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Effective Marathon Training For Weight Loss

Marathon training for weight loss

By I Write Life Published 3 years ago 5 min read
Effective Marathon Training For Weight Loss
Photo by Isaac Wendland on Unsplash

Marathon Training For Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult, and for some people, the only way to do it is to set an insane challenge like running a marathon.

Running for weight loss is more complicated than you think, sometimes high-intensity training can make you put on weight, which is certainly not the goal.

In this article, you will learn about marathon training for weight loss, what to do, and what not to do when trying to lose weight while training for a marathon.

Marathon Training and Weight Loss

Running is a cardiovascular exercise; it burns calories and reduces your overall caloric intake for the day. However, marathon training can make you put on weight; this can be quite disheartening as a beginner. However, there are a few reasons why you might end up putting on weight as opposed to losing weight when you start training for a marathon.

Training Might Increase Your Appetite

Intense exercise can increase hunger. However, this is not always the case. Studies have shown that running decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin. However, there is no one size fits all theory.

By Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Some newbie marathon runners feel hungrier after training sessions due to their body acclimatizing to the new regime. If you want to lose weight during marathon training, you need to listen to your body; if extreme hunger strikes after training sessions, consider eating high fiber foods paired with lean protein. Plant-based eaters can opt for tofu or beans as a replacement for lean chicken or fish.

Late Night Meals

If your training sessions take place after work, you might end up eating at night. Eating at night could lead to weight gain because your body does not have enough time to burn the calories from the food before you go to sleep. Studies also show that the metabolism slows down at night; therefore, instead of losing weight, you might see the number on the scales going up instead.

Tip: If you need to eat late at night, choose green vegetables, complex carbohydrates like sweet potato or brown rice, and lean protein.

Justifying Food Choices

Have you ever started a new intense workout regime and used it as an excuse to eat a whole pizza or an entire bucket of fried chicken? Marathon training could lead to over-rationalization of food choices, which could lead to increased calorie intake. To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit, which means that you burn more calories than you consume. You will inevitably put on weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

May Reduce Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, also known as NEAT, is the calories you burn during a typical day; doing housework, running errands, and breathing burns calories. However, intense exercise might lead to extreme fatigue, which might decrease the amount of day to day activities that you undertake. Therefore, your overall calorie burn for the day could decrease, which could cause weight gain.

How To Lose Weight During Marathon Training

Losing weight during marathon training is challenging, but you can do it if you implement a realistic strategy. Strenuous exercise might increase your appetite. However, your goal is to lose weight; therefore, you need to be mindful of your food choices.

Utilize these tips to help you eat clean, train hard, and focus on losing weight.


You want to lose weight and train for a marathon simultaneously, but if weight loss is more critical, and marathon training is hindering your weight loss progress, you might need to focus on weight loss and postpone the marathon for the time being.

Excess weight could affect your performance and increase the risk of injury. Therefore, losing weight first might be the best option for you.

If you are slightly overweight but not obese, you could consider running a half marathon instead, slowly lose the weight and work towards running a full marathon in the future.

Consider Macronutrients

By Alina Chernysheva on Unsplash

Macronutrients are the vital nutrients you need to get from food. The primary macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each meal should contain all of these macronutrients; how much will depend on your current weight, height, age, and weight loss goals.

Do not restrict macronutrients, avoiding carbohydrates, and cutting out all fats is not the smartest strategy for weight loss. A balanced, healthy, clean meal plan is the best plan for long term weight loss.

A healthy option to consider for weight loss and overall health is 20 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 40 percent carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate intake should include leafy green vegetables and complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and brown rice. Avoid processed carbohydrates and refined sugars.

Another option is to fill half of your plate with green vegetables and simple carbs and half of your plate with lean protein and fat.


Timing is everything; eating late could lead to weight gain. Therefore, if your nine to five job prevents you from training earlier on in the day, pack a healthy snack such as fruit and some trail mix, or even a protein shake. Eat half of the snack before you train, and half after; this will reduce that ravenous feeling you get when you finish working out.

Your evening meal should consist of complex carbs, lean protein, and veggies. Avoid sugary drinks and eliminate sugar cravings by eating fruit instead.

Strength Training

Incorporate strength training into your workout regime, bodyweight exercises, or weight training, which strengthens the bones and muscles. Also, it boosts your metabolic rate and burns calories for hours after your workout. Add two or three days of strength training into your regime to accelerate weight loss.

Reward Yourself The Healthy Way

Instead of rewarding yourself with food, reward yourself with a spa day, a new pair of sneakers, or the latest tech gadget. Rewarding yourself with food could lead to weight gain.


Training for a marathon is difficult; weight loss is no easy mission either. It is possible to lose weight while training for a marathon; however, understanding weight loss mechanics is crucial. Intense exercise can leave you feeling lethargic and hungry.

To lose weight while training for a marathon you would need to eat clean, take rest days, and incorporate weight training into your exercise regime.

weight loss

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I Write Life

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