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Health and Leisure for All: Let’s Talk about Dance, Baby!

Part 1 of the series

By Talia DevoraPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

Meaning of Dance

Dance is a common kind of performing arts that consists of the fluid, rhythmic, and aesthetic movements to the sound of music. Dance is not just a form of self expression, but also a creative and engaging way for people of all ages, abilities, cultures and genders to keep fit and stay mentally and physically healthy for life. Dance is ultimately performed with grace, intensity and of course strong passion.

Dance involves a pattern of a variety of moves that are usually choreographed and rehearsed with the use of the body, legs and expressions. Unless you are rehearsing for a dance show or a formal performance like a ballet show, casual dances are choreographed and not rehearsed.

Interesting Facts about Dance

Young children are taught to dance, before learning to read and write, as young children are taught to physically move before mastering their literacy and numeracy skills at an early age. Once children learn and master all of the fundamental movement skills, they would apply these skills into their daily activities like dance, because a portion of the basic moves such as hopping, jumping, and skipping are used in the art and mastery of dance.

Dance has so many benefits that people need to take advantage of for long term mental, physical, social and cognitive wellbeing. The benefits of dance include meeting new people, managing your weight, better mood, increased balance, cognitive performance, improved cardiovascular health and increased strength, which are all things humans need to be able to function.

By Haidan on Unsplash

Compared to most physical activities like lacrosse, hockey, golf, pickleball and volleyball where more physical movement is required, dance is an inclusive and unique kind of physical activity that can be enjoyed by people of all abilities such as those who lack mobility and/or have chronic health conditions that prevent them from engaging in other physical activities. Unlike weightlifting, boxing and karate, dance is also gentle on the body. Dance also caters to people of all ages and genders, which means that anyone is free to pursue dancing. You don't need to start dancing at the age of four years old. Anyone including seniors citizens in their 90's can enjoy dancing, while gaining all of the necessary advantages of all kinds of dance.

As required by the Health and Human Services Department, adults need to do at least 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 vigorous aerobic exercise per week. Dance is able to meet the daily and weekly requirements of needed moderate-vigorous physical activity for adults.

Dance as a Therapeutic Approach

Dance is not simply a form of physical activity and creative expression. Dance does not just teach you how to form healthy physical activity habits. It can also be used as a means to teach necessary and practical life and social skills such as overcoming shyness, networking with people, anger and stress management that people will need to be able to function properly in society. Imagine someone living a life with no recreation involvement and social engagement. How would that person be able to function and develop long-term success in the community, at school, at work and at home? There are a number of ways to help people overcome challenges than just giving them textbooks or written manuals to read from; dance is one of the unique methods of teaching and education, which is very effective for people with mental health issues and developmental disabilities.

For example, recreation therapy can teach people with disabilities and medical condition life and social skills through fun and games. Dance is one of the activities that is used in recreation therapy, to teach the client the necessary skills they need to participate in future social and recreation opportunities. How is the client going to get the most out of their recreation therapy services by reading a manual or watching video clips?! They won't gain as much, as learning is a whole process that consists of just more than reading and listening. Dance is especially helpful for kinesthetic learners and people that thrive with movement and sound.

Places and events like fitness studios, dance clubs, holiday and birthday celebrations, casual gatherings with family and friends, parks, EDM festivals and community centres are perfect examples of where people can attend dance classes and meet new people. Being around likeminded and supportive people can improve peoples interaction skills and self-confidence, especially if they are attending weekly dance classes and have to perform in front of an audience. It can be extremely intimidating, uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for people like introverts and don't enjoy things like small-talk, so there needs to be a way to teach people how to better interact with people and to increase self-confidence. To adapt and connect to the community, reasonable interaction skills are beneficial.

Self-esteem is one of the key parts to having good social wellbeing, because it will be challenging to relate to other people and engage in activities if your self-confidence and overall social skills are compromised. You do not have to be a social butterfly or a clown to be able to adapt in social situations. You just need to have the basic skills, and dance is an effective, fun and therapeutic approach to teaching the fundamental social and self-developmental skills for long-term success.

