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How to Emotionally Balance

Understanding the Chakras as a Map

By Zoe BonesPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

One of the most effective and accepted therapies I have come across is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, DBT. It teaches to practice opposite of what we are thinking, feeling and doing as well as tracing triggers and being in the present moment. Using the concept of chakras as a guide, we can identify seven distinct core emotional states, in which we can break down more complex emotions and map them ourselves to find the opposite necessary to balance our thoughts, behavior and emotions. Truly being in the present moment means we must release the attachments and emotional triggers to events of the past that shaped the unhappiness of today.

Typically, one sees themselves as more Yin or more Yang – Action or Inaction – when we are actually both. If we do not fulfill balance within Self, we attract it to us from the world. Abusers attract Victims and Victims attract Abusers. We draw to us the opposite energy to balance out as everything as the Universe seeks homeostasis. As we get closer to balance within Self, we stop drawing it from outside. In understanding the essence of these separations and making effort to balance it in feeling and doing opposite, we can see how to become more in alignment to a condition we call happiness.

7 – The first or last separation, depending how one looks at it, is Responsibility. It is in Crown, we must take Responsibility of our lives in the body and home, our actions and behavior, and our thoughts and beliefs. Only we can save ourselves. It does not matter how we got to this point in our lives and pointing fingers at who is to blame. It is about picking up the reigns of the horses and consciously guiding the wagon. Until we realize this, we are a passenger on that wagon being tossed about with no one driving, simply being along for the ride and complaining about it. In Responsibility, we are neither waiting to be Rescued nor being the Rescuer to anyone else. No one or thing can “fix” our lives for us and we can't "fix" anyone. It is up to us to find our own answers.

Responsibility is blocked by excuses. “I can't ______ because I am ______.” Taking Responsibility is “I want to _____. Now, how do I do that?” According to Byron Katie, it is staying in our own business. In the Serenity Prayer it is fixing what we are able, knowing what we can't, and the wisdom to see that. It is deeply knowing "No matter what you believe, you are right." - Henry Ford

6 - In Third Eye, we are the viewer of our story, whether it is Comedy or Tragedy. Our Focus determines whether we see the movie as positive or negative. Everything is actually both. When we are in situations we see as negative, we can transform it by seeing the positives of it and vise versa. In Third Eye, Insight shows us the difference between where we are and where we dream to be and how to bridge the gap. We bring those visions together like adjusting a camera lens. This is FOCUS.

5 - In Throat, we express and show to others what our Truth is. We become a conscious moderator of the messages we receive and pass along, Judging whether it is a helpful message or it is not. We become aware we are a conduit of the Fear or Love we spread or don't, exercising Freedom to choose.

4 - In Heart, we practice giving ourselves and celebrating our existence with others. Heart out of balance is putting Self above others, Narcissistic, or putting others above Self, Empathic.

3 - In Solar Plexus, we do and practice the things we believe is what must do to be happy, to win the Game of Life. We are good at what we practice. Depression is not doing what we truly desire that makes us happy. Destruction is an unconscious action to achieve a false win regardless of the effects.

2 - In Sacral, we feel the pleasure of what it is like to be what we want through who we are. Emotions can work for us instead of against us. If we feel the pleasure that we are what we want already, it has no choice but to happen. The reason we don't do what gives us Pleasure is Shame, being told that is bad, or Addiction, substituting something that hurts us, but gives a sense of Pleasure to us temporarily.

1 - In Root, we gain the knowledge we need and physically transform ourselves to what is optimal to what we believe we have to be. The prime drive is our Fight instinct which we can also call Control & Trust. Lack of Control and Trust cause us to be in Anger or Anxiety. Both are fear of harm and not belonging and block the feeling of Safety or Home in our basic right to Exist. Both exist simultaneously.

Namaste Y'all 💜🙏😉

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