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Cord Cutting Meditation

Mirror Dragon

By Victoria LaPointePublished 5 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Victoria LaPointe

Cord Cutting Meditation

Victoria LaPointe

Mirror Dragon

The purpose of this exercise is to get you to a place where you can recognize what you feel like withOUT the woven energy of others we carry with us and interact with all the time. Once you recognize what your Self feels like, you can tell which feelings, emotions, and physical pain is yours, and which is not. Empathic people have a tendency to own energy that doesn’t belong to them. I think it’s important to be able to tell the difference.

Get comfortable in your physical space. Find a position where you feel physically supported and can relax your muscles. This can be sitting in a chair, lying on a bed or mat, sitting on a meditation cushion, or even at the beach, or in a forest, or a field, or a place in nature that feels nurturing and comforting. Do keep in mind it's important to be able to do this meditation, and any deeper meditation really, somewhere you won't be interrupted. It can be very disorienting to come out of a meditation too quickly. When you feel settled, begin your meditation by taking three deep, cleansing breaths. Breathe in deeply through your nose, filling your lungs down to your diaphragm, and as far up as your sinuses. With each breath in, visualize light and clarity filling your body, and with each exhale, release stress, anxiety, frustration, or confusion, whatever might be causing you tension. See it float out on your exhaled breath.

Allow your breathing to slow to a normal rhythm, and continue to feel your body relax and settle. Let any mind chatter dim to a soft, white noise in the background. Let it be like waves on the beach, shushing softly with a rhythmic cadence. If any persistent thoughts tug at your attention, cast them into an incoming wave, and then see them slide back out to sea. Be assured that any details in your life you feel the need to keep mindful of will be there when you get back, so you can let them float away for now.

When you feel centered and calm, with any chatter consigned to its own quiet space, begin to imagine that you’re in a beautiful place. You’re comfortable, and warm and relaxed, and you feel safe. Notice the inner landscape around you. Are you in a verdant forest, on a warm beach, in a wide field, on a ship gently rocking on the sea, on a snow capped mountain or a warm sandy desert? Take time to open your senses and experience all the aspects of this beautiful place. Feel the soft, warm breeze or the cleansing puff of a cool wind, notice any scents. Are there flowers or fir trees or a salty tang? What do you hear? Birds, waves, animals, leaves, music? Notice how this place feels on your skin, warm, cool, soft, solid?

Continue noticing the area around you until you feel that this is a perfect, safe place to release attachments.

Once you’re centered and comfortable, begin to notice energy cords attached to your body. They will come in many forms. Some will seem like gossamer threads or colored ribbons or chains, spider silk, light beams, razor wire, sound streams, ectoplasm, yarn, thread and so on. Get a good clear sense of them. Are they heavy or light, do they chafe or caress, hinder or support? Spend some time with the feeling of each form energy attached to you.

As you’re getting a sense of what that connective energy feels like begin to notice who is attached to you. If you find a bright pink ribbon, who is at the other end? Has someone chained themselves to you with heavy links? Take the time to discover who is connected with you and with what material.

Once you have a sense of who is attached and with what, notice where on your body the energy fixes itself. Are the beautiful, gossamer threads leading to your heart or your head? Is there a rough rope holding your ankles? Is there a coiled serpent resting on your head or a soft presence pressing between your shoulders? Again, spend some time getting familiar with who’s holding you, with what and where. Let yourself feel the weight of it, and the ways in which it affects you.

With the sense of attachment clear and real in your mind, you’re going to create a tool to cut through all the connections. Try not to worry about letting go of the people you love and respect. Those connections will reestablish themselves naturally and easily. Make a tool that you know will work on all the energy. It can be anything… A scythe, an axe, a giant pair of scissors, a light saber, a pulse of sound, a chainsaw, a cutting torch or a magic sword (I find Excalibur works really well).

When the cutting is done spend some time getting familiar with You. Unattached, unencumbered and floating completely free. Get reacquainted with your inner beauty, wisdom, compassion and light. Welcome the light being that is You and gently enfold them into your physical being.

Finally try to spend as much time as you can soaking up the feeling of how sweet it is to be reunited with all the perfection that is you.

When you’re ready, begin to slowly bring your consciousness back into your physical being. Take some deep breaths, start moving your fingers, hands, ankles, and elbows, and gently bring yourself back into your physical surroundings.

I find it useful to create some representation of the experience of this meditation. Write down what you experienced or draw it out or find a symbol to remind you of the vibrance and beauty you are at the center of the web of energy we all carry. It can also be quite beneficial to find a way to physically release the energy you’ve cleared especially those attachments you choose to have permanently removed. I often do this meditation in the bath and see the old energy flowing down the drain with the water. It’s also effective to write down the connections you wish to get rid of and burn the paper, or write them on a stone (in non toxic pen, of course) and throw them in the sea or bury them in the earth.

Go forward clear and with a deeper understanding of the calm within the storm.


About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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