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Cleaning Negative Energy from Your Home and Body

Doctor Long from Butler TN tells us how

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

A cleansed and energized room should feel light, fresh, and inviting when you enter. It'll uplift your spirits and make you feel good. It’s easy to notice when bad vibes linger in your home. Negative energy from arguments, stress or illness can accumulate in spaces such as living rooms, kitchens and dens. Your home can be clean and organized but still have a heavy feeling. Negative energy is a very real thing and it can drag you down and make you feel sluggish and drained.

I have read about this theory many times so I decided to ask some professionals about it. My family doctor here in Jellico agreed that negative energy is in fact a very real thing. You won't learn about it in any medical book but it's real. Negative energy can make your home feel heavy and eventually start having some real effects on you. You might find yourself feeling sluggish and lazy. You may feel a loss of interest in things that you enjoy. Maybe you're sleeping more than usual. Headaches, depression and loss of appetite can also come from negative energy.

Have you ever been sitting around in your house and notice that you just aren't feeling up to par. Then you step outside, take a few fresh breaths and almost instantly feel better? You're house may be full of negative energy.

Doctor Long from Butler, TN tells us that negative energy has affected more people in the last year, during the COVID pandemic.

"Most people don't even know that they're being affected by negative energy. We can't see it so we don't consider it but it's real and it's affecting so many people. It's so easy to clean out negative energy from your home and from your body. Once you do these simple things, you'll begin to feel so much better. Your home will feel lighter and happier. You'll start feeling better and your over-all emotional state will feel so much better."

Clear out negativity in your home.

Open all of the windows in your house for at least ten minutes. Let the new, fresh air in and let the old air out. Do this once often, all year around. You will be surprised at how much happier and healthier your home will feel after doing this.

Scent therapy

The use of scent to improve health and well-being has been around for thousands of years.

The sense of smell may be the least understood of all our basic senses. However, we do understand some things about it very well, and one of those things is its ability to evoke powerful memories and emotions. The faintest hint of a smell can transport us to a time, place, person, or event we miss, such as a holiday, relationship, trip, or special experience. Dabbing different scents on cotton balls and placing around your home can have a big effect.

Citrus: Just about every member of the citrus family can brighten your mood with its invigorating and fresh scent, including orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, and bergamot.

Lemon: Lemon deserves a special mention because among the citrus scents, it is particularly effective at producing calm, clear, cheerful feelings and reducing anxiety.

Rosemary and cinnamon: Both scents are not only delightful to smell but can also increase energy and improve mental focus.

Peppermint: Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils and is known to be very uplifting, invigorating the mind and boosting energy levels. It also promotes better concentration and clearer thinking.

Jasmine: This floral aroma can bring about feelings of optimism, confidence, and renewed energy.

Lavender: Lavender is a well-loved aroma for its unique ability to both calm and uplift. Its ability to reduce stress is what’s behind the calm and joyful mood it produces in you.

Eucalyptus: Banishing brain fog to detoxifying the air in your home.

Bring fresh flowers inside and place them in the heart of your home. Most commonly this is the kitchen or living room. Which ever place you and your family spend the most time together. If it's winter and you can't pick your own fresh flowers, bring some home from the grocery store. Flowers absorb the air in your home, therefore they also collect negative energy. There are also several house plants that can help clear out negative energy and some of them have been proven by NASA.

Peace Lily - Proven by NASA.

Negative energy may seem to lurk in shady spots in your home, areas the rays of the sun never touch. The peace lily is the perfect plant for clearing out the heavy air since it thrives in low-light areas. With its large, vivid green leaves and shining white blooms, peace lilies calm your spirit just by their presence, and, in feng shui, they are believed to clear out fear and negativity. Part of this air cleaning has been proven scientifically, since NASA established that these plants absorb environmental toxins like mold spores and chemical vapors, and can improve air quality by up to 60%.

Jade Plant - Positive energy and activate financial luck

Any sluggish energy in your home can weigh you down by reducing confidence, enthusiasm, and persistence. If that's your situation, Dr Long recommends a money plant to clear away the negativity and open new doors to prosperity. One plant assigned that role is the jade plant. A happy-go-lucky succulent with leaves shaped like coins. It is believed to generate positive energy and activate financial luck, and a healthy, vibrant jade plant certainly has a generous, abundant look that fits with this reputation.

Golden Pothos - Also on NASA's list

If what you need is powerful, clean energy cascading into a negative living space, golden pothos might be a perfect candidate. According to Dr. Long, this trailing vine with pointed, heart-shaped leaves produces a positive energy flow that cleans out bad juju and brings strong life energy into dead zones. It is recommended to place pothos, in front of a sharp corner to reduce negative thoughts. Pothos is also on NASA's list of plants that purify indoor air by removing chemicals like formaldehyde, trichloroethene, toluene, xylene, and benzene.

White Candles

Burning unscented white candles can invite white light and new energy into your home. The soft glow just makes you feel better by lightening your mood.

Wash it all alway

Dr. Long also suggests that taking showers at the end of the day is one of the most positive ways to clean off negative energy. Step into the shower with the mind-set that you're about to wash away all of the negative energy. Let the water wash over your entire body, envision that everything bad and negative is swirling away down the drain. Take deep breathes in and out and visualize the negativity leaving your body. Having a Lavender scent in the shower will help calm and relax you.

Trees will protect you

Dr. Long also suggests that planting Cypress, Dogwood, Cherry, Japanese Umbrella Pines and Crabapple trees around your home will soak up negative energy. For thousands of years people have planted these trees in belief that they ward off negativity around the home.

It's a new year and we've all had our share of stress, sorrow and negativity in the past year. Why not try some of these methods given to us by Dr. Long and chase away some of that negative energy.


About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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