By Drew Colins on Unsplash

Dance as a form of Mental and Cognitive Health Treatment

In addition to practicing intellectual hobbies such as reading, doing puzzles, playing with lego and conducting science experiments, dance is also beneficial for cognitive and mental health and can support the overall cognitive and mental performance of individuals. The areas of the human brain that control memory, skill, planning and organization improve with long-term involvement in complex and stimulating physical activities such as dance. The brain power is needed to access for regular success in dance, because dancers will need to remember and retain the dance moves and patterns, as well as the ability to concentrate on the continuous movements that are changing.

Humans need to have reasonable levels of retention and executive functioning skills to adapt in a fast-paced environment in which they live, work, learn and play. When we don't use our brains on a regular basis, our brains will slow down and we will begin to lose our cognitive and executive functioning skills, which could impact our abilities to perform daily activities. Dance is almost like solving a "puzzle with your body". You constantly have to put movements together to form a complete dance, just like having to put puzzle pieces together to form the finished product which is a picture of an object or a place of interest.

By Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash

Regarding the behavioural health piece to solving the "health benefits of dance puzzle", dance can also have a positive affect on the long-term emotional and psychological wellbeing of people. Asides from dance being a natural mood booster, it can also ease symptoms and lower risks of stress, depression, anger, anxiety and frustration in people. Dance can also increase levels of the "feel-good" hormones called endorphins and serotonin which can not only boost your mood, but also your energy. Dance is one of the healthiest ways to release negative emotions, escape from the stresses of daily life, and teach people how to cope with stressful situations in healthy ways.

Furthermore, it can reduce the risk of dementia by 76% and create new neural paths that are responsible for dynamic and quick decision making. Any form of creative arts and physical activity are beneficial, so dance is no different from exploring and gaining all of the behavioural health benefits of physical activity.

Dance as a form of Alternative and Non-Pharmaceutical Medicine for the Body

Since physical activity in general is a component to healthy living, dance also acts as a form of non-pharmaceutical and alternative medicine that can help prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. The more you use your body, the less pain you will endure. Dance burns 3-10 calories per minute, so people who dance on a regular basis will be able to burn off a significant amount of calories and manage their weight. Dancers are constantly using their muscles, bones, and joints, so the constant use of their muscles, joints and bones can help reduce their risks of these diseases, because their bodies have become stronger and more resistant. It is almost like when bodybuilders are constantly lifting heavy weights and don't struggle as much because of the constant use of these heavy weights. Their bodies have become accustomed to the intensity of this workout, making them less prone to certain health issues like postural strain and pain.

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

In addition to the bone and joint health benefits of dance, there are also cardivascular and respiratory health benefits to the pursuit of dance. Regular involvement in cardio activities such as dance can manage lipid (fat) levels, improve blood flow, increase oxygen supply, increase absorption into the bones, increase good cholesterol in the blood, and can increase the lung capacity. When your lung capacity has increased, it will make it easier to practice deep breathing and the heart will also continue to work at a normal rate. If our heart and lungs don't function at a normal level, it will be harder for us to breathe properly, since the respiratory system is responsible for breathing.

How Dance Teaches Children

As I elaborated on before, kids are taught to move before they are taught to read, write and master numeracy skills. Movement comes naturally to young children. Kids who are involved in regular dance classes experience more of the benefits that it can have on their overall development and wellbeing. Just like learning about different colors, shades, and styles that are used in visual art and learning a foreign language, kids learn a new language called "the language of movement". Dance also teaches kids disclipline and perserverance skills. In life, kids need to collaborate with other people, to not run away from problems, observe their behaviour as well as to appreciate the guidance from teachers. Kids who actively participate in dance classes have more of the ability to cope and adapt to everyday life, compared to those who are not actively participating in productive and meaningful recreation activities like dance or any form of physical activity.

Styles of Dance and their Benefits

1. Bollywood: Is a style of dance that incorporates elements from Bollywood films. This style of dance is performed to formal and folk Indian music, and also leverages movements from Middle Eastern styles of dance. Bollywood dancing is energetic and it involves a group of dancers. It is hugely influenced by artists around the globe. Bollywood dancing is a fantastic way to get your physical activity, stay fit and have fun at the same time!

2. Zumba: Is a fitness- focused, high-intensity form of dance that consolidates aerobics and dance movements. Zumba is typically done to Latino music, but it also uses other kinds of modern music such as hip-hop. The movements that are included are squats and lunges, just like in classic aerobic exercises. The styles of dance that are usually incorporated are Soca, Merengue, Mambo, and Samba dances from South America, Caribbean and other tropical countries. Since Zumba has gained popularity over the years, it is also choreographed to accommodate dance styles and uses music from other cultures. Besides all the benefits of dance, Zumba burns 400 calories per hour!

