your Morning Habit

I want you to consider changing the way you start your day. In addition to the power questions I encourage you to start your day in a peaceful, peaceful way that you may have had in the past. I think you will find that the impact this will have on you physically and mentally will be very strong.

Do not turn on the computer or TV.

As a blogger, last year or the first thing I can do every single morning is turn on the computer. Even if you are not a blogger you may have a tendency to turn on the computer when you wake up. Starting your brain with too much information when you wake up will not be healthy.

I encourage you to enjoy your coffee or breakfast for about twenty minutes. Turning on the TV is one of the subtle things you can do. News can have such a devastating effect on you that you may not even realize it. Stories are often about everything that goes wrong in the world and this is the first thing you are exposed to this morning.

One thing we know from years of self-help is that our minds tend to be overly receptive in the morning. That’s why I encourage you not to turn on the TV when you’ve been doing it.

Listen to music / something uplifting.

I love listening to music and, if possible, even using an alarm clock to play music. I try to find songs that are either positive or negative. One of the best times to listen to a self-help tape or program is when you wake up. Imagine what this will mean for you if you do this for about 30 days.

If you listen to positive / encouraging things when you wake up, then you will eventually fix that message in your mind and connect it with waking up in the morning.


I think one of the most challenging things about meditation is freeing yourself from the thought. As someone who has a mind going on what sounds like a million miles per minute, this is not something I know very well to myself. Early in the morning your mind is in a state of calm and five to ten minutes of intense relaxation / meditation can make a big difference in your day.

How do you start your morning routine? Is there anything else you can add to this listing?


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