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Drink, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

How to lose weight in 30 days with these simple biohacks that are easy to follow.

By NapoleonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Drink, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

It started with a little piece of chocolate, a scoop of ice cream, and a slice of cake.

I have been quite good with my carb intake. While I will never tell anyone to switch from one diet to another, the Keto diet did wonders for me, but later on, I switched to a more moderate low-carb diet.

I have made peace with my body.

The only reason I would try to lose 20 pounds in 30 days without exercise if possible is strictly for health purposes. So my mantra is that it has to be for my own good and benefit if I have to do anything.

Losing weight

I am not alone. Research shows slightly more than 6 in 10 U.S. adults (61%) report undesired weight change since the start of the pandemic.

I am twenty pounds heavier than I was right after my Mom died last February, it isn’t unnatural to gain weight after losing someone you love, and I knew I was reaching out to food for comfort. The Germans even have a name for it, “bacon grief” or “kummerspeck.”

And while I have made peace that grief never goes away, moving forward, I have to take care of my body, I am 52, and if I want to see more of life, I have to be healthy, and one of the ways to keep myself healthy is if I lose the excess pounds.

How to lose 20 pounds in 30 days with these simple hacks

Eat, drink and be merry.

If we do it the wrong way, instead of being healthy, we become overweight.

According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic.

1. Drink

Our bodies know when it needs hydration, but unconsciously we drink our calories, from soda to the frappé we order from Starbucks, and all the sugary drinks we have before or during our meals.

Every calorie you add to what you drink, carbohydrates turn into sugar, and later excess weight, mostly belly fat.

Biohack: Drink water. You must have heard of the “drink a gallon of water a day,” and I swear by it.

While a gallon of water may appear to be more than what your body needs, the body adapts, and as long as you don’t drink the gallon of water in one go, it will not harm you.

“Again, trust your body.”

2. Eat

The Japanese have a beautiful word Hara hachi bun me (腹八分目), which means eat until you are 80% full.

It is easy, and if you follow the first biohack, you have less “space” to gorge on food by drinking water before your meal.

And with any “weight loss plan,” there is a food diet that goes with it. So all I can advise is to make your meal plan easy,

The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again.

3. Sleep

It may sound weird, you associate sleep with doing nothing, but in fact, while you are resting, your body remains at work.

In fact, people who don’t sleep enough at night risk gaining extra pounds, not losing them, according to John M. Jakicic, director of the Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh.

Also, the simplest explanation is the more time you are asleep, the less time you are awake to eat, right?

4. Repeat

Repetition is the mother of pedagogy — Dennis Prager

To learn, we need to keep on doing what works, and our bodies recognize what we are doing day in and day out.


When we try to lose weight, we need to commit.

But we need to love ourselves first, and if we fail, we only need to choose to try again.

Being hard on yourself, why trying to lose weight will lead to more disappointment and grief. We all know what happens next when we are unhappy. We choose food to find comfort.

I presented to you these simple biohacks. They are made simple, especially if you, like me, want to lose 20 pounds in 30 days without exercise because that is something I can’t commit yet to — exercise.

weight loss

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