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Diabetes - Understanding the Implications on Your Health and How to Manage It

Diabetes can cause various physical and psychological issues and severe health problems.

By GS GroupPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Diabetes is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition that can affect anyone at any age. Diabetes can cause various physical and psychological issues and severe health problems. It is essential to understand the implications of diabetes on your health and how to manage it effectively to reduce the risk of developing complications associated with it. With the right lifestyle changes, medical guidance, and facilitations, GS Medical College and Hospital help its patients gain the proper knowledge about diabetes and provide advice from health professionals so one can live a healthy and fulfilling life with diabetes. This article will provide the following:

• An overview of diabetes.

• Its implications on your health.

• The importance of effective management so as to reduce the risk of developing complications.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when your pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to regulate the amount of glucose in your blood. Typically, when you eat, glucose (sugar) is released into the bloodstream. This amount of glucose in your blood is kept at an average level by insulin, which acts like a key to open cells and allows glucose to be used for energy. If you have diabetes, either your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or your body is unable to use the insulin your pancreas usually produces. This causes glucose to build up in your blood instead of entering your cells. Too much glucose in your blood is known as hyperglycemia and can be dangerous if left untreated.

As a Top Private Medical Colleges in UP, and understanding how essential the treatment and cure of diabetes care in your daily life are, GS Medical College and Hospital developed its endocrinology department for patients in Uttar Pradesh and India. The presence of an endocrinology lab in the broader area of the hospital carrying out more than 30 chemical/hormone/antibody measures is being planned and under development for outstanding patient care and centred practice of medicine.

Diabetes and its types:

There are two significant categories of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. While type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood and type 2 in adulthood, a growing number of children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Insulin production in people with type 1 diabetes is insufficient for the body to manage its sugar level. While in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas process insulin in the body, but the cells do not respond to it as they should. The two types of diabetes often occur together, known as type 2 diabetes with concurrent type 1 diabetes. Types of diabetes are further broken down into different subtypes of diabetes, including -

• Gestational diabetes: This type of diabetes only affects pregnant women and goes away after the baby is born.

• Irregular/impaired glucose tolerance (IGT): This is when your blood glucose levels are above normal after eating but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

• Other types of diabetes: This includes other conditions that may cause high blood glucose levels, such as cystic fibrosis, Cushing's syndrome, hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, and pancreatic disease.

The team of specialized doctors and faculty members at GS Medical College and Hospital regularly run patient education programs and outdoor camps to detect Diabetes mellitus, secondary hypertension, goitre, and the growth of other endocrine disorders, making it stand out as a group that is amongst the Top Medical Colleges in UP.

Causes of diabetes:

The exact causes of diabetes are not yet understood. In type 1 diabetes, the patient's pancreas does not produce enough insulin due to an autoimmune response that destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas may produce insulin, but the cells in the body cannot use that insulin effectively.

The following are potential causes of diabetes: -

• Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing diabetes. Weight plays an important role there. The more you are overweight, the more likely you are to develop diabetes.

• Being over 45: Diabetes is more common in people aged 45 and older, particularly those with a family history of diabetes.

• Having a high-risk ethnic group: Certain ethnic groups, such as South Asians, African-Caribbeans, and Pacific Islanders, are more likely to develop diabetes.

• Having a family history of diabetes: If your parents or siblings have diabetes, you are more likely to develop diabetes.

• Having a high-sugar diet: Consuming a diet high in sugar can increase your risk of developing diabetes.

• Having high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Symptoms of Diabetes:

The symptoms of diabetes can be vague and often go unnoticed by people, particularly in the early stages. Early detection and management of diabetes are essential to prevent the development of complications associated with diabetes; thus, the medical faculty at GS Medical College and Hospital is actively involved in both clinical and laboratory research to provide students with a platform for future investigators of endocrinology and has been awarded as the Top 10 Medical Colleges in UP.

The following are common symptoms associated with diabetes: -

• Being excessively thirsty: The body cannot absorb the average amount of water from food, which results in increased urination and fluid loss. This can be accompanied by frequent urination.

• Feeling tired and experiencing unexplained weight loss or unexplained weight gain.

