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How to Lose Weight Fast

How to lose weight fast?

By Catherine A.Published 5 years ago 4 min read

Eat healthy by introducing more fruits and veggies to your diet.

You will lose weight faster and safer. You can lose between two to five pounds in a week, depending on the amount of weight you want to lose and your metabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is a term to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Metabolism links to nutrition and nutrients. Energy formation is one of the vital components of metabolism. Good nutrition is the key to good metabolism. Food provides a variety of substances essential for the building, upkeep, and repair of body tissues, and for a good function of the body.


The difference between a slow and fast metabolism is how many calories you burn to support these functions. A slow metabolism burns fewer calories than a fast one. Factors that determine your metabolic rate include gender, body composition, age, daily activity and genetics.

If you are gaining weight while eating the same food you have eaten for decades, your metabolism may be slowing down. Muscle burns more calories than fat tissue, but as you get older, you may be less active and your calorie-burning muscle turns into fat, leading to the metabolic slowdown. This is also one reason why women have slower metabolisms than men, as they have less muscle.

Genetics may be the major player in your fast metabolism. Working out and building muscle pays off for your metabolic rate, which is why athletes and bodybuilders get to eat large quantities of food.

What to eat and not eat to lose weight fast?


Cut all the sugar from your diet, the one that is hiding in the prepackaged food and drink. Instead, cook your food, go for whole foods and drink plenty of water!

Reinvent your breakfast by eating eggs, veggies and fruits; your body will thank you! Sugar in the morning doesn't bring you any benefits, as sugar is an empty calorie with zero nutritional benefits.


Do not add too much salt, use fresh herbs like parsley, garlic, onion, lemon juice, etc. to add flavour to your meals. Salt will not stop weight loss, but it can stall it. Sodium makes your body keep water. When you eat too much salt, you may see the scale go up a few pounds. When you reduce salt intake, you’ll lose a few pounds as your body expels the water it was keeping.

Coffee or Tea

Start your day with a fresh cup of coffee or tea, but with no sugar, cream or milk. Don’t add milk if you want to lose weight!

If you want to lose weight and are working towards that goal, having your coffee without milk for a while will help you achieve your goal. Black coffee has less calories as compared to having coffee with both milk and sugar. In fact, at only 4.7 calories per cup, black coffee will assist you in keeping track of your calorie intake during your weight loss period. In contrast, coffee that contains sugar and milk has an astounding 56.6 calories.

Caffeine is a natural diuretic and an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage. Tea is also a natural diuretic, and types of herbal tea such as dandelion or fennel root can also lend a hand. Green-tea drinkers burned about 70 additional calories in a 24-hour period.

More Veggies!

Add more veggies, all the time! This is a simple and effective way to lose the weight you want. Eat at least 50% to 60% of veggies every meal, every day.


Strength training plays a crucial role in increasing your calorie expenditure. While many people head for the treadmill, bike or elliptical, when on a weight-loss plan, thinking cardio is the best option. Strength training can be just as good for weight loss.

Buy a set of 5-pound weights to builds lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories, at work or at rest. Increase strength by integrating yoga, a rigorous version that moves you through multiple Chaturanga (a yoga style), or push-up, lunges and core work for your muscles.

Isometric is ideal for those who have limited space to workout, knee discomfort, or other injuries. You do not need special equipment.

Bedtime Routine

A lot of research shows that getting less than the desired amount of about seven hours of sleep per night can slow down your metabolism. When you are awake for longer, you are more likely to snack on midnight munchies, what is harmful to your weight loss!

Go for a Walk

Walking for at least 20 minutes per day helps you lose the weight you want. Great for relaxing, have a clear mind and take a big breath of fresh air. Go for a walk!

weight loss

About the Creator

Catherine A.

Passion for a healthy life, Love cooking from scratch, yoga and meditation are part of my daily routine. I study Counselling/psychology and focus my career as a Life Coach.


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