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Daily Tarot Reading 08212019

What's important today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Page of Wands

What should I know about today?

Picking the Page of Wands in this position suggests you may be turning your back on new opportunities today. Perhaps you are unsure whether it is the right time to take on new challenges or maybe you doubt that you are up to the task. Think about what you are saying consciously and subconsciously which may be stopping you from taking risks and trying out new things. The Page of Wands asks that you try to be a little more positive at this time, so practice saying yes in your life as much as you can.

Closing down opportunities

The Page of Wands is an adventurer. He announces "Count me in!" to the world and believes in his ability to change things when he makes that commitment. Sometimes it is easier for us to say no to life than to say yes. Sometimes it is even easier to say nothing at all and simply run away. Saying yes and saying no are both contagious. We all have the power to bring ourselves and others 'up' or 'down,' and all of us constantly face this choice every day. This card asks you to say 'yes' to life and see what amazing effects this little word can have.

Four of Wands

How should I approach this day?

This card asks you to take pleasure in your creativity and to take advantage of the chances to engage in new and exciting ventures and activities. To do this, you will need to break free of any restrictive patterns of negative thought, whilst still being alert to your common-sense. Try to differentiate between voices of caution and voices which hold you back unnecessarily. This will help to make you feel more positive and hopeful about life. You would be wise to take advantage of your exuberant energy while you have it, harnessing it for your positive pursuits.

Take pleasure in new ventures

The Four of Wands is the card of the excited little child, exploding with enthusiasm and the simple joy of being alive. It is a card heralding new ventures and new beginnings in our lives. It represents the chance we have to let go of our limitations and allow new doors to open for our enterprising spirit to flourish. We can, however, be swept away on this tidal wave of delight and do not always remember to balance our excitement with the more cautionary voices inside us, which are important for keeping stability in our lives.

Two of Coins

What is the true potential of this day?

Receiving the Two of Coins in this position suggests things will become much easier for you to handle today. You should be able to juggle all demands placed upon you with high spirits and even a sense of pleasure and gratitude. All tasks you need to take on will be free of any feeling of burden and difficulty and you will be able to lighten up and take it all in your stride.

Greater flow ahead

The Two of Coins is the card which represents going with the flow. It is that feeling of ease we experience when we take on something and do it so well it feels like we're sailing. We're not trying to push the river but are flowing with it. Yet the fact that there are two coins suggests that we can take on more than one task at a time and are able to keep many plates in the air. Being in this flow state and being able to juggle our tasks easily and effortlessly makes us feel we are in tune with the unfolding process of life.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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