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Free Weekly Reading #42 Mirror Dragon Tarot

Reading for 9-28 thru 10-4-20

By Victoria LaPointePublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Thoth Tarot Deck

Reading for 9-28 thru 10-4-20

All three cards are from the Minor Arcana this week which to me says we’re looking at practical application and how our choices and decisions fit (or don’t) into our day to day lives. They’re also all court cards showing us what aspects of ourselves and others we’re dealing with and finding ways to integrate those aspects into our lives. For now we’re looking for ways that will increase communication and cooperation and for that we’ll need to be flexible. The questions “Who are you?” and “What’re you going to do about it?” dominate the week. Sounds like an old western movie doesn’t it? And with the two knights on horseback facing off at the OK Corral, we may find some intellectual tussles and clashing ideas.

Ther Center card is the Knight of Swords.

I see the knights of the Tarot as the most expansive and varied personification of their given suits. They’ve been through the newness and fascination of discovery, the daredevil exploration phase where the lessons learned by trial and error are sometimes painful and other times astounding in their perfect synchronicity, then the teaching phase that allows them to learn by nurturing others on the same path, to finally arrive at the place where they begin to feel mastery with the energy of the suit. From here they begin to forge outward looking for ways to expand their knowledge and create new plateaus to strive for. They’re the trail blazers. In looking at the Knight of Swords we see the master of detail and logic. This is the guy you want to go to if you need information and structure. He thrives with a well designed and executed plan. He can easily see all the parts of a mechanism at once, as well as how they should all work together. His tripping points however are those times when either not all the parts are there or when something isn’t falling into line with his grand plan. This masculine aspect of the swords is terrific with plans and implantation but don’t ask them for new ideas. For them “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” is a steadfast rule, even if it gets unwieldy or expensive, they do not like change. It’s also probably not the best idea to want them to be sympathetic to the reasons your part isn’t fitting in exactly as they think it should, plus follow through is somebody else's job for sure. They do make great project managers as long as that’s really all that’s expected of them.

The West card is the Princess of Pentacles.

In the princesses we see the discovery phase. They’re like children just starting to see the aspects of their suit and fascinated by all the new things they’re learning. Because they’re new they have no preconceived idea about what a finished product should look like and so they are open to all new suggestions. In the reading for this week this softer, more accepting and willing aspect of ourselves starts off with wonder and excitement about how things will go as the week moves on. Because we’re dealing with the pentacles here this is the part of us that has begun the actual work to bring whatever project, relationship, investment, etc. into reality. The Pentacles are all about resources; time, energy, money and our physical body so early in the week we gather what we think we’ll need to make whatever we’re dealing with a reality with the innocence of a child thinking everything is going beautifully because we don’t know the pitfalls and trip ups that can cause snafus.

The East card is the Knight of Wands.

These knights represent the creative, curious and sometimes destructive aspect of us that wants to scrape away the chaff, release the old and burn brightly into the future. Here we begin to see the possibility of conflict. Just as our knight of swords has his/her plan all set and the princess of pentacles working diligently on her/his part putting in the time and energy, in walks the master of creative new ideas tossing monkey wrenches into the best laid plans. This is not to say the ideas are wrong or bad, in fact, they may be exactly what’s needed for the future of what’s being created. However, the master of structure and logic can (and probably will) feel that the details he/she has so painstakingly handled are about to be discarded. This fear of losing control often results in a stubborn grab for power which will likely get a power grab response.

In conclusion:

While our perception of logic and the knowledge that we’ve grown masterful in dealing with details and planning has served us well up to now, things are changing. New ways of being and doing are called for and the plans we’ve mastered may have become too rigid to allow that change. The good news is that we have the innocent and accepting energy of the princess of pentacles that’s willing to do the work and quite open to new ideas and in fact craves them like new kinds of vegetable seeds for her garden, and we have a true master of creative fire igniting us to burn up excess baggage and use the sparks to power us into new more exciting and sustaining stages of exploration. If we can use the master of detail that is the knight of swords to come up with a new plan to bring continuity to the wild creative fire of the knight of Wands we can release the old structure and maybe even use some of the parts for the new scaffold on which we build our expanding reality.

Have an innovative week.

Light, Tory

TIP for the week; There is no great genius without a touch of madness. Aristotle

For personal readings via video conferencing or email please go to www.MirrorDragon.com and choose the Schedule A Reading tab.


About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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