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Get Serious About Exercise

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"Exercise always makes you feel happy, it lifts your mood and gives you energy." - Joe Wicks

Not enough hours in the day to get all your work done, or those tasks that need doing around the house, or to spend time with your family, or to even have some quiet time to yourself? Living in such a fast-paced and demanding world, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. What's the one thing we always seem to make a priority in our day? Work, of course. If we don't head off to our job, and complete the hours we are rostered on for, then naturally, we are not going to get paid. What does that then mean? We can't pay our bills, our rent/mortgage, nor be able to buy food. That's not a position we want to find ourselves in, that's for sure. So we therefore make work our priority. Now this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that we spend a bucket load of hours dedicated to our job. Gone are the days of working 9 to 5! Nowadays, spending only 8 hours of our day at work would be a dream come true. These days, many people find themselves working anywhere from 9, up to 15 hours a day. Throw in the time spend commuting to and from work also, and there's another hour or two spent dedicated to work. We find ourselves in the position where we can't really bargain with the hours we work, because we need that precious salary, in order to survive accordingly. So with 24 hours in the day, by subtracting say an average of 10 hours at work, and another hour for commuting, we are left with just 12 hours of our day. That doesn't look so bad though, right? Well let's also deduct the time we spend going to the toilet, having a shower, preparing meals, and then eating meals, so we will subtract another two hours there, which leaves us with 10 hours. Still not too bad? We want some time spent with our partner and our children, even some time relaxing in front of the television after a long day, so we will take another 2 hours there. But wait, what about tidying up things around the house, making sure our children are catered for, and all those other little frustrating tasks that must get done? There's another hour. Now all of a sudden, we are left with just 7 hours, and that's barely enough time to get just enough sleep. Don't forget, this is based on an individual who works 10 hours a day, so can you imagine how little time those who work even longer hours have left over? Business owners come to mind here. Right there, our day is complete, and what have we actually achieved that's beneficial for our future? Not much really! We have done the basics of living a typical everyday life, yet haven't contributed anything towards the pursuit of our goals, or creating the lifestyle we desire. Not only that, but we have failed to make time for something that should never be sacrificed from our daily schedule, and that is exercise!

The two highest sacrificed activities from our daily schedule, that most of us deduct time from, in order to accommodate more time for the likes of work, and perhaps non-beneficial activities, such as watching television, are sleep and exercise. The question is, why would we deduct time from two things that are so important to our health? It doesn't make sense! Ask someone that does do this, and they will tell you that they can survive fine on only a handful of hours sleep, or they get their exercise walking around at work. They will always find some excuse to justify their actions. The real truth is, they sacrifice sleep and exercise because their focus is solely on creating success and wealth for themselves. That want to get rich as soon as possible, and they are prepared to place their health on the line for it. What they don't realize is that they are basically inviting the likes of illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, to start impacting them as their life progresses. They are potentially decreasing their life span, whilst also causing their immune system to weaken, from that lack of adequate rest and exercise. They don't take these health risks seriously in life in their young adult to middle aged period of their life, because they don't normally experience such illnesses during this time, therefore they have no belief it will impact them. It's a myth to them! Then they hit their middle to senior aged years, if they actually live that long, and then all of a sudden, their health fast deteriorates. All those years of fighting against nature, courtesy of denying their body the adequate sleep it needs, and refraining from the exercise it requires, comes back to bite them. They may have gone on to create success and wealth, but they are either too ill, or don't live long enough, to relish in it. Those who are truly successful in life, make time for a good 7 to 9 hours sleep each night, plus they will always incorporate exercise into their daily schedule. They understand the need to first look after themselves, and make that a priority.

Why are so many of us so blasé about exercise? Why do we not take it seriously, and understand how vital it is for our health? Why do so many of us not make it a daily priority? Well, I touched on one of the reasons above, being that so many people are money focused, that they apply as much of their time and effort into their work, even if that is at the expense of other important things such as their health, time with their family, and sleep. Then there are other reasons, such as laziness. Some people seriously could not be bothered exerting themselves, especially when they don't believe they need to. Instead they use the time to indulge in the likes of chips and chocolate, and yet they are the first ones to complain about their figure, when they start stacking on the kilograms. Then there are those who are enticed by the more leisurely activities in life. They would rather spend their time snuggling on the couch watching Netflix, or spending their time gaming, or scrolling through social media, or chatting with their friends on the phone. Why? Because these activities are more enjoyable, naturally! Sadly, they are also not in any way beneficial. It's time we started to get serious about exercise! It's not hard to allocate 30 to 60 minutes of our day to such activities as running around the local oval, or a brisk walk around the neighbourhood, or a cycle to work, or a weights session at the gym, or a swim at the local pool. Our health should be our number one priority in life, because if it's not, then we are denying ourselves longevity and a quality life. Why would we want to shorten our life, or live a life riddled with illness? Have the willpower to fight off the temptation of easy and lazy! Mark out some time in your daily schedule for exercise, then hold yourself accountable to do it, and finally, make it a habit! If you can't find time for it, then hopefully you can find the time to be running back and forward to the doctor and hospital, as you continue ageing. Either that, or you just need to adjust your schedule. Start engaging in exercise today! Your body, your family, and your future self will all thank you for it.

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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