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Don't Let the Game Over You: How Gamers Can Avoid Blood Clots (and Maybe Level Up Their Performance)

Beyond the Controller: How to Stay Healthy and Win Against Gamer's Thrombosis

By suren arjuPublished 8 days ago 4 min read

Don't Let the Game Over You: How Gamers Can Avoid Blood Clots (and Maybe Level Up Their Performance)

Imagine this: you're engrossed in a thrilling online match, fingers flying across the controller, eyes glued to the screen. Hours melt away as you navigate virtual worlds and conquer challenges. But what if this intense gaming session comes at a hidden cost to your health? Recent studies reveal a surprising link between prolonged video game playing and an increased risk of blood clots, a potentially life-threatening condition.

This captivating exploration delves into the world of "gamer's thrombosis," examining the science behind this emerging concern and offering practical tips for gamers to stay healthy and prevent blood clots without sacrificing their love for the game.

Sitting Still, A Health Threat on the Rise

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs, typically due to prolonged inactivity. While traditionally associated with older adults or long-distance travelers, DVT is becoming increasingly common among gamers, a demographic known for spending significant periods sitting. Market research shows that in 2020, a staggering 75% of people in the US played video games regularly, averaging a hefty 14 hours per week. This translates to a concerning amount of sedentary time, which research suggests disrupts healthy blood flow and contributes to various health complications. In fact, sitting has been dubbed the "new smoking" due to its detrimental impact on health.

Beyond Sitting: The Physiological Stress Response

The threat posed by DVT for gamers goes beyond mere inactivity. Gaming sessions often involve intense mental focus and strategic thinking, activating the sympathetic nervous system. This "fight-or-flight" response elevates heart rate and blood pressure, further stressing the circulatory system. Combined with minimal physical movement, this physiological response can increase the production of clotting factors, making blood more likely to clot.

Taking Control: Strategies for Healthy Gaming

Fortunately, there's good news for gamers! Recent research published in the prestigious American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology identified simple solutions to combat the risk of DVT during gaming sessions. The study focused on college-aged esports players with extensive gaming experience. These dedicated gamers participated in three separate two-hour gaming sessions:

  • Session 1: Uninterrupted Sitting: Participants played the entire session without breaks.
  • Session 2: Walking Breaks: Participants stood up and walked around for six minutes after one hour of gameplay.
  • Session 3: Compression Socks: Participants wore knee-high compression socks designed to improve blood flow while playing.

The Power of Movement: Walking Breaks Reign Supreme

Considering that many gaming sessions extend beyond two hours, the research team strategically incorporated a walking break after one hour to reflect the reality of grabbing a snack or using the restroom. The results were clear: both the walking breaks and compression socks improved blood flow compared to uninterrupted sitting. Interestingly, walking breaks yielded the most significant improvement.

Embrace the Break, Enhance the Game?

Beyond the scientific evidence, the study also gauged the gamers' subjective experiences. A staggering 78% of participants reported enjoying the walking breaks, with over half believing it even improved their gameplay! When it comes to compression socks, nearly 90% expressed a positive experience and a willingness to wear them during future gaming sessions.

Individual Differences: Tailoring Your Approach to DVT Prevention

While walking breaks and compression socks are effective strategies, it's important to remember that susceptibility to DVT can vary depending on individual factors. Here's why:

  • Age: Younger individuals generally have a lower risk of DVT compared to older adults. However, age shouldn't be a reason for complacency. DVT can occur at any age, especially when combined with other risk factors.
  • Weight: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of DVT due to increased pressure on blood vessels in the legs. Maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise can significantly reduce this risk.
  • Underlying Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and chronic inflammatory diseases, can increase the risk of blood clots. If you have any pre-existing health concerns, consult your doctor to discuss additional preventative measures for DVT.

Understanding your personal risk profile empowers you to tailor your approach to DVT prevention. If you have concerns or underlying conditions, it's always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Beyond Breaks: Optimizing Your Gaming Environment

In addition to incorporating walking breaks, here are some additional tips for promoting healthy blood flow and preventing DVT while gaming:

  • Hydration is Key: Dehydration can thicken blood and make it more prone to clotting. Aim to stay hydrated throughout your gaming session by keeping a reusable water bottle within reach and sipping regularly.
  • Stretch It Out: Short stretches can significantly improve circulation during those short walking breaks. Consider basic leg stretches like heel raises, calf stretches, and ankle rotations to keep blood flowing and prevent stiffness. These simple movements can be done right at your gaming station, taking minimal time away from your game.
  • Ergonomics Matter: Maintaining good posture and a comfortable gaming setup can go a long way in preventing discomfort and promoting blood flow. Invest in a supportive chair with adjustable features, ensuring proper lumbar support and armrests to maintain good posture. Additionally, position your monitor at an appropriate height to avoid neck strain caused by looking down for extended periods.

By incorporating these additional practices alongside walking breaks, you can create a more holistic approach to preventing DVT while enjoying your gaming sessions. Remember, taking care of your health doesn't have to mean sacrificing your love for the game. A few simple tweaks to your routine can make a big difference, allowing you to play for longer and perform at your peak.


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suren arju

Hi there! I'm Suren, your startup guide. Entrepreneur, writer, dreamer - I share insights, tips & stories to fuel your startup journey. Ready to explore, learn & win together? Join me & let's redefine how we launch, learn & leap!

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 8 days ago

    Great work! Fantastic 😊

SAWritten by suren arju

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