3. Belly Dance: Is a kind of traditional folk dance that was first originated in the Middle East. Belly dancing is an ideal form of dance to begin with, because of all important body parts that are used: hips, stomach, muscles, core and arms. Just like any style of dance, it is also a great form of creative and self expression. From a kinesthetic perspective, it focuses specifically on complicated movements of the torso, and revolves around the isolation of the torso muscles. Although it is more suitable for adults than children, belly dancing is a rhythmical and engaging way to stay healthy and fit for life!

4. Tap: Is a form of classical dance that has origins of African tribal dances and Irish folk dances. Tap dance is similar to jazz dance, and is rhythmically infused. Just like enrolling in a music theory course with your body, dancers will learn how to hear and create the various layers of music. The instrumentalists as well as the dancers play a part in the percussion section, with the use of the tap shoes with a metal tap on the heel and toe. Tap dance has many important benefits like improved muscle memory, fine coordination of muscles and concentration.

5. Ballet: Is another form of classical dance that is considered the foundation of dance. It is a graceful and technical form of dance, and it orginiated in the Italian Renaissance courts during the 15th century. Ballet is perfect for people of all ages and only requires one year of focused and disciplined training. Ballet emphasizes on the female dancers called ballerinas and involves flowing and precise movements which require strength, flexibility and balance.

6. Hip-Hop: Is a free and raw form of dance and self-expression that uses the entire body and posture. Just like Ballet, Hip-Hop is ideal for all ages and for novice dancers who are interested in popular and modern music as well as many personalities and styles. Hip-Hop dance was first created among the African-American and Latino communities of The Bronx, New York and started as a part of the hip-hop culture by dance crews. Styles of movements involve locking, popping and breaking and is a fantastic form of cardio!

7. Piloxing: Is a new style of dance that combines boxing and pilates, and attracts many young fitness enthusiasts. It is typically performed to dance and any type of upbeat music, and it enhances fat burning and body scultping.

8. BodyJam: Just like modern fitness-style dances like Zumba, Hip-Hop and Piloxing, BodyJam is also gaining momentum and tuned to the latest hip-hop, drum and bass, and funk music. BodyJam is dancing to a choreographed session that ultimately lasts for 30-50 minutes.

Here are a few YouTube videos of modern dance styles that I think you will enjoy watching!




Tips and Advice for Novice Dancers

All styles of dance are beneficial for mental, physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Some people enjoy dance more than others, but it is never too late to start exploring the beauty of dance! For anyone who is willing to pursue dance, here are some tips and advice to successfully get started.

1. Find the dance style that you are most interested in. There are many styles out there that aren't suitable for everyone. When you are interested in a specific dance style, you will most likely have an easier time mastering that particular form of dance.

2. Take classes at a dance studio or a fitness facility. Fitness facilities are great places to start, especially if you already hold a membership at commercial facilities like GoodLife Fitness or Planet Fitness. Dance studios are also reasonable options, but they can be very pricey.

3. Start with a strong foundation. If you are just starting out, you don't want to push yourself too hard. To get the most out of dance, start with basic forms like Hip Hop and Ballet.

4. Watch YouTube videos. You don't need loads of money to pursue dance. If you cannot afford to enroll in dance classes for whatever reason, watch YouTube videos and learn from the comforts of your own home for free.

5. Watch a series of videos online. Buy fitness videos online or download videos on iTunes, the App store, or visit your local library to borrow videos with your library card.

6. Let go of inescurity and fear. Confidence and the motivation to dance is the key to becoming successful. There is no such thing as dance without the feeling of confidence and inspiration.

7. Master rhythm and timing before styling. To understand the principles of style in dance moves, you need to also understand the philosophies of rhythm and timing.

8. Position yourself correctly in class. Pay attention to the key components that are taught by the instructor and make sure you understand what is required in each form of dance.

9. Enjoy and have fun! Explore all forms of dance and enjoy all of the benefits of each style!


About the Creator

Talia Devora

Poetess, visual artist and lifestyle/quiz writer! My pastimes include reading, sleeping, gaming, music, fitness, etc! Be yourselves, be kind and value life! Let's connect and be friends!

My IG accounts: @tdwrites24 & @tdcreates97

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