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Gratitude Walk

A beautiful awareness

By Judah MoorePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

I have a very analytical mind which means it's running all the time analyzing every aspect of life. So when I need to excape my mind for a bit it's always good to do so with a walk. When I was younger if I was really upset or had a problem I would usually go for a walk and by the end of the walk I felt better or better yet I had a solution. Evidently there is some science behind focusing on the eviroment around you to engage your mind in a bit of focused meditation. But I am no scientist so I can only tell you my experience. I know when I would walk I would focus on the beat of the music and keeping that pace. When I would walk for long distances I would just focus on the beauty of nature around me to distract my body from how many more miles I had to go if my body was tired. These days walking is a daily thing I do to get my ideas together and come up with plans. Or even just to unload all the work stuff of the day. I prefer walks these days because it allows me to observe my enviroment more intently. It allows me to do what most people suggest but never do and that is to actually stop and smell the flowers, which is acutally quite lovely if you feel so inclined. Also I have my walks that are purely medatative and help me release stress and figure out my issues.

Since I am always stressing out about my work I need some way to channel that or release it so I can have a good night rest. So it may sound crazy but my walks usually involve a premeditated plan or possible things I need to figure out. I usually take a walk around this beautiful park close by my house when it's nice and sunny. Now the crazy part is while I'm walking I am usually talking to myself out loud or in my mind like I do in meditation. because somehow I feel I comprehend my thought better. Thank God for bluetooth AirPods because otherwise most people would think I was the neighborhood lunatic walking around talking to myself. However that is part of the fun as I am just speaking my daily affirmation or observing my enviroment out loud. So on this "gratitude walk" I usually start with intently observing the natural surrounding and being grateful for all the beauty I see. I will usually have my favorite motivational Spotify playlist on and I imagine this walk is like like my own movie and this is the soundtrack. It makes it more like a fun adventure to see what will happen along my journey, what will I see, who will I meet? I make it a point to let my imagination run wild, to be inspired by the happy people passing by and kids playing care free. The dim whisper of foreign languages in the background over the music. Each day I do this, I let the music and my mind soar away as I discover new paths I didn't see before, I find a new flowers or relaxing beautiful resting places I had not noticed before. Sometimes if the moment calls for it I will interact with a total stranger and see what wonderful conversation or story will unfold through our spontaneous encounter. All these sights and sounds entice my senses and fill me with so much joy that I find myself smiling at people as they pass by and everything just seems peaceful. Usually I am more aware of unique flowers and their aroma. I notice when the wind is blowing or which way the sun is shining. It's amazing because you are so mentally aware and present but also your mind chatter is silenced by the excitment of the journey. I have had the absolute most delightful experiences on my gratitude walks. I once read that in order to focus your mind you start with your best feeling thought and you hold the image of that in your mind for 5-10 seconds and it usually resests any negative mindset you find yourself in. So in essence I try to do this while I am walking, only focusing on positive and beautiful things in my immediate surroundings. I do this also in my mediation at home in the morning but I am laying comfortable and its all in my mind. So its like an interactive video game when you do it while your walking.

Lastly I explain this courageous women in the picture above. This happens to be my mother and on most days I go on "gratitude" walk with her for her daily mental and physical excersise. This was a day trip we took to a little village in Croatia. Now this started as a simple walk through the villiage and we followed our curiousity to the castle up on the hill. This particular picture is monumental because it marks the longest most treacherous climb of her life to a castle ruin nestled at the top of a mountain. Now the magic of the story is that because I kept her mind focused on the enviroment and its beauty she was able to overcome her fear and trepidation of the long journey to the top. Now to be clear the climb was not so treacherous but to a 62 year old city dweller that wasn't the avid hiker or walker this seemed like Mount Everest. However the ending was great as you can see. She was triumphant and was so proud that she accomplished such a feat with something that started as a simple gratitude walk.Plus the view at the top was worth every step. You could really take in the picturesque little town below and the sunset was spectular. So in conclusion take a walk, focus on the beauty, be grateful for it and let your imagination soar as you imagine yourself in your own movie inspired by the beauty and everything around you.


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