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Coronavirus Outbreak could have been avoided

How it could of been avoided

By TechNOGeek ReviewsPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Right when the epidemic became a pandemic

We should have closed the borders when we saw the signs and the numbers were rising in Wuhan China. So it can be contained to one area and handled by experts of doctors and epidemic research specialist.

We should have had put more security into the airports the moment it became an epidemic and regulated the people that could come in or out of the country. We should of took advantage of the high tech era were in to avoid the pandemic.

Had we learned anything from histories like the Spanish flu or the black plague we could have avoided it. Instead, we made the same mistakes as our ancestors and put more value over politics and reserves over people's lives. The same mistake our ancestors made of valuing comfort and not taking it seriously lead to the storm we are in right now.

All we can do is stay at home. Stay indoors wear masks when outside. Wash our hands as much as possible and keep a safe distance from people. The safety of being indoors is what will lead to us surviving if we go outside without taking precautions we put ourselves and others at risk. I know these chaotic times were not what we were expecting 2020 to go. We Must adapt with times. I know it sucks and I feel it too but we are going be put through hardship this decade and we must keep on pushing forward through that hardship.

Our hope right now is in doctors . May they save the old and young alike . As they work hard to find a permanent fix vaccine be it a few months to a few years to 8 at the most only time will tell.All we know is 2020 is going be rought decade to remember for the history books . We must be cautious and per cautious for the survival of our generation and future generations and if we catch it mildly we mustn’t go near our older relatives not to put them at risk .

Pray to whatever figure you believe in be it Catholicm , Buddhism, Hinduism or spirituality or comic characters or Kanye . These are troubling times . We must be prepared for the worse . Right now we are at the calm before the storm . The numbers are small but they will rise especially since its global and we haven’t seen international blunder like this in ages . Stay indoors wear masks outside. Clean your hands a lit bulk in food and toiletries because we are going be in for in shitstorm these next few months . We think it’s bad now but this is only calm before the storm if history has taught us anything. Stay safe and may you survive this pandemic.

These are hard times. We felt the hardships of the time before the pandemic but with the epidemic becoming a worldwide united nation and health issue mixed with faulty in government. It is a crisis that is felt worldwide that puts us all at risk. We are living at a time similar to our ancestors it sucks but there is nothing we can do about it except trying to ensure our own safety and others close to us.

This issue puts us all at risk The tragic ironic part of the whole ordeal is it could have been avoided but wasn't due to the politics of the time. We cared so much about bringing more and more people in that we lose care for our safety. We also didn't see the writing on the wall until it came knocking at our doorstep. We ignored the problem which has to lead us here to the present problems that both our government and doctors won't be able to handle. Our wanting to look good, pure and altruistic lead to our downfall. We thought if we ignored it the problem would just go away but history has taught us that it is not how these deadly viruses work.

I might add that racism will not fix this issue nor has it ever. Yes, the virus originated in China but it is not Chinese people's fault so please leave them alone. A lot of them are in the same boat as you or me just trying to survive this global catastrophe. The person responsible for this outbreak is the person who ate a bat without reading the warning label of eating bats does to the human race. .That one person and our government all governments for keeping air travel going despite knowing coronavirus killing people it is on them but not Chinese people. Be responsible and stay safe.


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