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How to Treat the Consequences of Long Working Hours

Working long and hard may have some serious consequences.

By Mianna KorbenPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Working long and hard may bring you a lot of money but it can also bring you a lot of stress and health problems. Everyone keeps telling you that you should slow down and you probably know it yourself, but work just fulfills you in such a way that few things can. Either that, or you’ve been working so long and hard that you forgot how it feels to relax. No more of that. Now is the time to relax and unwind and give your body the rest it needs from all that it’s been through.

1. Take breaks often

Prevention is part of the cure. That’s why avoiding or minimizing the consequences of long hours is key to your well-being. You’ll need to take breaks often, so as to let your body and your eyes rest from the one position you’re sitting in and the screen you keep staring at. Even just 10 minutes every two hours can be enough to minimize the consequences of long days at the office.

Take a walk to the break room, drink some water, wash your face, and stretch. Close your eyes for a few minutes or look away to something other than your screen. Watch your posture throughout the day and don’t be afraid to change sitting positions often.

2. Try reading

The last thing you want to do when you get home is read and exercise your brain more. That’s why most people just mindlessly watch TV. Although this may seem relaxing, it’s only so because it doesn’t engage your mind in any way. You’re basically turning yourself into a zombie. This isn’t a healthy way to rest your mind as it kills brain activity altogether and doesn’t promote any creativity or fire up thinking processes.

Reading, on the other hand, is a great way to relax because your brain is still engaged while it’s settling in for the night. The last thing you do before you shut off will be positive and it will reset your brain in the right way. You don’t have to choose anything difficult to read, either. A light and trendy book will do. The more you practice this hobby, the more you’ll find out what you like and what feels good to read at a certain point in time. Soon enough, reading will be an irreplaceable part of your evening routine.

3. Get a massage

Massages are a great way to relieve muscle tension and let your body rest. They get rid of stress and make you feel more refreshed as your body isn’t so tense and cramped anymore. Getting a massage every day after work may sound like a good idea, but it’s actually really expensive. That’s why it’s better to invest in a home massage system. You’ll pay more in the beginning, but this will be an investment that pays off in the long run.

There are many massage chairs for sale available out there so you’ll be able to treat yourself and give your body the rest it deserves. Just imagine, when you come home after a strenuous day, you’ll sink into your massage chair and let the world of stress fade away. With a cold one in your hand and your favourite show on TV, there’s no worry which will be able to break through the serene wall in your mind.

4. Take a long bath

A hot bubble bath in the evening might be just the thing you need. When you’ve been around people and doing things for the whole day, you’ll want some alone time for yourself in the evening. So, pick up a few scented candles on your way back from work and a bottle of your favourite wine. Fill up the tub with hot water and mix in the salts. If you’re feeling creative, you can even make natural bubble baths by yourself.

Light the candles, pour yourself a glass, and enjoy the healing powers a good bath can have. For an even better experience, you can add some flowers or flower petals and make them float in the bath. Play soft jazz in the background and let yourself slip away to a calmer and much more pleasant place.


As you can see, there are many ways you can relax and treat the consequences of long working hours. You can finally sit down after work and enjoy the time you have to yourself and your loved ones. From now on, work will actually stay at work and your life won’t be just at the office. As a workaholic, this may be hard to wrap your head around in the beginning, but soon enough, you’ll wonder how you managed to survive so long without treating yourself.

self care

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