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How Can You Deal With Stressful Situations?

Is your life stressful?

By Mike ReedPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How Can You Deal With Stressful Situations?
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Daily stress significantly affects your quality of life, and all you can do is learn to better manage stressful situations.

What is stress?

Stress is a pressure that we feel when we are overwhelmed by daily activities or a particular situation - whether at work, in traffic, in family relationships, in relationships with friends, etc. Any aspect that is perceived as a threat to personal well-being can be a source of stress, having negative effects on our bodies.

However, we cannot say that stress is negative, this being an essential element for the survival of mankind, over time. Stress is the body's normal defense against danger, whatever it may be.

At the same time, stress naturally occurs in certain situations, such as before a new job interview, an exam, an event, and so on.

When a source of stress occurs, the body activates its internal resources to protect itself. Responsible for this is the body's "fight or flight" ("fight or flight") reaction, generated by an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus.

When someone is in a situation that they perceive as dangerous (they hear loud noises, they see a car speeding very close, etc.) the hypothalamus reacts, and the body secretes two important hormones: adrenaline and cortisol, to prepare for danger. The heart starts beating faster, and the blood is redistributed mainly to the muscles and brain. That person becomes energetic, and the ability to focus on immediate needs increases.

Stressful situations are part of our daily lives and cannot always be avoided. That is why it is important to know how to deal with them brilliantly and to get over the less pleasant moments we face as easily as possible.

First of all, no matter how difficult it may seem, try to keep calm and look at the situation from a detached point of view.

Here are some simple techniques and methods by which you can deal with stress in unpleasant situations:

Be aware of the way you breathe

When we are in a stressful situation, breathing naturally becomes faster and more jerky. So, the first way to relax is to pay attention to your breathing.

Focus on inspiration and expiration. Count to 10 in one breath: inhale deeply for 5 seconds and exhale for another 5 seconds. Do this exercise several times and you will notice a change for the better.

Be ready

If you anticipate that you will be in a stressful situation shortly, then prepare in advance. This will help you get rid of stress and gain calm and concentration.

The plan you have to make depends on the situation you are preparing for. Make a plan to practice alone or with someone else and imagine a situation in which you will successfully get over that event.

Approach a positive attitude

When you think that the worst could happen, you increase the level of stress and anxiety. Focus on what might be going on, what happy events are, and the benefits that the experience may bring (eg, a job, in the case of an interview).

Think about the steps you can take to achieve your goals so that the experience is a pleasant one.

Remember that the situation you are in or will find yourself in is a passing one, that you are safe and able to cope.

Remember that even when you can't maintain constant positive thinking, you are still in control of your body and the nonverbal language you express. Smile, maintain eye contact, and speak calmly and in a positive way.

Get enough rest

After going through a stressful situation, your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation can be a stressor, so pay attention to the quality of your sleep and daily rest hours.

Accept what is, because it is

Although there may be many ways to reduce the number of stressors, it is important to realize that whatever you do, stressful situations are part of your life and you will not be able to avoid them. Accepting that you can't change the world around you will help you not to waste your energy unnecessarily.

Avoid thinking about situations without pragmatic and real solutions and instead, try to think about the steps you could follow to deal with less pleasant and stressful situations.

Remember the steps described above and the fact that a positive attitude can have the biggest and most beneficial effects on your life. You are the architect of your own life, and some situations happen out of your will.

Accept what it is, because it is, and change is not up to you. Be positive, because everything is fleeting.

mental health

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