• Increased need to go to the bathroom, specifically at night. This is due to the body trying to protect itself from dangerously high blood glucose levels by excreting the glucose in the urine.

• Frequent infections: Diabetes can affect the immune system and make you more prone to infections.

• Wounds are healing slowly, and infections of cuts and sores.

Complications of Diabetes:

The Advanced Diabetes Centre at GS Medical College and Hospital is well-equipped with a trained and skilled workforce. The advanced Diabetes endocrinology unit here is "state of the art" with highly sophisticated equipment and infrastructure for taking care of their in and outpatients with all types of diabetes and its complications; the organization succeeds in the mission of being listed in the Top Medical Colleges in Ghaziabad.

The complications that can arise due to diabetes can be both physical and psychological. The following are the most common complications associated with diabetes:

• High blood pressure: High blood sugar can cause the blood vessels to narrow, thus, the blood to become thicker, increasing blood pressure.

• Heart disease: High blood pressure and thickening of the blood can increase the risk of developing heart disease.

• Eye problems: Diabetes can lead to complications such as blurred vision and diabetic retinopathy.

• Foot problems: Wounds affecting the foot are more likely to become infected.

• Skin infections: Infections, such as impetigo, can be more likely to occur.

• Dental problems: Diabetes can affect the gums and make them more likely to bleed easily, which can cause teeth to fall out.

Diagnosis of Diabetes:

Diabetes is diagnosed through a medical assessment of your symptoms and medical history. The following tests may be recommended:

• Blood test to measure your blood glucose levels.

• Blood test to measure your blood sugar.

• Blood test to measure your cholesterol.

• Blood test to measure your blood pressure.

• Urine test to check for protein.

• An eye examination and

• A foot examination.

Treatment of Diabetes:

Although there is currently no cure for diabetes, it can be managed effectively using a healthy diet and lifestyle and by regularly monitoring and testing blood glucose levels. The treatment of diabetes is often referred to as diabetes management or diabetes self-management. It is essential to understand how diabetes affects your body so that you can implement effective management strategies to reduce the risk of developing associated complications.

• Diet and nutrition: An effective way to manage diabetes is following a healthy diet tailored to your needs. A healthy diet will contain appropriate portions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and may also include some essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and calcium.

• Exercise: Regular physical activity, such as aerobic exercise, can help to regulate blood glucose levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve heart health. Talking to your doctor before starting an exercise program is crucial, as people with diabetes may be at increased risk of developing complications.

• Medications: A range of medicines can be used to manage diabetes, including pills to help regulate blood glucose levels, insulin, or other inject able medications.

• Monitoring and testing: Regularly monitoring your blood glucose levels is essential to identify rising or low blood glucose levels. It is important to test regularly to determine changes in your blood glucose levels so they can be effectively managed.

Lifestyle changes for Managing Diabetes:

Diabetes is a long-term condition requiring regular monitoring and lifestyle changes to manage effectively. GS Medical College and Hospital being among the Top Medical Colleges in Meerut, emphasizes the following essential lifestyle changes that can help manage diabetes:

• Eat a balanced diet: A balanced diet provides all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs. A diet for managing diabetes may differ from a diet for someone without the condition.

• Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep promotes a healthy immune system and can help reduce the risk of diabetes.

• Be mindful of stress: High-stress levels can affect your blood glucose levels and make maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program more difficult.

• Stay hydrated: Being hydrated can help control blood glucose levels.

• Manage any concurrent conditions: Be mindful of any other conditions you may have and how they can be affected by diabetes.

Diet and Nutrition for Diabetes:

A healthy diet is a crucial aspect of diabetes management. Proteins, leafy vegetables, whole-grain seeds, nuts, and fruits for snacks are essential to a healthy diet for people with diabetes. Though Carbohydrates are your body's primary source of energy and are found in all foods we eat, such as grains, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables, people with diabetes must carefully monitor their intake and portion sizes as, when consumed in large amounts, they can lead to the over-production of glucose in the blood.

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About the Creator

GS Group

Best/Top Private Medical College in UP, Delhi, Ghaziabad, Hapur, Pilkhuwa, Meerut - GS Medical College is one of the best growing campus in the country providing Medical Education. For more info visit us: https://gsmedicalcollege.in/

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