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How to begin your holistic wellness journey?

Start with one thing at a time!

By thewellnessxploraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to begin your holistic wellness journey?
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

What is a holistic wellness journey?

An active pursuit of an internal state of wellbeing, to prevent dis-ease, and to heal all aspects of yourself mind, body, and spirit, of imbalance.

Cultivating Holistic Wellness means you have to be prepared to go beyond merely focusing on your body, to give attention to all aspects of your being. Including:

The mind, mental and psychological aspects of yourself.

The body and physical aspects.

Emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects.

Social and environmental conditions you’re surrounded by.

Holistic wellness journeys lead you towards preventing and correcting imbalance within your entire being. Thus, healing the multi-dimensional aspects of self through the help of nature and natural means, focused on restoring balance to the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

How can you begin your wellness journey?

By creating a plan of action on how to cultivate and nurture these multi-dimensional aspects of yourself, daily.

Now, ask yourself?

“What kind of daily practices can help me to nourish my mind, body, and spirit, in order to to ensure a state of internal harmony and wellness?”

If you don't have a plan or need some ideas/inspiration on how to begin a wellness journey, check out my exemplary template below.

A Template of A Wellness Triangle.

Created by author.


What are some of the ways you can nourish your mind?

  • Reading books can help expand your mind and enlighten you.
  • Daily meditation can help you observe your thought patterns more frequently, with the goal of becoming less attached to the impulses and utterances of the “monkey mind”
  • Daily affirmations have the power to counter negative thought patterns and lay the foundation for more positive thought patterns, basically, helping you to re-program your mind.
  • Creativity can be helpful in enhancing your mind and mental states as it demands you use a completely different side (right side) of your brain. It can help balance out your daily mental activity.
  • Writing, journaling, and creative activity can help you still the mind. Or quiet the mental chatter within your mind, as you get lost in a ‘flow state’. In this state, thoughts often “drop” off, allowing your mind and entire being, to be completely immersed in the chosen creative activity.

Spirit/Spiritual/Emotional and Energetic Component

What are some of the ways you can nourish your spirit?

  • Meditation is not only beneficial for soothing the mind, but also very useful for nourishing the spirit. Meditation has the power to calm our spirits internally, as we begin to see our thoughts for what they really are. For Example: If you suffer from thoughts that cause your spirit to become weary, or descend into negative vibratory states, meditation can eventually help you see them for what they really are: unreal thoughts, just passing by. Meditation trains us to eventually not be as attached to our thoughts, as we previously were. Remember — you are not the thought, but the observer of the thought.
  • Prayer is not a tool reserved for the religious. Anyone and everyone can access the tool of prayer. If you have ever experienced your connection to something bigger than you, the ALL, you have every right to commune with it at all times, to seek internal guidance. Prayer is a powerful tool, which grounds us within the reality that, we are never truly alone. It affirms the reality that we are connected to unseen forces that guide the unfolding of life in the universe.
  • Talk less. Contemplate more. Think more. Think about your life and purpose. Meditate on your actions. Contemplate on the Universe and reality. Eventually, you might find internal comfort and guidance based on the answers your spirit provides.
  • Practicing self—awareness and engaging in self-reflection is a must on this journey! Many of us don't really know ourselves beyond the perceptions we have formed about ourselves based on what other people have told us about ourselves, who we are, and who are supposed to be! Practicing self-awareness helps us go deeper beyond perception, to observe the patterns that make us who we are in our thoughts, deeds, and self-expression. Self-awareness and self-reflection will help you get to know other aspects of yourself you didn't even know existed. At best, it will empower you to see yourself in a new light.
  • Cultivating the habit of being present helps us live in the moment, not replaying the past, or worrying about our future. Cultivating presence grounds us within the unfolding mystery and illusion of time. Reminding us that, there is only now.


What are some of the ways you can nourish your body?

  • Daily movements such as exercise, dance, yoga, and stretching will help strengthen and nourish your body: the physical aspect of you, which holds your mind, and spirit.
  • Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will detoxify you and help you nourish your living cells, with living, high vibrational, nutritious foods.
  • Detoxification is key to purging your body of toxins and toxic negative frequencies, thus providing a reset for your physical temple.
  • Practicing proper posture and proper breathing can be beneficial for nourishing and healing your physical temple. Practicing proper posture has the power to keep you aligned, thus boosting your confidence.
  • Cultivating Holistic wellness can seem like a very daunting and intimidating process when you consider all the aspects of your being you have to work on. However, I assure you that it can be an equally fun and rewarding journey.

    When in doubt, remind yourself that you are Worthy of care and nourishment!

    Remember — All you have is you. So it is very important to take care of yourself completely.

    You don't have to be perfect with it or do all the things I have listed above.

    This is merely guidance to get you started on your own personalized individualized wellness journey.

    So don't overthink it. Just get started.

    Your future self will thank you profusely.


    About the Creator


    Multi-faceted freelance writer, seeker & explorer. I blog about travel, the digital nomad and ex-pat lifestyle, personal development, entrepreneurship & spirituality.

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