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Do These Three Things Often, and You Will Be Amazing

A person with a deep thought process has amazing character with great achievements.

By Coffee TimesPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Source: quotefancy.com

The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras said: “Consider before acting, to avoid foolishness: It is the worthless man who speaks and acts thoughtlessly.”

Think before you act, so as not to do stupid things. Because sloppy actions and words are the characteristics of a worthless man.

The motivation for every action actually comes from the inner workings of the mind. Only when people know how to think can they avoid making mistakes.

You know, one mistake can turn into eternal regret, and such things happen in real life from time to time.

Source: AZ Quotes

Here is an interesting quote from Pascal, he said: “Man is but a reed, the most fragile thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed.”

In reality, many people live not with thoughts, but with instincts.

Therefore, when they encounter problems in life, in relationships, or even at work, they will go with their instincts, which often result in the wrong, inefficient, or even repeated mistakes to deal with problems.

As a result, not only did it offend people, but they also fall into certain distress, just like being stuck in a quagmire and unable to extricate themself. If you want to have a more balanced thought process and be able to improve the efficiency and transparency of your analytical ability. You will need to deepen the depths of your thoughts.

If so, do these three things often and it will create a positive impact on improving the depth of your thinking.

1: Learn to give up at the right time

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“People who don’t know how to give up at the right time are actually people who don’t understand life.”

Understand that it is impossible for each of us to win at all times in our life. Just as not all desires can be satisfied, this is both unrealistic and irrational. People who know contentment and at the same time are willing to make the extra efforts, their behaviour will get more disciplined and their lives will also get better in the process.

Pursuit is a kind of confidence, and knowing when to admit failure is also a kind of confidence.

Many people think that only those who maintain a kind of unwillingness to give in, will not compromise, grit their teeth regardless of everything and persevere to the end can be considered as self-confidence.

But in fact, it takes courage for a person to recognize his failure, return to reason, and make a moderate bend, compromise, or even give up. This kind of courage is also another kind of confidence.

In the end, true confidence needs to be supported by thinking. This kind of thinking can only be acquired after some experience before the person become more open.

In this world when people are becoming impetuous, what kind of attitude should we use to face such a society?

It is indeed a question that each of us needs to think deeply about. People who haven’t thought about it, or people who think relatively shallowly, will blindly spend huge mental, material, financial, and energy on some illusory pursuits.

When you find that your investment and sacrifices are completely out of proportion to what you get in returns, you are more likely to feel a deep sense of loss, disappointment and despair.

It could be time to remind yourself to adjust your life direction, persevere if it is needed, and give up when it warrants.

Understanding give and take, learning to give up at the right time, and dealing with problems rationally are the yardsticks that demonstrate a person’s quality.

2: Learn to think from other angles

Source: Unsplash

People who can regularly think from other angles tend to grow faster.

People can only experience and recognize problems from each other’s perspectives by overcoming their egos. Only by establishing a common understanding with each other, can you flexibly switch your thinking perspective, and ultimately make communication more effective. And when you do need help, it will also be easier and your efforts will not be wasted.

When things are going smoothly, it is difficult to find any problems, but when people are inserted into the equations, problems will emerge one after another. Everyone has cognitive blind spots, even the best people are no exception. Only when people realize their own shortcomings can they know how to deal with their own weaknesses.

People who can think from another angle won’t get into any friction or conflict when dealing with others. Because people with this quality, love to explore and make new and interesting discoveries that may turn out to be valuable.

Warren Buffett once said: “Benjamin Graham taught me to buy cheap stocks, Charlie Munger changed my mind. This is the real impact Charlie has on me, and it took a great force to move me out of Graham’s theory of limitations, and Charlie Munger’s mind was that force, and he broadened my horizons. “

Charlie Munger hopes that Buffett can consider some issues from multiple perspectives, rather than blindly respecting a certain theory or clinging to certain ideas. Consider problems from multiple perspectives, and then know how to think from another angle. Many times, it is obvious that there are some problems that make people feel helpless and even feel helpless, but because they switched their thinking perspective, they are suddenly enlightened.

Anyone who has a certain understanding of Charlie Munger will know that this person has a wide range of interests and maintains a strong interest in many fields such as science and technology. At the same time, his interest is not superficial and shallow, he will take action to carry out research, and strive to integrate and form his own unique Munger ideological system. Only when you get to know more professionals and have more contacts, can your thoughts bloom bigger flowers.

3: Learn to review your memory

By Jay Wennington on Unsplash

Just as a goldfish’s memory lasts only seven seconds, each of us can forget quickly if not strengthened. The Ebbinghaus forgetting curve theory states that people’s memory has the following four processes: encode, store, recognition, recall.

When we perceive something we begin to create a memory, but if this memory is not deliberately reviewed and consciously conserved, then we will find it hard to retrieve and recall, even if we manage to get some recollection, this memory would be vague and confusing.

Only through regular reviews, will we continue to strengthen the process of “recognition”, just like when we suddenly remember a thought, it will continue to strengthen and come back.

So when we increase the repetition and review in conjunction with the feelings from our movement, vision, and hearing, we can improve our memory.

Not limited to thinking, but also in recalling with the ability to fill in missing memory gaps with analytical details that will make your thought process more profound. It is true that a person with a deep-thinking process not only has a strong personality but also an amazing character with great achievements.


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Coffee Times

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